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Anarchism – RoyalCustomEssays



post has three assignments

1:Mosaic Humanities

• To continue drawing connections between the themes and ideas of course texts and modern cultural expressions
• To hone skills of identifying ideas and values presented in everyday items and popular culture
Choose one of the following prompts and use it as the basis for a four- to five-page (1200- 1500 word) essay:
Option One:
Attend one of the film screenings during the remaining weeks of the Intellectual Heritage Movie Series (details at: https://www.cla.temple.edu/ih/Movies.html) or watch one of the films on your own. In your essay, identify two themes that are central to the movie and connect these to three course readings (only one of which may be a reading from before spring break (only one of the following reading; The Epic of Gilgamesh; Plato, The Trials of Socrates; Dante, The Inferno,)).
Other readings: 1. Paine – The Age of Reason
2. Fuller – Life Without and Life Within
3. Discourse on Happiness
(I will upload some of texts later)
By request, here’s the complete list of film choices for the first prompt of the third essay:
Double Indemnity (1944)
In a Lonely Place (1950)
No Way Out (1950)
Gun Crazy (1950)
The Hitch-Hiker (1953)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
The Killing (1956)
Touch of Evil (1958)
Shoot the Piano Player (1960)
Tokyo Drifter (1966)
Body Double (1984)
Dark City (1998)

• Like other assignments in this course, this is not a research paper. Use of outside materials beyond assigned readings and the films/advertisements themselves is not allowed (in other words, don’t research the films or the ad campaigns).
• For the first two prompts, essays should be well organized and have a clear thesis statement. If you choose the third prompt, you can have four individual sections.

Mosaic 1 and 2 Writing Tips: Spring 2016
• None of the essays requires any reading beyond the assigned texts and material specifically mentioned in the prompts (the Coates lecture, etc.). If you feel that you need to consult websites, Wikipedia, scholarly articles, etc., you’re not doing the assignment correctly.
• If you’re struggling to understand the assignment or reading, come to office hours – don’t start consulting outside sources.
• Essays should use specific examples and direct quotations from the readings.

Argument/Thesis Statements
? An essay’s success depends on its thesis statement. The best thesis statements make a concrete, specific argument and do the following:
o Relate the sources together
o Draw conclusions about the relationship among the sources o Offer an interpretation
A-Range Thesis Statement
“Plato, the authors of Gilgamesh, and the writers of Genesis all assume that humans have an inherent tendency toward violence. Unlike the other authors, however Plato believes that a strong religious commitment causes people to act less violently. This view reflects his overall belief that true religious faith inspires non-violence.”
B-Range Thesis Statement
“On the subject of religion and violence, Plato’s views differ from those of Marx and Thucydides.”
C-Range Thesis Statement
“Gilgamesh, Marx, and Plato all address religion and violence.”
• No bibliography or works cited list is necessary.
• Direct quotations from the readings should include a parenthetical page number/Kindle
location at the end of the sentence. Unless it’s unclear what text you’re quoting, there’s no need to include author/title.
• The first person is perfectly fine (“I will argue,” “I will show,” etc.).
• Be bold. All essays for this class require your interpretation; you don’t need to remind
me of that (avoid phrases like “I believe,” “I think,” and the like).
• Use strong, active verbs. Avoid the passive voice (use “Plato argues…” rather than “An
argument is made by Plato….”).
• Avoid long, block quotations; if your quote runs more than three lines, break it up and
excerpt key words/phrases.


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.The link to the object you are writing


3: ‘Anarchism

Order Description

‘Anarchism equals chaos’: discuss

the essay must include a short biograbical sketch of a thinker associated with the ideology this sketch should be approximately 200 words, don’t go above 2200 words and add academic citations.


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