How to Minimize a Bias
The post is of two assignments
choose only 1 from the following bias examples in different studies, and discuss how to minimize this particular type of bias in this particular context. (2 marks)
a) Interviewer bias in a cross-sectional study on the eating habits of pregnant mothers
b) Diagnostic bias in a cohort study on breast cancer incidence among users and non-users of contraception pills
c) Selection bias in a case-control study on the association between second-hand smoke and ischemic heart disease
Question 2:
Normal Weight (BMI <25) Overweight
(25≤BMI<30) Obese
(BMI≥30) Total
Not Diabetic 22 73 55 150
Diabetic 43 132 65 240
Total 65 205 120 390
a) What is the probability that a participant, who is diabetic, has normal weight?
b) If a participant is overweight or obese, what is the probability that he is not diabetic?
c) What is the probability that a participant is diabetic, if his weight is normal?
d) What is the proportion of non-obese and non-diabetic participants?
e) If a participant has normal weight, what is the probability that he is diabetic?
2:MGMT week 4
Order Description
Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 4 Lessons folder to help guide you assess the risks and rewards related to the solution(s) to the management problem you are exploring. Complete a 2-4 page paper discussing the risks and rewards to your client as they relate to the management problem are exploring during this course.
habits of pregnant mothers