The post has two asighnments
1:How can you personally change the culture?of your family and friends to become more positive? Is there a spiritual aspect to your leadership style that could help??
Please write the paper in 1st person and provide all citations
Tomlinson & McTighe, Chapters 4, 6, & 7
Tomlinson, C. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Self-Evaluation of Essential Attitudes & Skills of Differentiated Instruction: Develop a rating scale/rubric based on the nine attitudes and skills described in Chapter 4 that will help you evaluate the essential attitudes and skills of differentiated instruction in your own teaching and other classrooms. Some of the bulleted lists found in each section describing each of the nine attitudes and skills will help you with your development of the rating scale.
For example, the second of the nine attitudes and skills for teachers using differentiated instruction on the list on page 40 is: ?They accept responsibility for learner success.? The five bulleted points on pp. 45-46 elaborate on the attitudes and skills that would indicate this acceptance of responsibility and could be rated. Lightly edited, they might read:
1- Gets to know individual students to enhance effective teaching.
2- Maps the progress of students against essential outcomes.
3- Finds alternate ways to teaching and learning to ensure continued growth of each student.
4- Sends consistent messages that if something didn?t work today, teacher and students will keep working towards success.
5- Articulate and model for students what quality work is and how to attain it.
The scenarios for each section might help you define the kinds of indicators of effective differentiation. Develop your rating scales/rubric with descriptors/exemplars of the lowest, the middle point and the highest level on each of the nine attitudes and skills. For example, the highest point on the first criteria might be: The teacher regularly collects pre-assessment and formative assessment data (including achievement and interest) and uses them in making instructional decisions. The lowest point might be: The teacher teaches each lesson based on textbook sequencing and all students are engaged in the same activity regardless of prior learning or interests.
Part 2
On the basis of your self-evaluation and the content of Chapters 4, 6, and 7, what would you like to change about your attitudes and skills? What are steps you can take to make those changes? What are the barriers to change and what might motivate you to change?
3:You Are Required TO Evaluate The Performance Of One Company In The Global Hospitality Industry.You need to prepare a report which critically evaluates the company’s corporate governance and financial performance from a range of perspectives.
.The Capsule Report must present the following:
1. ABOUT US: Who they are, geographic markets,business model, brands and segments they serve, competitive set(2 main competitors and their brands) and comparative advantage.
2. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: The Corporate structure, key members and background, comparison with 2 main competitors, critical evaluation of Governance policy and rules against the 8 principles of effective corporate governance.
3. COMPANY’S PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: Critique on the performance of the past 3 years (2013, 2014, 2015 and the projection for 2016) and comparison with 2 main competitors on; Market Capitalisation; Returns (on equity, assets); Profitability; Leverage; Liquidity and Growth.
Association for Supervision