The Importance of Being Earnest, Los Vendidos, or The Clean House.
The post has two asighnments
1: Cast from a pool of well known actors in two of the following comedies,cast the roles in two of the following comedies: Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest, Los Vendidos, or The Clean House.
Order Description
From the pool of well-known actors working today, cast the roles in two of the following comedies: Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest, Los Vendidos, or The Clean House. Why have you chosen these particular performers? Be sure to make references to the needs of the roles (quote dialogue and/or stage directions for each role) and to the previous work of the actors (provide details of past performances for each actor.)
2:Monsanto corporation controversy
Title: The Changing Face of Food in the US: (approximately 6 to 8 pages) Explore the influence of big business on American agriculture. Monsanto Corporation is a major seed supplier. Explain the controversy that surrounds the GMO seeds produced by Monsanto. Explain Monsanto’s monopoly on the sale of seeds to American farmers.(3/4 page) Identify the regulatory agency and explain the legal requirements that must be followed for a farm to produce organic foods. (½ page) Explain what is meant by heirloom foods. Explain why farmers stopped producing heirloom foods? Why are heirloom foods regaining popularity? (½ page) Do you support the business practices of Monsanto or the practices of American farmers growing organic and heirloom foods? Explain your answer. (½ page)