Post has three assignments
1: Roman Catholic Theology and Contemporary Culture
Paper details:
Considering the theologies of Karl Rahner and Hans Küng as case studies for understanding how Roman Catholic theologians have responded to the challenges posed by contemporary culture. In your essay consider: Use your textbook and minimum of 2 scholarly articles from the GCU eLibrary. Textbook 20th Century Theology by Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson.
2: Employee Writing Threats
Paper details:
Read the “You Be the Arbitrator” case from Chapter 11 on page 428-429 Give a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the case Then answer all three questions at the end of the case on page 429 The essay should be approximately 2 pages in length. Also, answer this as a bonus question. #4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using arbitration to settle non-labor issues such as consumer complaints, employer-employee disputes and so on? Taking all these into consideration, do you feel it’s an effective approach to handle non-labor issues? Why or why not Support your answer with citations from the text or other outside resources.
3: Postman says we are informing ourselves to death. Freund praises vulgarity. Explore these claims as offering competing accounts of how we come to be who we are in a globalized information society. Who is right? Why?