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The Piaget's theory – RoyalCustomEssays

The Piaget's theory

Interest Groups and Democracy
September 6, 2018
Technology and culture
September 6, 2018

The Piaget’s theory

The post has two asighnments


Discuss the key processes and four stages in Piaget’s theory.
Apply Piaget’s theory to education and evaluate Piaget’s theory.

Step 1: Read Each of the Following substages.

Into which substage would you place each of the following infants? Discuss why you chose this substage.

1. Juan accidentally pushes his stuffed toy, and it makes a noise as it is squeezed. Juan laughs and does it again, and again, and again.

2. Linnea is sitting in her highchair. She holds her right arm high above her head and drops her spoon on the floor. Her mother giggles, picks it up, and hands it to her. Linnea then holds her right arm straight out from her body and drops her spoon. After her mother retrieves it, she holds her arm straight out in front of her and drops her spoon.

3. Noelle wants to go outside to play. She is carrying her cup of water in one hand and her doll (it goes everywhere with her) in the other. She realizes that she cannot push the door open because both of her hands are full. Consequently, she places her doll under her arm and uses her free hand to open the door.

4. Lionel is watching his new little sister, Sybil, sleep. He notices that her burp cloth has fallen off the changing table and is near her face. He reaches down to remove the burp cloth and in doing so, the burp cloth gently brushes Sybil’s face. Sybil turns her head towards the burp cloth and opens her mouth. In which substage would you place Sybil?

5. Kendall and her mother play a game where they touch each other’s noses and giggle. Kendall’s mother touches her nose, and then Kendall touches her mother’s nose. One time, Kendall’s mother places a handkerchief between her face and Kendall’s face. Kendall swipes the handkerchief away with one hand and touches her mother’s face with the other.

6. Isaac and his mother are playing a game of hide-and-seek. Isaac’s mother places his toy car under a pillow and Isaac giggles as he retrieves it. One time Isaac’s mother pretends to place the toy car under the pillow but instead places it under the blanket. Isaac picks up the pillow and becomes upset when he realizes that the car isn’t there.

7. Phil is just lying on his back when he manages to grasp his foot. He smiles and lets go. His mother watches as he wiggles around until he manages to grasp his foot again.

2;1.When talking about Excel, if you see a reference to C14… what is that ?

2 .What happens when you freeze the top row of an Excel spreadsheet?

3 .Describe two ways to copy a formula from one cell to the cells below or next to it?

4. If A1 holds the value of 20, and B1 holds 5, and C1 has "=(A1/B1)" what will C1 look like when your cursor is not in it?

5 . [from question 4, "If A1 holds the value of 20, and B1 holds 5, and C1 has "=(A1/B1)"…]

If you copy the formula from C1 to F1, what will the formula say? And what will the cell show?

6. again, from question4, [If A1 holds the value of 20, and B1 holds 5, and C1 has "=(A1/B1)" …]

if you copy the formula from C1 to D1, what will the formula say? Trick question: And what will the cell show?

7. If A1 holds the value of 20, B1 holds 5, C1 has 10, and D1 has "=SUM($A$1:$C$1)" what will D1 show when not editing it?

8 . from question 7, [If A1 holds the value of 20, B1 holds 5, C1 has 10, and D1 has "=SUM($A$1:$C$1)" what will D1 show when not editing it?]

If you copy that formula from D1 to F1, what will the formula say? And what will the cell show?

9.If D1 holds your first name, E1 holds your middle name, F1 holds your last name, and A1 is =CONCATENATE($F1,",",D1," ", E1), what will that show?
10. from question 9 [If D1 holds your first name, E1 holds your middle name, F1 holds your last name, and A1 is =CONCATENATE($F1,",",D1," ",E1), what will that show? ]

What would happen if you copy that formula to B1?

11.again from question 9 [If D1 holds your first name, E1 holds your middle name, F1 holds your last name, and A1 is =CONCATENATE($F1,",",D1,E1), what is the result in A1 when you commit the formula? ]

What would happen if you copied the formula to A2 and commit it?

12. again from question 9: [If D1 holds your first name, E1 holds your middle name, F1 holds your last name, and A1 is =CONCATENATE($F1,",",D1," ",E1), what will that show? ]

How could you make sure that no matter where you copied it, the result would stay the same?
13. again from question 9: [If D1 holds your first name, E1 holds your middle name, F1 holds your last name, and A1 is =CONCATENATE($F1,",",D1," ",E1), what will that show? ]

If you right-click on the Column header "E" and choose "Insert", describe what will happen.

14. What happens if you put a single quote mark at the beginning of a number in an Excel spreadsheet cell?

15. What happens if you put a single quote mark at the beginning of a formula in an Excel spreadsheet cell and commit it?

16. By default, what is the filename extension of an Excel 2013 or Excel 2016 workbook?

17. If cell A1 is 3 and cell B1 is "=IF(A1>3, "Bigger than 3", "not bigger than 3") what will display in B1 when you’re not editing it?

18. If you cut and paste a formula (rather than copy and paste it) from one cell to another, what happens to the formula?

19. What’s the largest collection of information you personally might want to store in a spreadsheet? A library of all your books, CDs, DVDs? A contact list of friends, family, etc.? A reference list of citations for a term paper? A collection list of anything like coins, stamps, bird or plant sightings? Genealogical information about your family? Your financial accounts and banking records? A list of places you’d like to visit, or a bucket list of some sort? Recipes? Exercise/work-out records?

20. From question 17, after you’ve given that some thought: what would be the columns of information you’d want to store, in your largest list? Are any of them repetitive or variable, like, in a contact list "Address 1, Address 2, Address 3"… "City 1,City 2, City 3"? Describe how you’d handle those…


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