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Marketing Communications Plan – RoyalCustomEssays

Marketing Communications Plan

Marketing Communications Plan

The post has three assignments

1:Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

You are responsible for developing an Integrated Marketing Communications plan for New Belgium Brewing.
Begin by reviewing the details of the case – New Belgium Brewing (B) beginning on page 481 in the text to understand the beginning launch of this product.
Assume that you have taken on the role of Marketing Communications Manager today, Although the company has increased sales through broader distribution, sales are currently flat. Senior management has determined that you need to capture a new target audience with the same products and develop an Integrated Marketing Communications plan

Your plan must include:
Description of selected Target Market. Description should include: demographic and psychographic factors and likely media preferences.
Determine objectives for the year (what do you need your communication tactic to accomplish?) Be specific: are you building awareness, interest etc, and what percentage of the market do you hope to impact?
Establish your communication approach – push vs. pull with rationale as to why you have selected this approach.
Determine mix of media to accomplish your goals and evaluate why each media is chosen. You must specify the media outlet, such as title of TV show, magazine, trade show, etc.
Create a Budget (see constraints below) and a specific calendar for communication tactics and describe the flow of activities, month by month.
Compose the message (slogan, tag line or compelling reason to purchase) and describe how you visualize it being executed.
For this project assume the follow: Total Budget Allocation for 12 months is $8,000,000
Costs per media
30 second TV Spot $350,000 per spot

30 second Local Radio $10,000 per spot

Full Page National Magazine Ad
$350,000 per issue

½ page
$245,000 per issue

¼ page
$175,000 per issue

Informational Website

Transactional Website

Internet Advertising
$35,000 per outlet

Sales Promotion & Couponing
$405,000 per campaign

Direct Mail per 10,000 pieces

Trade Show – National Scope

Direct Sales Staffing – per person
Sales Staff Promotion –per person

Brochures and Collateral Material

Sport Event Marketing $1,200,000 per event

This is a business planning project. You want your final output to convince your new boss you know what you’re doing. Let your creativity come out AND, be sure to provide solid rationale for your decisions tied to the marketing communication concepts
Options for format include:
Business Proposal document: This would be in proposal format with the use of both text and bullet points to make your case. Maximum of 3 pages, not including Reference Page.
Powerpoint, Presi or Multimedia presentation: This should include the use of the notes function for PPT for your full text or even audio if you’re so inclined.
This is a business planning project so APA format is not required for the text and content.
In-text citations and APA reference page are expected. And a minimum of 3 sources beyond the text are expected.
You will not be evaluated on which Target Market you select. You will be evaluated on how well you understand the selected Target Market and how your decisions connect directly with this market.
A few resources regarding Integrated Marketing Communications –

2:How did the Chicago’s stike affected the stability of communities

Paper instructions:
Hello, Well, I need a Chicago native writer or at least someone who knows a lot of the Chicago’s teacher strike that happened not too long ago. Well, it is a psychology research paper and I have to measure the effectiveness the strike had on time allocation. My particular focus is on how the Chicago’s strike affected grammar school children TIME ALLOCATION from this year strike compared to the one that happened 25 years ago. I need this research paper to be very detailed, with information from both years and factual graphs and statistics if possible. I also, need to provide 4 interviews within the research with the response of the person I am asking it to. Also, have a very detailed introduction and a extremely strong conclusion. This paper is not like a normal research paper, it involves everything from writing to questionnaires and answers, to photos and statistics, to a great conclusion to wrap it all together. And also when including the interview part please ask amazing questions and make sure the response fits well. Well, thank you a lot and I hope you can do it.

3:Evidence-Based Mental Health Nursing 


Write a professionalfour to five page paper (not including the cover page or reference page), in APA format, on the identified disorder or behavior with the concept “anxiety.” You are to use primary sources (research articles) only, from 2011 to the present, with studies that have been done in the United States, United Kingdomand/or Australia. At least three of the research articles must include nurses as authors.

The paper must include the following:

1. Definition of the concept “anxiety” in regards to the disorder or behavior;
2. Analysis of the four research articles focusing on the concept;
3. Application ofthe concept to clients on a mental health unit; and
4. Discussion of how the concept is significant in mental health nursing practice.

The identified disorder or behavior will be distributed in class.

The paper is dueMarch 3, 2016.
Submit the final version of the paper (1) in TurnItIn, (2) in TaskStream, and (3) at the beginning of class a hard copy placed on the desk.
Submit a copy of each article with the hard copy.

Grading Criteria

See the Evidence-Based Mental Health Nursing Concept PaperEvaluation form in eCourses.
A total of 24 points is equivalent to a grade of 100. The grade will be recorded as your groupconcept paper grade. Everyone in the group will receive the same grade.


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