module 3Please respond to the questions below in 3 separate posts. Remember that you must post to the DB 3 times. You may post to all 3 questions or post to one question (at least 100 words) and then post to 2 of your class mates.If an offer has been made and the response is silence, how can that silence constitute an agreement in a contract? Under what circumstances would the judge think that your silence would mean that you agreed to the contract?What kind of contracts have you entered into?For your third post, please discuss something you learned in the text book that was interesting or surprised you. If you have other class mates, you may post to one of their posts for your third post.module 4Please answer these questions in 3 separate posts. Remember that you must post to the DB 3 times. You may post to all 3 questions or post to one question (at least 100 words) and then post to 2 of your class mates.This week you learned about the statute of frauds. What does that mean? Name at least 3 examples (from your personal life or someone you know or someone in the news of times when a contract would be required under the statute of frauds.What test is used to apply the statute of frauds to contracts that take more than a year to perform?Do you currently volunteer for any organizations? Did they have a contract or did you have to undergo a background check? Do you think that there are any unwritten agreements between you and the organization?