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Managing organizational Data – RoyalCustomEssays

Managing organizational Data

Brain and Behavior
September 11, 2018
The arts by Dennis Sporre
September 11, 2018


Post is of three assignments

Among the many challenges of working with, using, and managing organizational data, HR professionals must decide what mechanisms are most useful. Dashboards can be created using a number of products. Some organizations have enterprise software that offers a full spectrum of dashboard capabilities while others have more limited output platforms. In this discussion, consider the following groups for HRM data and determine which group or groups should be considered as primary, secondary, or not at all in developing dashboard data requirements. The groups include executives, senior managers, HR professionals, managers, supervisors, and employees. The data structure needs for each of these groups differ by role and function.

Which groups should have access?
What should the data structure look like in terms of presentation?
What type of data and information would be useful to the selected group?

Discuss any other aspects of dashboard design, data structure, and presentation format you think are important.

2: Halogen bonding

Annotated Bibliography Assignment
After you have substantially researched your topic, select four sources that best meet your research need and prepare an annotated bibliography. The sources you include should be the result of your extensive research and may include a variety of types of sources (books, journal articles, etc.). Your annotated bibliography should be prepared according to ACS format, using The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information, 3rd edition. One or more copies of this book are held on reserve in the library.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/ offers further information regarding annotated bibliographies. The MC Library offers citation assistance on the Chemistry & Biochemistry Lib Guide at http://mc.libguides.com/chembio
Each source in this annotated bibliography, along with a correctly formatted citation, should include a summary of the content of the source and a two-pronged critical analysis of the source. The first part of the critical analysis will be your objective evaluation of the source and the second part will be your subjective evaluation. Even if a source is found to be credible, if it does not contribute to your research question, it should not be included.
For each source, prepare an entry according to the following guidelines:
1. Bibliography Entry: Include the complete bibliographic information correctly formatted according to the ACS style guidelines

2. Summary of Content: Include a descriptive paragraph summarizing the source. Include key concepts and quotations when appropriate.

3. Objective Evaluation: Objectively evaluate the credibility of the source using the criteria that are most relevant. Use the questions presented in the TRAAP criteria at http://mc.libguides.com/research/eval to stimulate your ideas, but don’t feel as if you need to address each criteria as a checklist. Use the criteria that are appropriate for your source. When relevant, address such things as bias or lack of bias, outdated material or current material, author’s point of view, and author’s credentials and qualifications to write on the topic. What is the author’s purpose in writing the information? Is the information presented without prejudice? Or does the author, publisher, or research funding organization have a stake in the outcome or the controversy you are investigating?

4. Subjective Evaluation: Include a summary of the relevance of the source to your research topic or question. How will the source contribute to your research, and how useful will it be? Does it offer a unique perspective? Does it offer a contradictory viewpoint to another source


Book to do the paper Kelly J. Mays’s Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Eleventh edition

For Paper 5 (around 600 words) you will be focusing on one of two of the sections in your text that offer both a work of literature and literary criticism. One topic focuses on the play Antigone (pp. 1563-1625), and the other on the poem “Daddy” (pp. 1048-1075). For each of these two works, your text provides outside sources (written by literary critics) that give background and comment on each work. You need to do the following:
(1) Read both Antigone and “Daddy,” and choose one.
(2) Read through the writings in our text about the work you have chosen. Apply at least one (not more than three) of these writings to the work you have chosen. The sample student essay on p. 1619 on Antigone will be you guide to format.
(3) Formulate a thesis that you can focus on, and bring in at least one of the outside sources in your text, For example, you could write on whether Antigone or Creon is right )or perhaps both or neither), focusing on their characters, or you could focus on the theme of the law of the gods versus the law of the state (perhaps adding the chorus and Teiresias for the law topic). For “Daddy,” the issue amongst the critics seems to be how much is personal and how much is art, just creating a fictional voice.
(4) (4) Note: The criticism related to “Daddy” is harder to read and so, for most of you, I suggest Antigone.
(5) Feel free to choose only one outside source from your text. If you do that, the source might be used as a starting point in your opening paragraph, similar to the way the critics in your text use Hegel’s reading of Antigone.
(6) NOTE: Without special permission, the only outside reading you can use for Paper 5 is what is in your book. Exception. I will allow you to use Wikipedia for the its biographical section on Sylvia Plath if you need it.


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