Post has three assignments
1:Survey Result Action Plan
Order Description
The new Health Information Management Director at Wildcat Hospital. During the last accreditation survey, the hospital had findings related to quality and timing of documentation. The facility is due for another survey very soon. You have assigned one of your staff do a quality audit on documentation timeliness for the month of December. She has provided you with the attached spreadsheet. For this assignment, you need to:
Review the collected data TimelinessExercise.xlsxPreview the documentView in a new window
Assign the appropriate quality code
Analyze the data
Which code is most common?
Is there one service that seems to be a problem?
What can you conclude from the data?
Establish a plan. How are you going to fix the problem?
You have scheduled an in-service with the physicians to address this topic. Create a PowerPoint to present to the physicians. The presentation should include:
Regulations governing the issues found (Regulations can be found here: Joint Commission 2015 Standards.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window )
Hospital policies that address the regulations (You will need to write these)
Presentation of the data that has been collected and coded
Accurate assignment of quality code
Analysis of data
Presentation of regulations
Hospital policies established
Presentation of data
Presentation of plan
Overall quality of presentation including grammar and readability
2: Mock Survey Case
Order Description
You are on a Mock Joint Commission Survey Team for the hospital. The hospital will conduct an unannounced mock survey in the next 3 months. The team leader has asked you to bring suggestions of activities to include in the upcoming internal (mock) survey to share at the next meeting. You want to include activities that simulate a real Joint Commission on-site survey. You have several ideas from networking with your peers on the regional and state levels of your professional associations and by participating in AHIMA’s CoP for Joint Commission Accreditation. Your next step is to visit the Joint Commission website at (Links to an external site.) and review the current survey process to gain a better understanding of what is being done during the on-site survey.
What suggestions would you include in the next mock survey conducted?
Develop a Mock survey plan for this organization by using information from the reading and at the Joint Commission’s website. Be sure to include information on tracers, the National Patient Safety Goals, physician compliance with documentation standards, medication safety, etc.
3: Professional Development in Health Care
Order Description
Consider the ideas presented throughout this course. How will the information influence your personal approach to professional development in a health care organization? Why? How will it influence your potential dissertation research? Explain.
Professional Development & Leadership In Health Care.
Action Plan