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ACT 640 Cost Accounting Assignment – Variance Analysis
July 10, 2018
BUS 311 Focus of the Final Paper – You are the manager of Acme Fireworks
July 10, 2018

Unit 1: Unit 1: Introduction to Business Strategy – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271876&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsBusiness Strategy.kaplan.edu/business/MT499/Unit_1/index.html”>Watch the case study here of Susan and her friends Frank & Jimmy. (view the .kaplan.edu/business/MT499/Unit_1/MT499%201204A%20Unit%201%20Discussion%20Video%20Script.pdf”>case study script)After you watch the case study, please answer the questions:What critical errors do you see in the initial planning phase of the Clean-Air Carpet Cleaning Company?What
economic factors do you think Susan, Frank, and Jimmy should have
included in their plans for the Clean-Air Carpet Cleaning Company?What operational improvements would you have suggested for the Clean-Air Carpet Cleaning Company?What do you think were the main factors contributing to the failure of the Clean-Air Carpet Cleaning Company?UNIT 2Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsDiscussion Topic: OperationsThe concept of best practices is simple: Do not recreate the wheel.For
this week’s Discussion, please research and find an article relating to
best practices that you find truly interesting. Find a company or
situation that created a best practice that others follow, or find a
best practice that was implemented and proved effective, efficient, and
innovative.Answer the following questions relating to the article and your own experience with best practices:Please
describe the background for the article you researched and explain why
this particular best practice scenario appealed to you. What did you
learn from the situation that you could apply to your own life?Best
practices are for not only our professional lives, but our personal
lives as well. Please describe a situation in your life that needed some
type of improvement and, after observing someone else in a similar
situation handle things differently, how you decided to implement your
own best practice. Is this best practice still effective, or have you
improved it?Unit 3: Unit 3: Marketing – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271883&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsDiscussion Topic: MarketingWe
have all seen them. Some of us love them; others wish we could live
without them – the television commercial. Companies realize that in
order to catch and hold your attention, convince you to buy their
product or use their service, they need to do this in 60 seconds or
less. Advertisers are willing to pay millions of dollars for 30 seconds
of airtime during the Super Bowl.Share with the class your
favorite or most memorable commercial or website commercial. Explain why
this particular 30 to 60 second advertisement meant so much to you.Did the advertisers accomplish their purpose?Did you buy the product or service because of this commercial?Are there products or services that you refuse to use because of advertisements you have seen?Unit 4: Unit 4: Marketing Plan/SWOT Analysis – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271885&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsDiscussion Topic: SWOT AnalysisConducting
a SWOT analysis is essential in developing a good marketing plan.
Business owners and managers must focus on the strengths and
opportunities to maximize resources and gain competitive advantages.The
strategic goal involves accomplishing these objectives while avoiding
weaknesses and threats. Please read the company profile article on
Spartan Stores®, Inc. (found in Kaplan Online Library).In this
Discussion question, briefly discuss the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) noted in the Spartan Stores, Inc.
article and discuss some areas that could be improved.Reference:SWOT Analysis. (2012). Spartan Stores, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-9. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.Unit 5: Unit 5: Information Management – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271888&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print Preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsInformation Systems in Business SettingsAs
we move farther into the information age, what factors should business
owners consider in using information technology? What are some
differences that will exist relative to the type of business? What are
some areas within organizations that could be improved using information
technology? What are some negative aspects of using information
technology, if any?Discussion checklist:Compare the organizational and procedural process needed to manage information in a:Small and medium size service organizationSmall and medium size manufacturing organizationA multinational organization (operating in multiple countries)Unit 6: Unit 6: Finance – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271891&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print Preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsFinanceIn
this discussion, please reflect on your comprehension of financial
management and knowledge gained from the media concerning financial real
world activities and events occurring in the US.What actions and behaviors of leaders and managers in corporations could influence the market value and price of stocks?In
reflecting on the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to increase
accountability through new mandatory standards, what are some possible
explanations as to why unethical conduct occurs in financial management?What
are some activities corporations can do to decrease overall unethical
practices and promote good business ethics in the organization?Unit 7: Unit 7: Cash Flow Analysis – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271893&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsCash Flow AnalysisAfter
reading Chapter 4: “Statements of Cash Flow & Analysis of Ratios,”
along with any other research conducted, please discuss why
comprehending and managing cash flow is important for financial success.Unit 8: Unit 8: Management Summary – Discussion 1 of 2.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271898&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsTopic 1 of 2High Performance TeamsIn
the 21st century, more organizations are moving to the team concept to
maximize overall organizational performance through the combined efforts
of people. The old adage, “Two heads are better than one” has proven to
be a valid statement, as organizations strive to face the many
challenges in the internal and external environments.In this
discussion question, please find an article in the Kaplan Library
relating to high performance teams. If possible, try to find an article
on high performance teams in the type of business you selected for your
business plan. Answer the following questions relating to the article
and your own experience with business teams:Please describe
the background for the article you researched and explain why this
particular best practice scenario appealed to you. What did you learn
from the article that you could apply in your business?What are
some characteristics of high performance teams? What are the strengths
and weaknesses of business teams? Please share your experiences as a
team member in either a business or non-business environment.Unit 8: Unit 8: Management Summary – Discussion 2 of 2.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271901&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsTopic 2 of 2Career PlanningWhen
you start a business you need to be able to sell yourself as well as
your business ideas and plan. In order to get yourself on the right path
to success, complete and answer the following:Visit the Kaplan Career Services by clicking .kaplan.edu/UniversityInfo/CareerResources/Index.aspx”>here.
Review career skills in the field of business and management and then
create a 1-year action plan as to what specific actions you will take
that will guide you towards realizing your ideal job.Please
include the following in your 1 year bulleted action plan: (In addition
add your 1 year action plan to your Career Portfolio)Specify the ideal job you want.Determine what skills you need to get that job.What steps you will take to obtain the additional skills you might need?What
networking avenues will you use to understand your field of interest,
obtain advice, and help you increase professional development?How would you use a mentor or coach to assist you in personal branding?In
your response to two classmates, please share your feedback as to
whatever information might assist classmates in furthering their career
action plans.Unit 9: Unit 9: Business Ethics – Discussion.next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%282c7c195b09%29%29/Main/CourseMode/Thread/ListThreadsView_V2.ed?courseItemSubID=578271903&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&TopicID=0&#” title=”Print Preview”>Scroll
down and click “Respond” to post your reply to the Discussion
questions. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading
rubric on your course syllabus. This is important information that will
ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative
and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.TopicsBusiness Ethics: Contracts with foreign businessesCurrently,
limited international laws exist in areas such as copyright/patent
protection and confidentiality of information. Labor and environmental
laws may vary significantly between the United States and many
developing countries. In addition, although all countries have laws
against bribery, there are some countries where corruption is quite
common.In this Discussion question, you are the owner of a
manufacturing company, and you are considering a contract with a
clothing manufacturer in Bangladesh. (Please keep in mind that you will
use some of this information in your ethics policy in the final
project.)Please address the following in your response:In
reflecting on the limited international laws and regulations and the
differences between the US and other countries, briefly discuss some
guidelines (principles and concepts) that you would have in your code of
conduct (ethical/social responsibility policies).Describe the ethical decision-making framework (What will shape your code?).What are expected behaviors and how will you address poor behavior?Given
the existence of regulations and laws by the United States,
international governing bodies, and global organizations, list the major
concerns and issues that you will need to be mindful of in developing a
code of conduct for working with a foreign business.ASSIGNMENTSMT499 Unit 1Assignment: Your Business DescriptionFor this four to five page project, you will identify a business that you would like to start. Eitherthis can be an actual plan for a business you have thought about starting for years, or you cancreate a hypothetical business for the purposes of this project.You will describe the vision, mission, and the type of structure your business will take. Inaddition, describe, as the leader, how you will manage the business in order to realize the visionand achieve optimal performance.Each week you will be addressing a different aspect of the business planning process. In the finalproject, you will use information gained from the weekly projects along with informationobtained through research. Each week you add to the foundation for your business plan, which isdue at the end of unit 9.Assignment checklistDetermine the type of business, vision, and missionCreate the structure and form of management applied in the businessEvaluate the roles that your structure, management, and the leadership foundation you createdwill play in the performance of the organizationUNIT 2Write a two to three page paper, double spaced that addresses the following:In
an APA formatted (sixth edition) paper, please summarize the following
article, which is an assigned reading in this unit (note: please cite
and reference per APA standards).A value and risk analysis of offshore outsourcing business models: An exploratory study. By Vishanth Weerakkody and Zahir Iranihttp://content.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/pdf23_24/pdf/2010/B95/15Jan10/49143826.pdf?T=P&P=AN&K=49143826&S=R&D=bth&EbscoContent=dGJyMMvl7ESep684xNvgOLCmr0uep69Ssqu4TLKWxWXS&ContentCustomer=dGJyMOzprkm3prVQuePfgey

UNIT 4This is a two part written project that will focus on the
marketing aspects of your start up business. Please submit as one
written assignment.Part 1:In three to four pages, address the following areas:Please describe the marketing strategy and then explain how you plan to use marketing strategies to promote your business.Include
the necessary marketing research you either have done for your business
or are planning to conduct. The costs of these items/activities should
also be itemized and included in this section of the proposal.Include ongoing costs as well as one-time fees.Part 2:In five to six pages, address the following areas:Create a marketing plan for your business. This can be an e- marketing, traditional marketing plan, or a combination of both.Discuss the benefits of market research.Include a SWOT analysis and explain the four Ps of the marketing mix in your marketing plan.UNIT 5Please watch the technology video
listed as Unit 5 Assignment video found in the Webliography tab (at the
top of your course page) before starting your assigned paper.This assignment focuses on information management.In a four to five page paper, address the following areas:Please explain how you will be utilizing technology to make your business more effective and efficient.Explore the cloud technology concept.Discuss
the importance of information technology planning and control processes
to protect confidential information and prevent major loss of
information.View the rubric below for full Assignment details.When
you are ready, you may submit your paper to the Assignment Dropbox.
*Note, include your name in the file name of the Assignment.For help using the Dropbox, click on Academic Tools above then Dropbox Guide.UNIT 7Please watch the video on cash flow listed as Unit 7
Assignment found in the Webliography tab before starting your assigned
paper.This is a two part written project that will
focus on the financial aspects of your start up business. This project
also includes the use of Excel spreadsheets containing financial data
and required reports.In part I you will create income statements, balance sheets and a break-even analysis.In part 2 you will address benefits of cash-flow analysis and create cash flow statements.View the rubric below for full assignment details.When
you are ready, you may submit your paper and Excel file on the Dropbox
page. *Note, include your name in all of your file names of the
Assignment.For help using the Dropbox, click on Academic Tools above then Dropbox Guide.UNIT 8Please watch the management video listed as Unit 8 Assignment Video found in Webliography before starting your assigned paper.This project focuses on management in your organizationIn a five to six page paper, describe the following items:Part 1: Management SummaryDescribe the management team in your business (include advisors, consultants, accountants, etc.).Describe the team concept, group dynamics, and the strengths and weaknesses of business teams.Describe management philosophy concerning communication, and organizational culture.Discuss
what leadership actions you would take to adapt your business should
the following happen in the first three years of operations:- Your manufacturer has a labor strike that may last for 6 months.- Three more competitors emerge who are now in direct competition with your company in product quality and price.- You have had to lay off half your employees and the rest are disheartened as a result.When you are ready, you may submit your paper on the Dropbox page. *Note, include your name in the file name of the assignment.Unit 10 Writing Assignment:Business Ethics Assignment & Final ProjectComplete parts 1 and 2 below (using thetemplateprovided) and follow instructions for submitting your final Business Plan byFriday 11:59 PMET before the last day in Unit 10.Part 1: Code of ConductCreate
a code of conduct policy for your business (two to three pages). This
Assignment does not have to be submitted separately, but it must be
included in the Fnal Business Plan (see Part 2).Part 2: Final Business Plan (20-40 pages including code of conduct section):Put
the following Assignment content from previous units in order to create
your Final Business Plan then submit it before the end of the unit with
at page in a Microsoft Word document in APA format.View the rubric below for full assignment details.Directions for Submitting Your Project:Put
together your Final Business Plan according to the outline from Part 2
(located in the rubric file). Make sure to include your title page and
Code of Conduct (including the Assignment Checklist items from Part 1).
Then save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that
you will remember. Make sure your project is in a Word document in APA
format. When you are ready, you may submit on the Dropbox page.

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