Health and Social care Practice
Post is made of three assignments
1: The impact of equal opportunities policy and legislation is evident within health and social care practice
Order Description
Ethical dilemma in nursing is requires in order to be able to answer all the requirements needed to talk about what the legislation says and the code of conduct and ethics to use along with all nursing and midwifery conduct.
This is a dilemma and it’s not counted with the words I ordered.
EMPIRICAL KNOWLEDGE VERSUS PERSONAL BELIEFS: In this dilemmas, research based knowledge in nursing practice is contrasted to beliefs gained from such things as religious beliefs. For example, what should a nurse do when a patient is admitted to the hospital that desperately needs a transfusion to live but has the belief that transfusions are unacceptable? The nurse knows this patient will die without the transfusion. How does that nurse emphatize with the patient’s family who supports the family member’s choice and still be supportive of the patient’s and family’s right to this decision ?
NOTE PLEASSE – if this dilemma is to complicated to solve, kindly Google – nursing ethical dilemmas and pick any dilemma you can relate with properly.
Please complete in a report format.
2: Self examination
Order Description
Go to and take the Jung Typology Test or the Myers Briggs personality inventory. Print out your results and find out what each letter stands for. One part of this paper will be discovering and researching your results. The other part will be to discuss your reactions to the results. The paper should be 2 – 3
Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
Extravert(50%) iNtuitive(6%) Feeling(44%) Perceiving(41%)
•You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (50%)
•You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (6%)
•You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (44%)
•You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (41%)
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How Do You Want to Leverage The Type?
Staff Development & Teamwork
Teamwork Use advanced Jungian typology to improve collaboration, become better leader, and manage
3:Girl Meets God (book)
write a book review (Girl Meets God)that will be a minimum of 1000 words, and address the following: (i) a synopsis of no more than 500 words, (ii) critical reflection and an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, and (iii) what it contributes to the reader’s knowledge/experience of Judaism, Christianity, and/or Islam. The book review is graded individually.
Book review