post has three assignments
Structure for Chapter 1( Introduction) would be:
1- Big data – an overview,
2- Online Social Networks (OSNs)
3- Trust in OSNs
4- Research Questions(Motivation)
Take research’s questions from this paragraph wich is the abstract of the attached article.
// In Online Social Networks (OSNs) there is a need for better understanding of social trust to
improve the analysis process and mining credibility of social media data. Given the open environment
and fewer restrictions associated with OSNs, the medium allows legitimate users as well as
spammers to publish their content. Hence, it is essential to measure users’ credibility in various
domains and accordingly define influential users in a particular domain(s). Most of the existing
approaches of trustworthiness evaluation of users in OSNs are generic-based approaches. There is a
lack of domain-based trustworthiness evaluation mechanisms. In OSNs, discovering users’ influence
in a specific domain has been motivated by its significance in a broad range of applications such as
personalized recommendation systems and expertise retrieval. The aim of this paper is to present an
approach to analysing domain-based user’s trustworthiness in OSNs. We provide a novel
distinguishing measurement for users in a set of knowledge domains. Domains are extracted from
the user’s content using semantic analysis. In order to obtain the level of trustworthiness, a metric
incorporating a number of attributes extracted from content analysis and user analysis is
consolidated and formulated by considering temporal factor. We show the accuracy of the proposed
algorithm by providing a fine-grained trustworthiness analysis of users and their domains of interest
in the OSNs using big data Infrastructure. //////////////
5- Discuss your contribution
Please note:
1- use Chicago reference style ( Arthur name, 20XX) Also, end list
2- Use :
• Journal article
• Conference proceedings
• Book
• Chapter in an edited book
• Electronic document
3- Number the sections.
2: Human Resource Management
Order Description
Has Human Resource Management lived up to its promise to transform the way people work and are managed in the UK?
– Reference mainly from journal articles and scholar work and books. Avoid blogs and websites.
2: Math in Early Education
Order Description
Response J, Response K, Response L, and Constructivist Lesson Reflection
**RESPONSE J: (2 pages)
Fractions have always been a challenge for students. One of the reasons is that most people have a limited understanding of all the possible concepts that fractions can represent. Very often only one meaning is introduced: Part-whole (with the help of a pizza pie).
Please explain TWO meanings of fractions other than part-whole. Please explain with your own words and with the help of one concrete example. Please finish by explaining how you can promote the understanding of these meanings of fractions in your classroom.
Readings for Response J: Siegler, R., Carpenter, T., Fennell, F., Geary, D., Lewis, J., Okamoto, Y., Thompson, L., & Wray, J. (2010). Developing effective fractions instruction: A practice guide (NCEE #2010-009). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. See
Gregg, J. & Gregg, D.U. (2007): Measurement and Fair-Sharing Models for Dividing Fractions. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 12 (9), 490-496. See:
**RESPONSE K: (2 pages)
Please discuss the connection between fractions and decimals. Why is this a confusing topic for many students and how can you help students to male meaningful translations between fractions and decimals? Please provide two concrete examples.
1. Connecting Fractions and Decimals
2. Decimal Number Sense
3. Decimal Computation
4. Connecting Fractions, Decimals, and Percent
Readings for Response K: Van de Walle Chapter 14: Developing Decimal and Percent Concepts and Decimal Computation
**RESPONSE L: (2 pages)
To interest and engage students meaningfully in learning and doing statistics, they should be involved in the full process of doing statistics. Please explain the four different steps of the process of doing statistics. For each step, give one concrete example how you would implement the process in your classroom. The best would be to think about a project that includes all 4 steps!
Readings for Response L: Franklin, C. A. & Mewborn, D.S (2008): Statistics in the Elementary Grades: Exploring Dis-tributions of Data. Teaching Children Mathematics 15, 1, p. 10-16
Resource Management