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Accounting and Finance – RoyalCustomEssays

Accounting and Finance

Describe legal issues and safety considerations in healthcare Human Resources and Nursing management.
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018

Accounting and Finance

The post has three assignments

1: Accounting and Finance

Now , the “Main” and the “Competitor” organizations that each one of you select, must necessarily be “”direct competitors”” in the marketplace dealing in similar products, services competing in different markets domestically [within a country, region ] and/or globally. Both the organization’s need to be listed organizations on a recognized stock exchange.!!.

• Organization’s selected for the 7AC002 Accounting and Finance Module can be organizations which you have been admiring for a long time and wanting to conduct a Financial Analysis and Performance Evaluation
• Which links directly to your professional work experiences, so Bankers,can choose Banking or Financial Companies listed, students from Retail can consider selecting Hypermarkets , Luxury Retail Companies that are listed, similarly anyone in the Telecommunications Industry can select their respective choices of organizations and so on and so forth..
• Also do check for the availability of the Annual Reports both for the “chosen” and the “competitor organizations” along with their Financial Statements – Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements .
• Performance Evaluation and Financial Analysis would be limited to the years 2013 and 2014.

Significance of the Westford Deadline is to help all , whilst guiding and evaluating your individual assignments and provide you a detailed and comprehensive feedback that would help each one of you to meet the expected benchmarks as per the University Standards.

The deadlines which have been communicated during the orientation by Anil Sir remains sacrosanct and therefore please don’t remain under the opinion that you can always request for an extension at a later date .

The University Deadlines too can’t be played around with. There is a lot at stake !!.

Proposed Structure – 7AC002 Accounting and Finance – How to Write & Approach this module .

Cover Page :- Please find enclosed the Sample Standard Cover Page which you are supposed to use in your assignment. This is a standard requirement of the University.

Word Count – 6000 words from the Introduction Section to Conclusions and Recommendations . [ you are allowed +/- 10% extended limit which essentially means that you cannot exceed beyond 6600 words for this University Assignment ].

Commence your Assignment as under :-

1. Build an Executive Summary – Now the Executive Summary would capture the Operational and Financial Performance of the chosen company across 2013 and 2014 . Reading the Annual Reports {chosen and competitor companies} would help in this segment which would also capture the changes in the global economic and business climate that impacted the industry owing to changing demand and supply position, increased taxes, growing competition ,changing government regulations, slowdown, inflationary positions, currency fluctuations that would have affected the industry. – Reading the Annual Reports helps you build the Executive Summary.
2. Table of Contents. – A Sample Table of Contents has been appended below,
3. Introduction – Shall portray how and why the Financial Statement/’s along with the realization of the changes in the Business Policies { for the chosen company} created a platform towards conducting the Performance Evaluation using Ratio Analysis and provide the basis for decision making pertaining to acquisition of Land and Building through utilization of 20% of its Net Assets
4. Profile of the Chosen Company – Insert Logo – This segment would introduce for the chosen company , its incorporation date, discuss listings on stock exchanges , capture its Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, Quality Policy, leading brands and product, patents registered geographical presence, research and development investments, outsourcing policy , marketing and distribution strategies , mergers and acquisitions , employee strengths, CSR Initiative , Taxes and Fines ,Credit Ratings, Rankings, Penalties imposed by Governments, Legal Suits filed for and against the organization , its Management and Leadership Team , dividends paid out , market capitalization,and Future Road Map , Vision 2020 Plan.
5. Profile of the Competitor Company -Insert Logo – This segment would introduce for the competitor company , its incorporation date, discuss listings on stock exchanges , capture its Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, Quality Policy, leading brands and product, patents registered, geographical presence, research and development investments,, outsourcing policy, marketing and distribution strategies, mergers and acquisitions , employee strengths, CSR Initiative , Taxes and Fines ,Credit Ratings, Rankings, Penalties imposed by Governments, Legal Suits filed for and against the organization , its Management and Leadership Team, dividends paid out , market capitalization and Future Road Map , Vision 2020 Plan.
6. SWOT Analysis – Chosen V/s Competitor Co. – to be presented as a four quadrant table.
7. Industry Analysis – This would discuss the current outlook in terms of risks, challenges and opportunities , given the intense competition , shrinking margins, changing needs and perception of consumer and a general slowdown in the global economy impacting business scenarios. .[Download PriceWaterhouse Cooper [PwC] or Ernst & Young [ EY] or Deloitte or KPMG Industry/ Sector Reports for your respective business line aligned to the companies selected ]
Introduction , Chosen Company & Competitor Company Profile, SWOT Analysis and Industry Analysis concludes here
Next Section { Ratio Analysis & Financial Performance} – Part 1 of the Assignment.
1. Financial Performance & Ratio Analysis Section { 33% of the Assignment } – There are 6 Ratios which would need to be interpreted by comparing each ratio between Chosen with the Competitor Co and the interpretation would capture the changes and movements between the ratios across the years under study – 2013 and 2014 capturing the macro business and macro economic factors that impacted both the organizations for each ratio.
2. Remember Interpretation [ as per macro business and macro economic conditions that prevailed under the years of study] would remain the key out here.
3. Please read the Annual Reports of the Chosen and the Competitor companies thoroughly to help you understand the operational, business and economic factors that would be useful while interpreting the movements across the ratios for the chosen years under study.
4. Support each ratio with an excel table that captures the calculations both for the Chosen[Main] and the Competitor organization
5. Each Ratio to be expressed in Graphs [ line graphs , histograms] which again captures for both the organization movements of the ratios across the chosen years of study [ 2013, 2014].
___________________________________________Sources of Funds – Part 2 of the Assignment____________________________
1. Sources of Funds Section { 33% of the Assignment} – This segment requires the student to evaluate the possible sources of finance – Internal and External that are generally available and then discuss basis the Ratios Calculated/ Interpreted for the chosen company, which source {either Internal or external} could be best suited for addressing the hypothetical requirement laid down by the University of 20% of Net Assets towards fulfillment of acquiring Land and Building for the chosen company only .
2. Now the 20% Net Asset Value would be arrived at as under ;- Select the Balance Sheet of {chosen company} for 2014 and apply the formula { Total Assets – Total Liabilities } * 20% .
3. The highlight of the section is the choice of the funds should as per the regular business practices followed in the chosen Industry and particularly that which has been adopted by the chosen company.. [ once again reading the Annual Reports of the chosen company shall de-mystify the practices, making your arguments in this section valid in support of the final choice of fund]
_________________________________Budgeting – Part 3 of the Assignment __________________________________
1. Budget Section {33% of the Assignment } – Here the University is asking a generic question about budgeting . The discussion therefore could range across different industry segments but not necessarily for the chosen company . It would discuss the necessity and relevance of budgeting as a process, merits and demerits, ideal budgeting exercise or a suit worthy budgeting practice that remains apt in the current modern times.
1. Conclusion, Recommendations and Summary Section :- Having undertaken the thorough analysis, this segment would allow you as a “Analyst” to provide a list of recommendation towards either measuring costs, improving efficiency focus on gaining leadership by addressing the further and future growth strategies for the chosen company considering the global economic scenarios.
2. References to be captured as per Harvard Style Referencing only and not in the manner presented by you currently .
3. Annexure Section – should compulsorily include Ratio Analysis Worksheet in an Excel Sheet format which is appended in the document – Captures Ratios Computed for the Chosen & Competitor Co {each ratio across the chosen years under study – 2013 and 2014 }
4. Income Statements and Balance Sheets of chosen & competitor company – to be appended in the Word Document for the chosen years under study – 2013 and 2014.


:OrganizationalAnalysis–The Organization

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization. In this assignment, you will report the organization’s mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. You will compare and contrast what you find with the characteristics of organizations you have learned about in the lectures and presentations and in your own investigative reading.
Complete this assignment to demonstrate your analysis of the big picture of your organization.


• Explain how organizations function.

• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.

• Apply trends,issues,theories,and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.

• Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations.

Expected elements for scholarly writing:

• Ensure correct grammar and spelling

• Assignment should be submitted as an APA Paper, including title page and references.

• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.

• 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.

• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper.

• The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.

• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following APA style.

• An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.

• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.


Use this rubric to guide yourworkontheWeek2Organizational Analysis–TheOrganization.

Tasks Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
(max 10points) (9-10 points)
APAformat andstyle are correctand clear. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literaturecitationsare correct. (0-2 errors) (5-8 points)
APAformat andstyle are mostly correct. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literaturecitationsare correct. (3-5 errors) (0-4 points)
APAformat andstyle are minimally correct. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature are cited but contain mistakes. (>5)
Introduction of the Organization
(max10points) Concisedescription including:(9-10 points)

Type ofagency, size, geographiclocation

Services provided Target clientele Accreditationstatus
Community relationships One ormore components missingin description
(5-8 points) One ormore components missingin description
(0-4 points)
Examination of the Organization
(max20points) (15-20 points)
Missionstated with source reference
(4 points)

Philosophystated with source reference
(4 points)

Administrative structure clearly described and connected tostructure type withat least two examples
(12 points) (9-14 points)
Missionstated(2 point)

Philosophystated (2 points)

Administrative structure described and identified by structure typewith atleast one example
(10 points) (0-8 points)
Missingmissionstatement (0 points)

Missing philosophy statement
(0 points)

Description of administrativestructure and/or identification of structure typeisvague or missing

Strengths and Limitations
(max20points) (17-20 points) Detaileddescription of
majorstrengths with
(10 points) (13-16 points)
General description of majorstrengths withat least one example
(8 points) (0-12 points)
Vague description of major strengths
(0-6 points)
Detaileddescription of major weaknesses with examples
(10 points) General description of major weaknesses with at least one example
(8 points) Vague description of major weaknesses
(0-6 points)
Care Delivery System
(max20points) Detaileddescription of delivery system(s), includingclear explanations ofdelegation exampleson all levels
(17-20 points) General description of delivery system(s) with a descriptionof atleasttwo delegation examples
(11-16 points) Unclear description of delivery system(s) with littleor nomention of delegation examples
(0-10 points)
Outcomesand Measurements
(max 20points) (17-20 points) Robust descriptionof
outcome, including measurements and
(10 points)
Robust descriptionof specificnurse-sensitive clinicaloutcome,including measurements and monitoring
(10 points) (9-16 points)
General description of specificsystem-wide outcome withstatement of measurements and/or monitoring
(8 points)
General description of specificnurse-sensitive clinicaloutcome with statement of measurements and/or monitoring
(8 points) (0-8 points)
Nonspecificdescription of system outcome
(0-4 points)
Nonspecificdescription of nurse-sensitiveclinical outcome
(0-4 points)

Introduction of the Organization

Provide a concise description ofthehealthcare organization,including type ofagency,size,geographic location,services provided,targetclientele,accreditation status,andcommunityrelationships.

Examination ofthe Organization

Identify the organization’smission,philosophy,and theadministrative structure.Identifythetypeof organizational structure thefacilityrepresents (functional,matrixreporting,jointpractice,etc.).Give examplesthatsupportthetype you selected.

Strengths and Limitations

Discussmajorstrengthsand limitationsoftheorganization.


Describe thenursing care deliverysystem(s)used.Include delegation examples ofmanager,charge nurse,licensed staffto unlicensed staff.

Outcomesand Measurements

Discusstwo specificpatientoutcomesandexplain howtheyaremeasured andmonitored.Includeone system–wide outcomeandone nurse–sensitive clinicalindicator.


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