Social relationships among Disabled
The post has three asignments
1:social relationships among disabled
Prompt: What are some of the reasons that people who experience the same disease or disability establish and maintain social relationships among themselves? Instructions: Write a Response of at least 500 words. Upload your response to Blackboard. In your response, please cite at least one real-life example of people who experience the same disease or disability and who have established and maintained social relationships among themselves.
2:write e-mail to canadian friend about photography competition which you take a part in
3: children/students with autism
Order Description
1)Abstract must include 2refrences .2)overview-explaining various aspects of topic including historical context /background 3)applications- how the topic is approached in the classrooms 4)issues -related to teacher , parents and social concerns,5) conclusion-suggestions for teachers and parents 6)glossary at the end 7) 10 refrences