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LDR301 Entire Course (All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments) – RoyalCustomEssays

LDR301 Entire Course (All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments)

Strayer LEG505 Week 9 Discussions
September 7, 2018
LDR301 Week 1 Individual Assignment Personality Assessment
September 7, 2018

LDR 301Small Business Leadership – Entire Course (All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments)Week 1:LDR 301 Week 1 – Individual Assignment Personality AssessmentComplete the Personality Assessment. The link for this assessment is located on your student website.Describe the outcomes of the assessment and answer the following questions in a paper no longer than 1,050 words:• What insight did you gain about your personality? Be specific.• How do you work with others?• How do you work within organizations?Explain the common leadership characteristics of entrepreneurs. Would you make a good entrepreneur based on your assessment? Include which leadership characteristics you possess. Support your answer.DQ 1:How would you define good business ethics? How would you define poor business ethics? What effect does small business ethics have on the role of an entrepreneur? Provide an example of an everyday small business ethical dilemma. Howmightyouaddressthisdilemma?DQ 2:Use your Lead Like an Entrepreneur text to review the common leadership characteristics of an entrepreneur. Which characteristic do you think is the most important for an entrepreneur to possess? Why? Defendyourpositiononthisquestion.DQ 3:What is the difference between an idea-focused entrepreneur and an opportunity-focused entrepreneur? Is one type of entrepreneur better than the other? Defend your response. Name a business person or a public figure that is an example of an idea-focused entrepreneur. Explain why.DQ 4:What is the role of an integrator type of entrepreneur in the free enterprise system? Explainyouranswerwithanexample.Week 2:Learning Team Assignment Weekly ReflectionLDR 301 Week 2 – Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma CaseReviewVideo Case 2-2 Small Business Ethics: (1) Dry Cleaning, (2) Construction in theEntrepreneurial Small Business,and the ethics video clips on your student website. Based on the video case, and with the help of your readings and video clips, answer theDiscussion Questions at the end of Video Case 2-2 in a paper not to exceed 1,050 words.DQ 1:How do you handle stress? What are some effective strategies for stress management? Which strategies do you feel would be most effective for small business entrepreneurs? Why?DQ 2:What are the small business entrepreneur competency areas? Which competency areas do you feel are most important? Defend your response with an example. DQ 3:What is the influence of time management on entrepreneurs? Which time management tactics do you think you might use the most while in school? How does this compare to a small business entrepreneur?Week 3:LDR 301 Week 3 – Learning Team Assignment Entrepreneurial Small Business Project Phase IYou are an entrepreneur. You have just purchased the Salon D’ Luce business. This includes all of the existing staff, business, and leftover issues.Resources:Salon D’ Luce Scenario and assigned weekly readingsReadthe Learning Team Scenario for details about this business.CompletePhase I of the Entrepreneurial Small Business Project. Phase II is due in Week Five.Writea 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that completes the following:• Provide an overview of the key issues for Salon D’ Luce.• Discuss the communication, time management, and stress management skills you might use as you take over this business and staff. Explain how the previous owner communicated with the staff and public. Identify how you might do things differently, including the following:o Communication skills and strategies specific to working with the staffo Communication skills and strategies specific to working with the public• Which communication skills are most important and how might they be effective? Consider nonverbal and active listening, for example.• Because you have taken on such a big venture, what skills might you use to manage and organize your time? Provide specific details about which tasks might take the most time, strategies, and so forth.• How might you manage your stress? What specific strategies might you use? Why might you use these strategies?• Identify and explain what other skills you might employ to be an effective and efficient entrepreneur and leader for this business. Keep your personality assessment and entrepreneurial leadership characteristics in mind as you answer these questions.• Identify a vision for your business. Create a vision statement and two or three goal statements. Remember to address weaknesses to set short term goals, and address the opportunities to set long term goals.• Identify two or three strategies you might use to communicate your vision for Salon D’ Luce with both stakeholders and employees.DQ 1:How do you know if your goal statement is measurable? Provide an example. Why is this important to an entrepreneur?DQ 2:Why are goal statements created? Provide an example. Are goal statements different from mission statements? How are the statements different?DQ 3:Why is it important to create an entrepreneurial vision? What effect does a vision statement have on a business and on the staff? Provide real life examples.DQ 4:Choseone of the following mission statements and create two goal statements that might help the business become more successful.Week 4:LDR 301 Week 4 -Learning Team Assignment Weekly ReflectionLDR 301 Week 4 – Individual Assignment Entrepreneurial Leader PaperWritea paper that does not exceed 1,050 words. Include thefollowing information in your paper:• Identify a famous person, politician, or businessperson.Referencing your Week One readings about the different types of entrepreneurial leaders, identify the type of leader that seems to fit with your identified person.• Support your opinion with a comparison of the different types of leaders and the characteristics of your person of choice.DQ 1:What are some tools that may be used to evaluate employee performance? How is employee performance evaluated at your job? If you don’t work, how would you evaluate your employee’s performance?DQ 2:What are some different options for compensating employees? What are some ideas for rewarding employees? Which of these compensations and rewards are most motivating for you? Why?DQ 3:What or who makes up a small business entrepreneurial team? What issues might arise within entrepreneurial teams? How do you think this team is different from other types of leadership teams?DQ 4:If you were an entrepreneur, do you think you might take control of the performance, recognition, and compensation piece, or would you have a manager or human resources representative take control? Why or why not? Explain your answer. What role might you take as the entrepreneur?Week 5:LDR 301 Week 5 -Learning Team Assignment Entrepreneurial Small Business Project Phase IIWritea paper that does not exceed 1,050 words. Include thefollowing information in your paper:• Identify a famous person, politician, or businessperson.Referencing your Week One readings about the different types of entrepreneurial leaders, identify the type of leader that seems to fit with your identified person.• Support your opinion with a comparison of the different types of leaders and the characteristics of your person of choice.DQ 1:Chose the leadership style that best describes you as an entrepreneur, such as explorer, miner, accelerator, or integrator. Based on that leadership style, how might you be able improve customer service in a small business?DQ 2:How do the different types of entrepreneur leaders, such as explorer, miner, accelerator, and integrator, approach customer service differently? Explain your answer, and provide specific examples to support your response. DQ 3:What is the role of customer service in a small business? Why is it important? Explain your answer, and provide an example.DQ 4:Customer resource management (CRM) is becoming a huge part of many businesses. What value does CRM add? What are the future technology trends in CRM?

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