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Family and Relationships – RoyalCustomEssays

Family and Relationships

Health care policy
September 11, 2018
Religious studies
September 11, 2018


Post is of four assignments


Sufism is one of the most misunderstood dimensions of Islam—by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Read carefully the assigned reading by the early Sufi master Abdullah Ansari of Herat (on D2L), then watch the lecture by contemporary American Muslim scholar Zaid Shakir in which he discusses a portion of al-Ghazali’s teachings on disciplining the soul (available on D2L and at https://youtu.be/V9epTdTmAvo).

After reading the text and watching the video, write a 4-5-page paper in which you briefly describe five teachings of Sufism and explain how they can be applied in today’s world. Be sure to support each of the five teachings with a direct quote from the readings and/or video. Examples for how they can be applied to today’s world can come from either the video of from your own ideas.

A hard copy of your paper is due in your discussion section on April 5th or 7th. Be sure to upload your paper to the Dropbox before coming to your section.

Hints for Success:
1. Read the text and watch the video multiple times prior to writing the paper.
2. Write an outline of your paper for yourself prior to writing the complete paper.
3. While you may discuss the topic with your friends, you must write your own paper. No two papers should look as though they were written by the same person.
4. If you find writing papers challenging, make an appointment with your TA ahead of the due date to show them a draft.
5. Avoid common mistakes: it’s = it is; its = possessive. An effect (noun); to affect (verb).
6. Avoid slang and excessive use of semicolons and contractions.

2: Long-term Financing

Order Description

Healthcare being a business. Is there another way to look at healthcare besides a business?
It is important to have an understanding of how to develop a business plan and how a well-developed plan can benefit the financial health of an organization.
Finkler, S., Jones, C., & Kovner, C. (2013). Financial management for nurse managers and executives. (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO. Saunders.
• Chapter 20: Long-Term Financial Resources
Required Articles:
Niemand, T. (2013). Do all business plans provide a recipe for success? Finweek, 50–52.
Wong-Hammond, L., & Damon, L. (2013). Financing strategic plans for not-for-profits. Healthcare Financial Management: Journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, 67(7), 70–76.
Finkler, S., Jones, C., & Kovner, C. (2013). Financial management for nurse managers and executives. (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO. Saunders.

Page or paragraph numbers must be included with quotes per APA. See APA re how to format references and in-text citations i.e. capitalization issues and use of the ampersand versus the word (“and”).
Including at least one in-text citation and matching reference.
Check for grammar and spellings

2: Comparison/Contrast Paper Non-Nursing theorist Reuben Hill and Nursing Theorist Myra Levine.

Order Description

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association sixth edition).

Comparison/Contrast Paper Non-Nursing theorist Reuben Hill and Nursing Theorist Myra Levine.
The purpose of the applied theory paper is to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate competence in theory analysis and application to nursing practice. Two theorists will be assigned to each student for analysis. No two comparisons will be alike as each student will be assigned two different theorists to research.
Another purpose of the paper is to evaluate writing skills and give the student the opportunity to present a coherent argument/discussion on particular theories. This paper is to include a comparison and contrast of the two theories. Some papers may be selected for submission for publication in a nursing journal.
The student may take any creative approach they choose to address the topics, however, Level 1 headings must be included.
The paper must be written in third person style, avoiding all use of statements with personal pronouns such as “I” or “my”.
The assignment must be typed and double-spaced, include title page, reference list, possible appendices, using APA format. Written in a narrative format, it is to be 5 pages in length. Deductions will be made if paper is over assigned length.
The title of the paper must include the FULL names of both theorists.
The reference list is in addition to—and separate from–the annotated bibliography assignment (note APA differentiates between the Reference List and the Bibliography). The reference list must include at least four sources (not course textbooks), which may or may not be from the annotated bibliography. Resources must be from scholarly journals or books with an emphasis on primary or updated secondary sources. No excerpts (summaries) from the internet are acceptable. It is expected that students will use resources other that their textbooks for this assignment, although brief reference to content in course textbooks may be used in addition to the four sources if desired. Do not include your annotated bibliography. Submit to the online Sakai. Include completed text mechanics sheet and grading sheet. Review the syllabus guidelines for the Reference List and how to submit resources electronically.?Write using professional language, include correct format for introduction and conclusion?See specific guidelines for analysis below

Compare and Contrast Theorists Related to Nursing
Grading Sheet
Directions?It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification if the assignment is not clear. Read directions in the syllabus and note additional clarification given in class.
This paper must be developed using the following criteria and must be in APA format, narrative form, title page, second page titles, headings, and references. Please follow the general guidelines for written papers that were included in your syllabus and specific guidelines for this paper also in your syllabus. Pre-read and follow the grading rubric. This paper is to be 5 pages in length. The title page, reference list, and appendices are NOT included in the total number of pages. Please edit your work to meet the page limit. The title of the paper must include
the FULL names of both theorists.
Follow guidelines for electronic submission to upload your document.
Please see the example that is below. This paper will be will be verified by Turnitin for plagiarism. This paper needs to be done on Non-Nursing theorist Reuben Hill and Nursing Theorist Myra Levine.

Nursing theory is known to be the product of scholarship, research, and growth in nursing practice (Alligood & Tomey, 2014). Sister Callista Roy is one of many nursing theorists that has influenced and aided the progression of nursing practice through her contribution of the Roy adaptation model. Additionally, Reuben Hill’s ABCX model of family stress and crisis is a theory that derived from a non-nursing discipline that is used in nursing practice. This paper will explore and evaluate Roy’s adaptation model and Hill’s ABCX model, review their relevance, applicability, and influence in current nursing practice.
Callista Roy and Reuben Hill
Roy is a highly respected nurse theorist. She is well known for developing and updating the Roy adaptation model as a framework for theory. Roy is also a writer, lecturer, researcher, teacher, and member of a large religious community. She is a professor and nurse theorist at Boston College Connell School of Nursing. She developed her model during her master’s work from 1964 to 1966. The adaptation model identifies individuals and groups as having abilities to deal with changes in the environment (Alligood & Tomey, 2014). Through her career, she has been a great influence in the nursing community, and in the evolution of nursing theory. Her name is significantly recognized in the field of nursing today throughout the world.
Reuben Hill is well known for his contributions to family sociology and has been recognized as a pioneer in the study of family sociology today. Hill’s contributions to family stress, developmental theory, theory development, and international family study are theories that contributed to the advancement of the major concepts in psychology and sociology.
Roy Adaptation Model
Roy’s adaptation model was published in 1970 after she was challenged by theorist Dorothy Johnson to develop a conceptual model of nursing. Roy’s model included concepts from Adaptation-level Theory of Perception by Harry Helson, a renowned American psychologist, The key concepts of Roy’s adaptation model are made up of four components: person, environment, health, and nursing (Alligood & Tomey, 2010, p.306). The model was founded on the belief that humans are holistic beings, in constant interaction with their environment. In response to environmental stimuli, humans use a system of adaptation such as innate and acquired. Human systems can be identified as individuals, groups, families, organizations, and can even be the whole global community (Alligood & Tomey, 2010, p.306).
According to Roy, people need balance to function at an optimal level. To maintain balance the person has to reach four modes of adaptation (physiological, self-concept, role function, and interdependence) (Alligood & Tomey, 2014, p.310). The nursing metaparadigms are represented in Roy’s adaptation model. The “Persons” are adaptive systems with cognition and regulatory subsystems working together to continue to adapt (Roy & Andrews, 1999). She believes that the person is the primary focus for nurses. “Adaptation” is the “process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons as individuals or in groups use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration” (Roy & Andrews, 1999 p.30). The healthcare professionals are classified as “Nursing”. Next, the circumstances, influences, that surrounded the person is the “Environment”. Finally, Roy establishes that any environmental change increases the energy demand and causes the individual to be affected.
Analysis of Roy’s Adaptation Model
The Roy adaptation model significantly contributes to the nursing knowledge. The model serves as a guide in helping nurses understand factors of human behavior that affect health-decision making. The concept of health promotion practice can be applied in nursing and also applied to dimensions other than nursing. For example, the model has been used by Brigitte Cypress, a critical care nurses for 18 years, and professor of Nursing at Lehman College. Cypress used Roy’s adaptation model to write her article and to study families and patients who under went acute stress when in an intensive care unit. In the article she emphasizes the family’s influential role on the care provided during the family members time of illness. This article proved that it is not only applicable to nurses but instead applies anybody who assumes care for an individual. Finally, currently many nursing programs use her model to emphasize the need for nurses to consider the factors that can alter healing when caring for a person in need.
Roy’s model defines its purpose and goal, yet can be difficult to understand. Terms, definitions, and the overall language are simple, but the model contains major concepts and subconcepts making it difficult for health care professionals to understand. The Roy adaptation model is not generalized to the boarder population because of the philosophical assumptions. For example, she believes that persons use human creative abilities of awareness, enlightenment, and faith. Persons are accountable for the processes of deriving, sustaining, and transforming the universe.
Hill’s ABCX Model
Reuben Hill’s model originated from the stress theory developed by Wesley Burr. Research on the theory continued, and during that time Robert Angell a sociologist found that family accommodated easier if integration and adaptability in the family processes were available. In 1947, after the Great Depression, Hill advanced the stress theory through the development of the ABCX model. The initial study was intended for families affected by WWII. He based his theory on his observations of families after the deployment. Hill observed that the stressors of the families whose father were drafted into the military caused the wife to assume a greater role in the household. This new position forced her to take on both parenting responsibilities. With the changes, he found that child behaviors became altered due to the absence of a father. The wife had added stress due to loss of income, and absence of her husband. He also interviewed families who had lost their jobs and lived in extreme poverty, he identified factors, which contributed to each family’s survival when faced with difficult circumstances. He found that his model is applicable to any form of stress. Hill theorized that families reacted differently when conflicted with stress. His model explains “ the crisis-proneness and freedom from crisis among families” (Hill, 1958, p. 143).
Hill’s model is composed of four letters; the letter “A” is the “crisis precipitating event ” or “stressor” and is used to explain “problematic situations, in which a family has had little or no prior preparation” (Hill, 1958, p.139). According to Hill, “A” interacts with “B” which is used to explain family’s strength and resources. Hill found that “B” the family’s resources and sufficiency of support, affected the family’s perception of the crisis event (Hill, 1959). The letter “C” is defined as the family’s interpretation of the stressor. The letter “X” is the crisis. Lastly, The family’s perception of the stressful event when paired with an inability to cope creates a crisis. When a family perceives the stress as challenging, and has support they are capable of working through it. Hills theory is used widely today in family therapy.
Analysis of Hill’s ABCX Model
The nursing metaparadigm consist of the person, health, environment, and nursing. Hill’s ABCX model contains three of the metaparadigms; each concept is evident in Hill’s model. For example, the person, in Hill’s model is identified as (individuals experiencing “A”) or the individuals within a family enduring the stressors. Health represents an individual’s ability to cope with the stressors (the process of “B”). The environment is evident through the crisis-precipitating event found within (“A”). The metaparadigms in the ABCX model act in response to one another. For instance, “A” affects “B”, “B affects “C”, and “A”, “ B” and “C” lead to “X.” As mentioned, Hill expanded on the research, of stress theory and elicited the development of the ABCX model.
ABCX model became the foundation of the family stress theory. Hill studied families of various backgrounds making his model empirically verifiable. His contribution has lead to the establishment of future studies in the area of family coping, behavior, and family concepts. Hill identifies the ABCX model to be a “conceptual framework”. He influenced the development of several other theories including the Double ABCX model by McCubbin & Patterson (Sullivan, 2015). Hill’s model demonstrates clarity, conciseness, and simplicity. Each concept is represented by four direct variables A, B, C, and X. (Sullivan, 2015), wrote an article that focused on family coping, and the adversities that a family may face during deployment. In her article, she mentions using Hill’s ABCX model to help guide her work. She has worked on intervention to improve the mental wellbeing of children and adolescents and applied his theory to her work. By doing that (Sullivan, 2015), proved that Hill’s model was still useful in the study of psychology. The concept of ABCX is abstract; it is measurable through observation and research. The model can be easily be fit any family group or structure.
Comparison and Contrast
Overall, both Roy and Hill’s model reflect some differences and similarities. Each model is based on the observations and experiences human’s face during a change of circumstances. Hill’s model is centered on his observation of the family’s ability to cope with stress. Similarly, Roy’s model is based on the desire to promote human adaptation in response to change. Roy’s model is model is specifically related to the nursing practice, while Hill’s model is intended to serve a sociological concepts. However, both models address a human’s ability to cope with change and can be used in various dimensions. Roy’s model is a nursing theory while; Hill’s model is a sociological Stress Theory. Besides the differences, both models are relevant, applicable, and remain current in todays nursing practice.
Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation model and Reuben Hill’s ABCX model are both well respected and continue to be influential in the nursing practice. Despite the difference, each model contributes to areas of research and nursing. Both models continue to be used to progress in a continually evolving health care environment. Each model is considered to be paramount in the development for their fields.


Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Cypress, B. S. (2011). Patient family nurse intensive care unit experience; A Roy adaptation model based qualitative study. Qualitative Research Journal, 11(2), 3-16
DeSanto-Madeya, S., & Fawcett, J. (2016). Healing and Transcendence A Roy Adaptation Model-Guided Comparison. Nursing science quarterly, 29(3), 219-226.
Hill, R. (1958). Generic features of families under stress Social Casework, 49, 139-150
Hill, R. (1966). Contemporary developments in family theory, Journal of Marriage and Family, 28(1), 10-26.
Roy, S. C. (1988). An explication of the philosophical assumptions of the Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1(1), 26-34.
Sullivan, K. (2015). An application of family stress theory to clinical work with military families and other vulnerable populations. Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(1), 89-97

AREA Points Available YOUR POINTS
Body of Paper
1-Introduction to paper & theorists 15
2-Description of theories/models 15
3-Analysis of each theory/model 20
4-Arguments (e.g., Is it useful, relevant, current, applicable to nursing?) 20
5-Comparison/Contrast of theories 20
6-Conclusion 10
Addressed all elements in the analysis guidelines in syllabus 5
References, Citations, Quotations (minimum 4 references) 10

Text Mechanics
APA Format (title page, pagination, headings, form) 20
Grammar/form/spelling/punctuation 10
Logical flow/readability/ Overall impression 5
Grading & Text Mechanics Sheets sheet attached (minus 5 points each if not submitted)(minus 5 points for each page over page limit) —

4: Family and Relationships

Order Description

Reflecting on the theme of family and relationships, select ONE of the poems unit of study, including the respective poems by Brooks, Meinke, and Oliver. Using ONE of the selected poems, show to what extent some element of the poem illuminates and/or reflects any literary element expressed in Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.” Elements could include theme, characterization, setting, and the like. Compare and contrast for the purpose of making a debatable claim you prove through relevant documentation and critical analysis. Proof carefully, adhering to MLA guidelines.

Be a 5-paragraph essay of literary analysis. With the references to the short story, include the page number and paragraph number for quotes, as before. Here is an example: (239; par. 95). With the poetry, reference line or lines from the respective poem. When using quotes, use line numbers, as in the following example: (lines 4-5). If pulling more than one line at a time, use the forward slash (the diagonal mark) / to indicate where one line ends and another begins.

Keep these points

Use the author’s first name on first reference and then only the last name afterwards. (Shirley Jackson and, thereafter, Jackson)

Paragraphs in general should be about 4-6 sentences for the introduction; about 6-7 sentences for each paragraph; and 2-4 sentences for the conclusion.
Create a Works Cited entry for both the “selection from the anthology” and for the movie. Follow MLA guidelines.


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