Media Industries
Post is of three assignments
1:Industrial Organization
Order Description
Reading “Advertising, Competition And Entry In Media Industries” write the essay including following questions:
a. What are the question(s) the article seeks to answer? [6 marks]
b. Summarize how the authors go about answering these questions? [18 marks]
c. How convincing do you find their research? [6 marks]
d. Find three other relevant articles and/or books that also cast light on issues related to the questions in (a). List them, read them, and explain why you chose each of them. [Marks will be awarded for choosing the most relevant selection, as well as for your explanation].[18 marks]
e. How successful is the literature (i.e., the main reading plus the three others) in increasing our understanding of the issues? What have we learnt from this research? What do we still need to know? [12 marks]
2:Women’s Studies
Order Description
1. Describe and summarize some of the most important information about your subtopic area(s)
2. How is this subtopic(s) relevant on a local, national, and global level?
3 How is this subtopic(s) relevant to issues regarding intersectionality/intersecting identities? Choose at least two identities. For example: in what ways is this topic relevant and impacted by sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism, classism, religion, etc
4. List and describe at least twodifferent systems, institutions, or processes that contribute to this issue/ problem (culture, economy, politics, technology, war, colonialism, etc)
5. We have talked in class about how some local communities across the world are concerned about the “Westernization” of their local cultures. Is that relevant for your topic? If so, explain how and the ways in which you see Westernization to be hurtful AND helpful? If this is not relevant to your topic, how is the concept of cultural “sameness” and cultural “uniqueness/differences” relevant to your topic?
6. What perspective(s) might be missing from your textbook on this topic?
7. What else can be done to address the topic(s) you have highlighted?
TEXTBOOK TO USE: “Women Worldwide: Transnational feminist perspectives on women by Janet Lee and Susan M. Shaw, 2011. ISBN: 9780073512297
*** Use chapter 2: World Media because you can find the pdf online of that chapter and then pick any subtopic***
Include a bibliography with at least 4 references
3:Pressure characteristics in young and elderly population
Order Description
Investigate whether there are differences in Centre of Pressure (COP) trajectories between young and elderly populations during bare-foot walking.
forecurse the impact on gait in the elderly population, consider linking this with falls and the association with mobility, disability, loss of independence and give a sense of economic burden related to falls in the elderly.
What is centre of pressure, how is it calculated? and differences of COP in young and elderly.
incorporate aims and hypothesis in the last few sentences of introduction.
elderly population