Order Description
an outline for the essay:
1- A Introduction: why write about policy borrowing? Plan for the essay.
2- Definition of “policy borrowing”.
3- Critical discussion of policy borrowing in the literature.
4- An example of policy borrowing: e.g a UK policy text.
5- An example of policy borrowing: eg PISA.
6- Conclusion.
1- mention a) globalisation, b) educational policy and policy making, c) neoliberalism in the essay.
2- use the references that are given in the attachment.
3- the spelling is UK spelling.
Order Description
So for some reason you choose a Liberal Arts College rather than a Technical College. College is expensive, so we must believe you are taking classes because you are expecting to increase your lifetime income. Provide your reasoning of why you believe your liberal arts education will offset the short-term costs of taking classes. Mandatory resource: https://www.humanitiescommission.org/_pdf/hss_report.pdf
2.Original posts must each be between 350-600 words and contain at least one reference and citation to an assigned reading and/or audio or audio-visual piece from the week’s Learning Resources. When citing from an audio or audio-visual piece insert the time where the citation reference is located in the source: Mandatory resource is for this question is https://www.humanitiescommission.org/_pdf/hss_report.pdf
3.MLA style
4. 2 references: Mandatory first source is https://www.humanitiescommission.org/_pdf/hss_report.pdf and the second reference must be an academic source.
5. Failure to submit an on topic post of college level quality gets zero points even if the other criteria are met.
6. Note from the Professor: I do not want summaries of the readings, we all read the readings. I want a simple one or two sentence quote from the reading or video and the rest should be your writing, your words, and your thoughts.
Arts Education