Week 10 Review Sheet II
EXERCISE 1 – Serodiagnosis of Infectious Disease
1. Define serum
2. What are acute
and convalescent sera? Why must both be tested to make a serological diagnosis
of infectious disease?
3. What is the
difference between an agglutination test and a precipitation test?
4. In a paired serum
sample, what test results indicate recent infection?
5. What is a humoral
EXERCISE 2 – Culturing Microorganisms from the Environment
1. Why do
microbiologists wear laboratory coats? Did you confirm that this is necessary?
2. Why is it
necessary to wear clean, protective clothing when caring for a patient?
3. Why should hair
be kept clean and out of the way when caring for patients?
4. How can the
number of microorganisms in the environment be controlled?
5. When and why is
hand washing important in patient care?
6. How can those who
care for patients avoid spreading microorganisms among them?
EXERCISE 3 – Staphylococci
1. Differentiate the microscopic morphology of
staphylococci and streptococci as seen by
Gram stain.
2. What are the two
types of staphylococcal coagulase?
3. What is protein
A? Describe one method of detecting it.
4. What properties
of S. aureus distinguish it from S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus?
5. Why are
staphylococcal infections frequent among hospital patients?
From Laboratory Manual & Workbook in Microbiology
Applications to Patient Care (9th ed.). By Josephine A. Morello, Helen Eckel
Mizer, and Paul A. Granato Copyright © 2006 The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc.
Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Page 1
BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory