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Iranian revolution of 1978/7 – RoyalCustomEssays

Iranian revolution of 1978/7

Hospitality Management
September 11, 2018
Health care policy
September 11, 2018


Post has three assignments

1: state and transformation in the Middle East

Order Description

To what extent did the Iranian revolution of 1978/79 challenge or reinforce existing theories of revolution?

give a fair amount of analysis.

2: Legal Considerations of Contract Administration

Order Description

Termination of a contract can come about for many reasons but chiefly under the FAR a contractual relationship will end in dissolution either as a result of “termination for default” or “termination for convenience.

Write a four to five (4) page paper in which you:

• Analyze the “bases for a termination for default” and give an example of its application.
• Compare and contrast the consequences and remedies of “termination for default” and “termination for convenience.”
• Distinguish the government’s remedy of “excess cost of re-procurement” and “liquidated damages.”

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in procurement and contract law.
• Write clearly and concisely about procurement and contract law using correct grammar and mechanics.

3:How solar energy has affected cost of living in households

LENGTH: 2000-2500 WORDS
Include MLA Works Cited page (not included in word minimum)
The primary focus of this paper is research. You are to research a topic of your choice, with my permission, and write a paper that demonstrates both your understanding of the subject as well as the depth and quality of your research.
The following criteria is where the bulk of your grade will come from. The paper should show that you have –
researched a college-level topic thoroughly – DEPTH is what you want – have a NARROW, PRECISE focus with great DEPTH
gathered solid and useful information from a variety of sources
organized this information so that the paper will flow logically and fluidly
supported all claims with adequate details and examples
utilized borrowed information smoothly into the draft to prove your claims and show evidence of research
used MLA format to correctly acknowledge all borrowed information, both in the paper and on the works cited page.

You must use at least ten sources (the more sources you use, the better quality information you will likely have in your paper). Keep a ratio of 2:1 periodicals to books. You MUST use BOTH periodicals AND books as sources, not just information found online. Papers using ONLY online sources WILL FAIL.
You may NOT use Wikipedia, Google, or Yahoo to generate your research. Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information. LCCC’s Bass Library has an incredible search engine: OneSearch. I strongly recommend it. IF your paper has Wikipedia as one of its sources of information, the paper will fail.
The paper is broken into tasks which create a logical course of progression from initial idea to final draft. I emphasize the PROCESS of research, which is why I’m allowing you to choose your own research topic, with my permission, of course. I want you to have some passion for what you’re doing. Research something you want to learn more about! As my emphasis is on your learning the process of research, I’ve made half of the paper’s points for assigned tasks from preliminary topic to rough draft. The purpose of these tasks is to help you learn the PROCESS of research. The points given for these tasks are given only in an ALL-OR HALF manner, meaning that work turned in on time and correctly done will receive FULL credit, and half-completed or incorrectly done tasks will receive HALF the point value of that assignment, AT MOST. If, for instance, you have 8 sources listed on your practice Works Cited page and not 10, you will receive FIVE points AT MOST, not eight or ten, the FULL value of the assignment. If an assignment comes in that clearly demonstrates a lack of effort or is truly problematic, expect 0 points.

A list of the tasks, explanations, and point values follows:
Preliminary paper topic (5 points) This is the idea or ideas you wish to do your paper on. This MUST be more than a word or sentence. You should give me as much detailed information and intention as you can; that way, I can provide you with as much solid feedback as I can. If you give me only one word or one sentence, don’t expect much feedback from me, and don’t expect any points. Remember, the more information you give to me, the more you’re helping yourself.
Final paper topic (10 points) This is your finalized paper topic idea. This, too, should be developed and at least a few sentences long. Detailed information and intention are vital here. Let me see clearly what you intend your paper to be about.
Paper abstract (15 points) This is a half to full-page summary of your paper’s intention, focus, and purpose. The abstract is written in complete sentence form and is several paragraphs long. Let me know why you’re doing the paper, what you hope to learn, specific questions you intend to answer, and all that you hope to accomplish in the paper.
Practice Works Cited page (20 points) This is a list of 10 possible sources that you plan to use for the paper. These sources will be listed as a WORKS CITED PAGE. The entries MUST follow ALL MLA convention and be done correctly in order for the points to be awarded. Look at QA ch. 34 for a complete list of source types and how to cite each type properly. There is a sample works cited page on QA pg. 266 that you can use as a guide.
Tentative thesis (5 points) This is your one-sentence statement that reflects the intent and direction you’ve chosen for your paper’s focus. This is a TENTATIVE thesis, so it can change; but this should be as close to the actual thesis as you can make it because by this stage, there isn’t a lot of time left for research.
Formal outline (20 points) This is a FORMAL SENTENCE outline, which will allow you to organize your paper’s structure and support system. An outline makes your pre-drafting much more productive because it both contain all of your paper’s information as well as the order in which that information will be presented in your draft. Another benefit of the outline is that you can freely move ideas around and re-organize before you actually begin to write. In essence, you can see your entire paper in a glance, which is another reason you need to put ALL of your paper’s information where you intend it to go, so that you see what parts of your paper are supported well and what parts may need more information.
You will use the FORMAL SENTENCE OUTLINE on QA pp. 53-54 for your outline’s format, meaning that EVERY entry in your outline MUST be written as a COMPLETE SENTENCE. You will use Roman numerals and establish equal support, A 1 a b 2 a b; B 1 a b 2 a b, etc. for each part of your paper. The whole point of the outline is to put ALL of your paper’s information in the order you intend it to be presented in your paper, which means MORE than just “Point One, “ “Point Two,” etc. Actually put the paper’s information, the major headings, subheadings, and details, into your outline. Remember: the MORE you do in your outline, the EASIER your drafting will be. If you try to get by with a sparse outline, you are only hurting yourself.
Rough draft (25 points) This is a full-length draft. To get credit, the draft MUST be full-length (at least 2000 words, NOT INCLUDING WC or Cover pages), have a MLA-correct WC page, and have complete and correctly-done MLA in-text citation. Any papers NOT meeting the minimum word count, having a correct WC page, or displaying correct and full MLA in-text citation will NOT GET FULL CREDIT.
Paper #3 (100 points) This is your finished product. It should reflect the weeks of work spent on it and show adequate development of the qualities mentioned in the first paragraph above. Those are the things I look for when grading the paper, so it’s vital to show me that you have all of these qualities and that they have been done correctly.

contract administration

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