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society and the Elderly – RoyalCustomEssays

society and the Elderly

British Colonial rule in Asia
September 11, 2018
Internet and Older Adults
September 11, 2018

Post has three assignments

1: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of remaining socially active in old age, both for society and for elderly individuals

format the paper with 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced Please include quotes in the essay. No Works Cited page needed. Just say who said the quote in the essay itself. Answer the following….. 1. How does this effect society? 2. How does this effect me? 3. What do I think of it?

2: comparing the Indian caste system , specifically the situation of Dalit or untouchables to the Burakumin of Japan, so you will need to begin investigating the Burakumin now

Order Description

Essay 2 instructions: This will be a REQUIRED 5 page research-based, comparative essay worth a possible 100 points. It will be due Sun, 4/9, 9 pm. The drop box will be in Weeks 10/ 11 module and will be associated with Turn-it-in, a site that checks for plagiarism, so be sure to cite your paper properly. You will also need to submit two annotated bibliography entries. The first is due by Sun, 3/12, 9 pm. The second will be due by Sun, 3/26, 9 pm. In total you should use at least 3 sources on the Burakumin in your analysis These must be scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journals or books. You will need to fill out the bibliographic entries form with each of these three sources – can be one or two on entry 1 or and the other two or one on entry 2. These are not graded as separate assignments but included in the overall essay grade. You will be comparing the Indian caste system , specifically the situation of Dalit or untouchables to the Burakumin of Japan, so you will need to begin investigating the Burakumin now. (I have given you information on class and caste in the supplement on Caste in India. There are also links to films on the Dalits (untouchables). I think the supplement and the films should have adequate information for you to make your comparison. Of course you can always conduct further research on Indian caste.) In your essay you will need to address: *A brief history and basis of both systems of division within their respective societies – India and Japan. *How the label of Dalit or Burakumin affected / affects the lives of those so identified. *What measures have been or are being taken to achieve greater equality in society. (Is the inequality/ discrimination recognized or hidden?) ***How would you define the Burakumin? Are they a “race?” Are they an ethnic group? Are they a class? Are they a caste? How are they racialized? How are they “othered?” Give an explanation. You will need to properly cite your sources in a works cited page (additional to the 5 pages of text) as well as citing quotes and paraphrases in the body of the paper. Internal citation is very important; the reader needs to know where you obtained your data at each step of your paper, paragraph by paragraph. They need to know this in order to assess your argument, determine if the sources were reliable, and access them first hand if they have a question or challenge to your presentation. Since all scholarly writing is based on analysis of EVIDENCE, the reader must be able to check the evidence you are using to support your claims. It is highly important for all your future college work. You may use APA, MLA, or Chicago styles, but whatever you chose, be sure to be consistent in the style throughout your paper. See the files in the TMCC library – go to our Elizabeth Strum Library, click on
Research Resources, when the page opens scroll down to “Other Resources” and click on APA/MLA Writing Style
Guides and then scroll down to the style you wish to use. You will be graded on: Following the assignment; Adequate research Proper Citations internally and in a works cited page Proper Structure including spelling/grammar, formal tone, as well sentence/paragraph structure Providing a claim/argument Providing and documenting evidence to support your claim Summarizing the logic and evidence that supports your claim *Previous submission of your 3 annotated bibliography entries

3: Knowledge Integration 

Order Description

DMBA 6101 Knowledge Integration (KI) Project
Spring 2017  read all instructions carefully before you begin.
1) Use the provided Student Answer Sheet. Include your responses to all questions in the column, “Your Response” next to the appropriate question.
e.g. “Smithfinal”– and posted in your Assignment Folder no later than 11:59 PM
(EST), Sunday, April 9th, 2017.
Please note: The questions are already included on the Answer Sheet. Do not include any repeat of the case content on your Answer Sheet. Only place your answers and references on the Answer Sheet.
NOTE: This is an individual assignment. Any discussion or collaboration regarding the assignment constitutes a violation of UMUC’s Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy. If you have any questions about the assignment, you should direct them to your instructor. Don’t wait until the last minute to read the assignment and clarify any questions you might have. If you wait until the night before the KI Project is due, your instructor might not be available to answer your questions at that exact moment.
No extensions may be granted on this assignment; be sure to submit it on
time and check to make sure that the document you submitted is readable and
what you intended to submit.
3) Be sure to base your discussion of these issues on the theories and principles in the readings throughout this seminar. This is not a research project. The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to apply the principles and theories discussed in the course materials. You do not need to consult sources outside of the KI Project content and/ or the assigned DMBA 610 course materials. Using sources that are not course materials may result in point deductions (as this is not a research assignment but instead a knowledge integration application learning demonstration addressing your original analysis). What matters most is what you think about the KI content issues (not regurgitating what other experts or individuals think).
• Course materials include the KI content and all required and recommended reading and multimedia and any additional professor’s lectures and introductions in LEO.
• Course materials do not include any websites that are not in the KI and/ or other course materials in LEO.
4) Your KI Project should contain specific references to the course materials. Be sure to use proper APA formatted citations and references, and indicate direct quotations by using quotation marks and proper page citation. Your final Answer
ONE Answer Sheet document should be saved with your last name and “final,” —

Sheet document includes ONE reference list at the end of the document with all of the references you used in your responses. The reference list is required but will not count toward the allowed number of words. In addition to the reference list, you should also provide in text source citation for direct quotation or paraphrasing of course materials.
5) You must address all questions. Your answers should be limited to the number of words indicated for each question. Failure to adhere to length parameters for each question will result in deduction of points. There is a stated maximum word count for each of the questions (Question 1 = 1,500 words maximum, Question 2 = 1,000 words maximum, Question 3 = 750 words maximum, Question 4 = 500 words maximum). Some of the subsections also have additional stated maximum word limits (e.g., 100 words maximum). If a subsection does not have a stated word maximum, it is your discretion to use a word count that you feel sufficiently answers the question while continuing to adhere to the overall maximum word limits for each question. It is advisable to use the word count feature to check your word counts.
6) Point Allocation: 80% of your grade will be based on the quality of the content of your responses to the questions. The points allocated to each question are indicated. In addition, 20% of your grade will be based on the quality of your attention to graduate level grammar, organization, punctuation, usage, spelling, and APA citation requirements.
SUMMARY – Do not post a separate document for each question. Use the provided Student KI Project Answer Sheet. Include your responses to all questions in the column, “Your Response” next to the appropriate question. Your Answer Sheet includes ONE reference list at the end of the document with all of the references you used in your responses. The reference list is required but will not count toward the allowed number of words. In addition to the reference list, you also should cite sources within your text where appropriate.
This entire KI is fictional. Any references to any real entities or events are only creative illustrations integrated into imaginary case patterns to provide educational context and concept application to this fictional business KI.
Grading Criteria:
CONTENT – 80 points
FORM – 20 points (Graduate level structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, word
usage and adherence to APA citation style)

QUESTION I: BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS – 1,500 maximum word limit total for all parts (worth 25 points)
CASE: Watch the following Video from the 1st Place ‘Collegiate Code’ Miami University Entrepreneurship Pitch Competition May 2016.
Link – https://youtu.be/TUoeGk-WHGY
You will use your DMBA knowledge and analyze these aspiring entrepreneurs. You know that it is not easy for a startup business to survive.

Club Z! Franchising,” 2014)
You also know that most people don’t want to manage or lead organizations. According to Harvard Business Review, only 34% of American workers said they aspire to leadership positions in their companies and just 7% strive for C-level management roles. The main reasons are summarized in this chart:
(Jorden, 2014)
(“Top Reasons Why Start Ups Fail –
(Goddard, 2014)
Connor Kilander) won first place in their school competition! Now, tell them what type of business organization would be best to make their business dreams come true!
Note the following issues as you evaluate the different business forms such as Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Corporation, S Corporation, and Limited Liability Company (LLC):
1. Assume that the majority of the investors for the firm will be sourced via crowdfunding (e.g., sites like https://www.kickstarter.com/, https://www.indiegogo.com/ and https://www.fundable.com/). You read that even bizarre business ideas get crowdfunding and thus you are confident these award winning students will raise “any amount of money that [they] want.” (Michalowicz, 2013)
2. You can be very cautious at times. Yet, sometimes you are bold and take chances (look at your brave step to enroll in your UMUC DMBA program)! You are not sure if ‘Collegiate Code’ founders want anyone else to be able to sign any business checks, use any business credit cards, access any business funds or make any business financial decisions. You don’t know if they want a maximum cap on how much money they could personally lose if the new business fails (e.g., of no more than approximately 10% of liquid assets to limit personal risk). Or, maybe they should “go all in” as you know “it takes money to make money” (e.g., risk every dollar in order to maximize the return if they are successful).
You don’t know if ‘Collegiate Code’ wants to have this business built as large as possible and then handed down to their descendants. Or, maybe they just want to do the minimum required to “avoid having to get a ‘real job’” and then end the business. There are so many specific individual potential objectives and constraints on this business that you will have to think through the most likely probabilities and answer! Make sure you consider if the
o through the DMBA 610 Week 10 Required Reading by Lau & Johnson, “Business
Organizations” Chapter 11, pages 326 to 350 in Business and the Legal and Ethical Environment
v. 1.0. (
and come up with your “best” and “second best”
in Content in Week 10 Required Readings)
for ‘Collegiate Code.’ These students (Adam Shiffler and
forms from a business perspective

‘Collegiate Code’ students will be working for the business full time or when they can (as a “side business” while they are in school and also have other responsibilities).
3. You do not yet know the citizenship status of any potential crowdfunding investors. Or, if ‘Collegiate Code’ will even permit investors to own part of the business. Perhaps they should just do loans for needed funds and retain all of the ownership for themselves? There are so many issues to consider!
DO NOT research anything beyond the assigned video clip of ‘Collegiate Code’. You are required to think through the possibilities based solely on the video content and not research the actual students or anything else from real life. As a real life business leader or business advisor you will give advice to people without “knowing all of the facts.” You will make assumptions which you will clearly state and then you will give your best advice in a persuasive manner.
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (each one is labeled on your Answer Sheet as 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D)
Support each item with principles and theories from the readings:
A) What several factors must business professionals (including ‘Collegiate Code’) consider when choosing what form of entity is best? (200 word limit)
B) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form?
C) Which one form would you choose for ‘Collegiate Code’ and why (in terms of the
most probable constraints and objectives)? Which form would be your “second-best” recommendation and why? You must address at least two specific constraints and objectives that you are applying and how they impact your business selection (e.g., how many people they want to ‘own’ the business, how much risk or liability they want, if they have any friends or family that they want to “own” some of the business, any citizenship considerations of any potential “owners”, whether they want anyone to inherit the business, etc.).
D) What is your real-life focus if (or when) you start a new business venture and why is it important to gain a basic understanding of the available choices of business forms at the outset?
(Maximum Limit: 1500 words total for all parts).
END OF QUESTION I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Question II: DUTIES OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS – 1,000 maximum word limit total for all parts (worth 25 points)

Your Knowledge Integration Project asks you, “What do you think of the situation below with Turing Pharmaceuticals? Do you think that this former CEO, Martin Shkreli, is a genius (e.g., maximizing value to shareholders) or did he do anything wrong?”
From CBS News on September 22, 2015 in a report entitled CEO: 5,000-percent drug price hike “not excessive at all”,
“When Turing Pharmaceuticals bought the 62-year-old drug called Daraprim in August, the company immediately raised the price of one pill from $13.50 to $750. The increase drew protests in the medical community from those concerned that many patients will no longer be able to afford the drug. According to Turing CEO Martin Shkreli, however, the move is simply a smart business decision.
“Why was it necessary to raise the price of Daraprim so drastically?” CBS News correspondent Don Dahler asked Shkreli.
“Well, it depends on how you define so drastically. Because the drug was unprofitable at the former price, so any company selling it would be losing money. And at this price it’s a reasonable profit. Not excessive at all,” Shkreli responded.[…]
When Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of Daraprim to $750 per tablet, the average cost of treatment for patients rose from about $1,130 to $63,000. For certain patients, the cost can go as high as $634,000.
While Shkreli acknowledged that the move might look “greedy,” he said there are “a lot of altruistic properties to it.”
“This is a disease where there hasn’t been one pharmaceutical company focused on it for 70 years. We’re now a company that is dedicated to the treatment and cure of toxoplasmosis. And with these new profits we can spend all of that upside on these patients who sorely need a new drug, in my opinion,” he added.”
(“Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli defends 5,000 percent price hike on Daraprim – CBS News,” 2015)
You pull out your business administration content from DMBA 610 again. You are ready to dispense some DMBA business expert analysis!
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on your Answer Sheet as answer 2A)
A) What are the duties and obligations of a corporate officer in general and did Martin Shkreli conform to those duties and obligations? (100 word limit)

After your response, your KI Project asks if there is anything “higher or more powerful” than the CEO job title (specifically, “Who can fire the CEO?”). You know that if you select some forms of business organization, there would be a Board of Directors that would have the power to fire (or hire) a CEO. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors would be the leader of this entity.
You read this March 28, 2016 article:
“WASHINGTON, March 28 (UPI) — The 80-year-old drug Seconal, a once widely used sleeping pill now often prescribed as an end-of-life treatment, has doubled in price as laws go into effect in several states this year permitting terminally ill patients to take their own lives.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals, which is among companies being investigated by Congress for price gouging, doubled the price of Seconal last year from $1,500 to $3,000 after acquiring the rights to it.
Seconal was the latest “mispriced” drug bought by Valeant with the intent of slashing staffs and raising the price, a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry that drew the attention of Congress and most of the country after Turing Pharmaceuticals bought and immediately increased the price of Daraprim by 5,000 percent.
On March 21, Valeant CEO J. Michael Pearson was forced by the company’s board of directors to resign, bringing to an end the empire he’d built buying drugs and companies, reducing costs and increasing the prices of older, cheaper drugs to boost the company’s profits.” (Feller, 2016)
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on your Answer Sheet as answer 2B)
B) Your KI Project wants to know: For the directors of a company, what are their obligations? To whom are they loyal? Is a director an agent of any entity? Have the Directors of Valeant Pharmaceuticals carried out their obligations appropriately regarding forcing former CEO Michael Pearson to resign? Why or why not? Under the business judgment rule are the Directors of Valeant immune from legal action? Why or why not?
Assume that with your UMUC MBA degree you will be funding philanthropic organizations to “give back” and share your good financial fortune. Focusing on the non-profit sector analyze the action of the former president of the Board of Directors of Educational Housing Services as reported in Nonprofit Quarterly. Author Ruth McCambridge wrote on December 11, 2012,
“Here is a good story to tell boards to impress upon them the advisability of strong fiscal stewardship. Educational Housing Services, established in 1987, is a New York City-based nonprofit that rents affordable housing to students. On Monday, New York State Attorney

General Eric Schneiderman disclosed that George Scott, the founder and former president of the group’s board of directors, has agreed to a $5.5 million settlement resolving an investigation that Schneiderman said found “stunning” negligence on the part of the board.
According to the attorney general’s findings, the board breached its duties of loyalty and care between the years of 2003 and 2009 by contracting with Student Services, Inc. (SSI), a corporation founded and controlled by Scott and his wife which he says charged Educational Housing millions of dollars for intermediating cable, phone and Internet services for the building at a large mark-up. The attorney general’s office asserts that SSI provided no meaningful benefit and sees the situation as a case of civil fraud that was approved by the board of directors. Therefore it is not pursuing criminal charges against Scott but it is tapping the personal assets of Scott, the organization, and the trustees.
“We have no tolerance for officers and directors who treat a nonprofit organization as a vehicle for personal enrichment,” Schneiderman said in a statement. The AG’s findings state that board members received salaries simply for being trustees and that some had well-compensated consulting contracts that provided “little value” to EHS. As a result of the settlement, which includes no admission of any wrongdoing whatsoever, the five board members must pay $1 million from their own personal funds and they have resigned and been forever banned from sitting on the board of any New York charity. Scott has also resigned and is required to make restitution of $2.5 million personally, while Scott and SSI will jointly waive their rights to an additional $2 million expected under the EHS-SSI agreement, and the board will pay $1 million.
An important additional point: although the attorney general’s report found that the board had been in part misled by Scott, it found that the board did know that Scott was involved with SSI and so this was a “related party transaction.” Therefore it was the board’s responsibility to place the situation under careful scrutiny to ensure that the deal was in the best interests of EHS. Instead, they delegated to Scott the job of getting legal advice and competitive bids in this situation. Thus, the board allowed Scott to control the information going to advisors and relinquished its ability to objectively assess the integrity of the situation.” (McCambridge, 2012)
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on Answer Sheet 2C)
2C) Your KI Project asks: What do you think of the leadership and management skills of George Scott, the founder and former president of Educational Housing Services’ board of directors? Did he serve the nonprofit well (as per best practices and business theory), or not?
Support your response with an explanation of the decision -making process that you would personally apply if you were an officer or board of director of a non-profit. How would your decision making process differ from that of a for profit officer and/ or director? Search the DMBA 610 Week 10 Required Reading source from the U.S. Small Business Administration (class provided link https://www.sba.gov/content/partnership), what content do you find related to Non-Profit Success?
################################################################ ####

Former (2015) Volkswagen CEO, Martin Winterkorn, resigned in light of reported fraud. The Volkswagen company “faked diesel emission tests.” (Phelan, 2015)
As per USA Today, on September 27th, 2015: “Premeditation.
That’s the difference between Volkswagen’s faked diesel emission tests and earlier auto scandals. It’s what makes this worse than GM’s ignition switches, Toyota’s runaway cars or Ford-Firestone’s exploding tires.
Volkswagen set out to cheat emissions tests and sell cars that would damage human health and the environment. The other automakers seemed legitimately baffled and eager to address their crises.
VW paused sales of its popular and profitable diesels when it couldn’t meet American standards a decade ago, and practically dislocated a shoulder patting itself on the back for its ingenuity meeting those standards a year later. Except that they didn’t. The engines VW touted as “clean diesels” produced up to 40 times the legal limit, doing untold damage to human health and the environment.” (Phelan, 2015)
As reported by CNN,
“Winterkorn apologized twice for the scandal, and said he was stunned by the scale of the misconduct.
When he resigned he said: “As CEO I accept responsibility for the irregularities that have been found in diesel engines and have therefore requested the supervisory board to agree on terminating my function as CEO of the Volkswagen Group. I am doing this in the interests of the company even though I am not aware of any wrong doing on my part.” (Thompson, 2015)
Read the interviews below with current 2016 Volkswagen CEO, Matthias Müller, and analyze his 2016 ‘apology tour’ of the USA. It was reported in a January 12, 2016 Bloomberg BusinessWeek article as “Apology Tour Off to Rocky Start.” (Kresge & Rauwald, 2016)
An NPR interview from January 11th, 2016, entitled “’We Didn’t Lie,’ Volkswagen CEO Says Of Emissions Scandal”:
“NPR: You said this was a technical problem, but the American people feel this is not a technical problem, this is an ethical problem that’s deep inside the company. How do you change that perception in the U.S.?
Matthias Mueller: Frankly spoken, it was a technical problem. We made a default, we had a … not the right interpretation of the American law. And we had some targets for our technical engineers, and they solved this problem and reached targets with some software solutions which haven’t been compatible to the American law. That is the thing.
And the other question you mentioned — it was an ethical problem? I cannot understand why you say that.
NPR: Because Volkswagen, in the U.S., intentionally lied to EPA regulators when they asked them about the problem before it came to light.
Mueller: We didn’t lie. We didn’t understand the question first. And then we worked since 2014 to solve the problem. And we did it together and it was a default of VW that it needed such a long time.
NPR: And how do you fix the perception that’s here in the U.S. — how do you change American thinking about Volkswagen …
Mueller: We don’t want to change the American thinking. We have to make up our mind and we have to change our thinking. And we just do that.” (Glinton, 2016)
From a February 29th, 2016, CNBC interview transcript with CEO of Volkswagen, Matthias Müller:
“NH: We’ve talked about the financial impact related to the actual fix in the United States, but you’re also facing this 46 billion potential lawsuit from the Justice Department. You said those talks are progressing, what exactly does that mean? Are you confident that an eventual settlement will be much lower than that figure?
MM: I am not confident but I hope, of course, because our calculations lead to different results of course. These 46 billion or any other figure at this point in time would be paramount to speculation and we will not comment on that.
NH: But when you look at other automakers, Toyota and General Motors, for example, who had settlements with the Justice Department in the neighbourhood of 1 billion, for incidents that really cost lives on a severe level here. Do you fear that your punishment is disproportionate to the crime.
MM: I assume that the American authorities will be stringent but fair. So I believe a figure which you’ve mentioned is much too high. But as I stated, I will not partake in speculation at this juncture and I assume that we will reach an amicable agreement.” (“CNBC Transcript: Interview with Matthias Müller, Volkswagen CEO,” 2016)
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on your Answer Sheet as answer 2D, 2E, 2F)
Answer the following:
D) You start to wonder, is the emissions example a “right v. right” type of dilemma as described by Week 3 Required Reading and Multimedia Badaracco (2002)? Why or why not? Explain.
E) You determine that you are proud to be earning your MBA! You want to be able to persuade the general public that businesses (and their leaders) are a positive socially

responsible part of modern society. So, you assume the role of the head of Volkswagen. Analyze the emissions issues using Badaracco’s “right v. right” framework from his Defining Moments video (2002). Be sure to support your views with ethical theory and principles, and include all steps and tests in your response.
F) Was the behavior of Turing Pharmaceuticals, Valeant Pharmaceuticals or Educational Housing Services (including that of their former CEOs and Directors) ethical? Analyze this question for one company using Bagley’s Ethical Leader’s Decision Tree (https://hbr.org/2003/02/the-ethical-leaders-decision-tree) (Bagley, 2003)
(Maximum Limit: 1,000 words total for all parts)
Question III: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS – 750 maximum word limit total for all parts (worth 15 points)
While you are contemplating your future as a UMUC MBA graduate and international business mogul, you realize that global business is very important! You will therefore need to better understand international business investments. It is a small world after all!
Due to globalization, you have decided that you need to invest in firms outside of the USA to ensure you are maximizing (and diversifying) your opportunities. Fortunately, your DMBA 610 course has international business content!
Assume that you have formed an investment company based in the USA and that you have decided to invest in a business in South Africa. Watch these two global business pitches for investment. Then answer the questions below.
1) South Africa:
PetHeaven – https://youtu.be/6OSKWB7LOUg

2) Diarize.me

QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on your Answer Sheet as
answer 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, 3G)
Answer the following:
A) What is globalization? You worry about what you should do to protect yourself from risks in the event of a dispute in regards to a South African business venture(s). What do you advise yourself in the context of globalization? (100 word limit)
B) What are location advantages? You have been “visualizing success”, yet, you are uneasy about the political situation in South Africa (based on simply your “feelings” and no specific facts). You are concerned that your business assets could be the subject of expropriation or losses due to any future civil unrest. What advice do you give yourself to address this possibility while maintaining any location advantages? (100 word limit)
C) Which company do you select to invest in and why? What is a multidomestic view? How does it relate to what specific types of provisions do you recommend should be written into the South African business contracts to limit any legal disputes that might arise between your US based investment company and any local vendors, banks and clients in South Africa?
D) How would these provisions favor the interests of your company?
E) If you include the provisions you recommend in part (C) in the contracts, does that mean your company will never have to go to court in another country or become familiar with any foreign laws in connection with the business deals in South Africa?
F) What could happen if the provisions you specified in part (C) were not part of the contract?
G) You believe that you need a “fancy office” in South Africa to show local businesses that you “are the real deal” and convince them join into potential future ventures with you. You are thrilled because “a guy on Twitter” told you he found “someone on Craigslist” who says they will pick up and install all of the furnishings for your South African office (he

said the only requirement is that they have to be paid in Bitcoin currency).
[NOTE: “Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name. […] In addition, international payments are easy and cheap because bitcoins are not tied to any country or subject to regulation.”] (“What is Bitcoin? – CNNMoney,” n.d.)
What do you do to protect your interests (to avoid the risk of paying upfront and then the office furnishings never being delivered to your South African office)? What about ensuring that the delivered items are properly installed in the South African location?
(150 word limit)
(Limit: 750 words maximum total for all parts)
Answer the following:
Watch video – Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Link – https://youtu.be/UF8uR6Z6KLc
word limit total for all parts (worth 15 points)

######################################################## QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (labeled on your Answer Sheet as answer 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E)
Watch the commencement address by Steve Jobs and provide a brief analysis of it using these critical thinking questions from DMBA 610 Week Two Content in the US Army Management Staff College AMSC Critical Thinking report (citing Dr. Richard Paul model) at https://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/army/critical/roy.htm and use the content on fallacies in Almossawi, Ali (2013) An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments – (https://bookofbadarguments.com/?view=allpages
) to identify any fallacies.
A) Purpose, Goal, or End in View?
B) Question at Issue or Problem to be Solved?
C) (Information) The Empirical Dimension of Reasoning?
D) The Conceptual Dimension of Reasoning?

E) Identify at least three reasoning fallacies in the speech by type and explain why they are reasoning fallacies in this context.
(Limit: 500 words maximum total for all parts)

business associations

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