Post has three assignments
1:The Spiritual Person
Address significant ideas, terms, or theories that are reviewed in the chapter text. The second half of the paper should address the impact of this information on social work practice and the implications to the student
.?The student’s review of the chapter’s material & key points
?Impacts on social work practice 25 points maximum
?Personal implication and the student’s perspectives
2: Cypress Hills/East New York, Brooklyn Case study
Zoning – Overview of rezoning: Case study from Cypress Hills/East New York, Brooklyn
Zoning – Overview of rezoning: Case study from Cypress Hills/East New York, Brooklyn. Guiding Questions as you write your response: “What areas of the city are slated for rezoning? What are the demographics of these
neighborhoods? What does the opposition look like? What are people asking for?” (I could not include these questions in the TOPIC…)
Please read and follow the below instructions carefully: this paper should aim at making connections across the readings, and they should put forward a modest argument about how each reading speaks to the broader theme of the week. They should be 1-2 pages each (400-600 words) and use size 12-point font and l.5 spacing. You should discuss the author’s main points, compare and contrast the different points of view of the authors and should briefly connect the readings to the class theme of the week. Please spell check. ***Any direct quotations, paraphrases, or uses of others’ ideas (from either the readings assigned or elsewhere) must be CITED in APA format.
3: Compliance
Focus on a single issue raised in the chapter.Summarize the chapter, but rather analyze an issue presented in the chapter.The writer for the book to see chapter 12 Grading Rubric for Discussion Papers: An “A” paper is: ***Creative, well-researched, well-analyzed (that is, multiple subtopics with sound reasons presented) and persuasive. For example, the “A” product will need to include at least two sources other than the Showalter textbook; you may find such sources by following Showalter’s footnotes or by doing additional research. I expect to read something that shows thought and analysis of the issue or issues you have chosen to write about. The paper should be well structured, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. An analysis of why you think a case presented in the text was correctly or incorrectly decided is an appropriate subject. The full text of the case itself — more than what was excerpted or presented in the text — counts as one source. The paper should not be a summary of the chapter, but rather an analysis of one or two of the issues in the chapter. The papers will include outside research. Please take full advantage of the electronic resources available to you through Do not simply use Google or Bing or similar research tools; these are unlikely to find good academic material. Good choices for subjects for the discussion papers include the legal decisions appended to most of the chapters, a legal case described in the chapter, or another interesting issue raised in the chapter. Each paper should be at least 500 words long (not including footnotes) and no more than 1500 words (not including footnotes)
Brooklyn Case study