MODULE 2 DISS1. Kahn Academy is a website that provides free videos, instruction, and practice for a variety of topics, including math. I want you to read a little more about this website, then use it to find a video or practice exercises that would help you with this weekâs”> the link that you find, and tell me your thoughts on this website. Do you think this will be a resource that you will use in future Modules?2. Think of a problem in your life or area of study that you could use an equation or inequality to find the solution. Describe this problem and state whether you typically write the equation down to solve it or if you usually solve it in your mind using short cuts.Do you ever solve equations (like the ones in the homework) by just guessing? What’s the upside to solving an equation by guessing? What’s the downside?MODULE 3This is the required discussion board. Remember, there is a 3 post minimum in the discussions.Do the variables of a polynomial ever have negative exponents? What is the smallest exponent that a variable can have in a polynomial?Find two applications of polynomials in the real world. Are polynomials used in your area of study?