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The Images of Christianity in Things Fall Apart – RoyalCustomEssays

The Images of Christianity in Things Fall Apart

Personal Philosophy Statement
September 7, 2018
Katherine Mansfield in British literary history
September 7, 2018

The Images of Christianity in Things Fall Apart

1: Discuss the Images of Christianity in Things Fall Apart

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The Bedford Anthology of World Literature Book 6: The Twentieth Century, 1900-The Present

2: “Who am I?”

You learned that each of us has an entire repertoire of self-concepts instead of just one, and that within this repertoire we attach different levels of importance to the various self-concepts. We present a self to others according to the situation we are in.

Two-part assignment. Explore your self-concept collection by completing a short exercise in which you identify words that you use to describe yourself in response to the question “Who am I”? In the second part to five questions relating to your self-reflections.

1. Part One. Fill in the blanks in the Many Me’s questionnaire at the end of this assignment. There are five dimensions of self that are covered. Report your descriptive words for each dimension the first section of your paper.
2. Part Two. Reflecting upon your sense of self, answer the following five (5) questions about your self-concepts and report these in the second section of your paper:
a. Which of these identities is the most fundamental to your sense of self?
b. To which of these identities are you most strongly committed and why?
c. How were or are other people important to developing your most important self-concepts?
d. How have your images of self changed over the last five years?
e. Have you ever had your self-concepts challenged?

1. Write an essay-style report comprised of the two parts specified above.
2. The suggested length is 400 words although you are free to write more if you find it interesting to do so;
3. Your document file must be MS Word, Word Pad or rtf;
4. Single-spacing is fine;
5. You do not need a title page although your name must appear at the top of the document;
6. Before submitting your homework, spell check it and grammar check it;
7. Submit your homework through the Week 2 drop box by Sunday of Week 2 before 11:59 PM Mountain time.

3: English forum course work

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and then complete research proposal

Peter Davidson, who edited Frost’s collection North of Boston notes: Frost “lost two children to death in early childhood, another to insanity, another to death after childbirth, and still another (after the death of [his] wife, Elinor) to suicide.” Given the personal tragedies Frost experienced, it seems inevitable that a strain of grief and bitterness would appear in his poetry.
Select one of the questions below and write a well-developed paragraph or two in response. If one of the topics below has not been selected by the time you begin to write, please use that one to answer. When you respond to your classmates, choose at least one post written in response to the topic you did not answer. Your instructor has the right to tell students that one of the questions has been answered by too many students and is now off-limits, so watch the announcements board for updates.Please use at least one supporting detail from the text in your answer.
1.Who is most sympathetic here, the husband or Amy? Defend your position using evidence from the poem.
2.What do you think the speaker means when he says: “‘Three foggy mornings and one rainy day/Will rot the best birch fence a man can build.’”(96-7)? He’s referring to something more than literal fog and rain and fence—what might it be? Based on your own experience(s), is this a fair statement? Explain.

Alfred Tennyson’s poem, “Charge of the Light Brigade,” is a poem about what has been called “either the most heroic or disastrous episodes in British military history.” It focuses on an event in the Crimean War (1853-1856), but might be applied to wartime even today. Select one of the following prompts and explain your position with support from the poem itself.
1. Defend this position: This poem glorifies war.
2. Defend this position: This poem does not glorify war.

Background: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/charge-of-the-light-brigade

1. Lord Alfred Tennyson’s, “Charge of the Light Brigade”: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/174586
2. Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro” https://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/19705

Here are topics for the research proposal :

1. What is the significance of honor in Much Ado About Nothing? How is female honor different from that of male honor? In the end, does honor do more harm or more good?

2. How do the changes made by Kenneth Branagh in his 1993 film version of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing change the nature of the play? (Or, if you think they don’t, explain why not). This topic might look at the political environment of the play versus the movie, or might discuss the nuances of Hero’s character that may or may not be lost in Branagh’s film.

3. Explain the importance of “noting” in this play. You can focus on one kind of “noting” or you can focus on one subtopic in the play and show how “noting” occurs on several levels. Review the introduction to Much Ado for more details.

4. Here are some additional ideas for Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing: https://coffin.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/maan-essay2009.pdf

5. In August Wilson’s Gem of the Ocean, Citizen and Caesar are both responsible for a man’s death. Is either of them guiltier than the other?

6. What effects does slavery still have on the characters in Gem of the Ocean, some forty years after its abolition? Why is this important?

7. What is Aunt Ester’s role in August Wilson’s play, and why has she selected Black Mary to replace her when the time comes? Wilson saw this character as central to his play—why?


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