The Ethnic Myth by Stephen Steinberg
1:Describe the two facets of Stephen Steinberg’s concept of “The Ethnic Myth.” How does he deconstruct the notion of ethnicity both in terms of the idea of ethnic pluralism, and of the use of ethnicity as an explanation for differential outcomes?
2:Company Sales and accounts
1:Indicate the essential functions of the accounts receivable administration and the related tasks.
2. Also indicate those internal control measures that need to guarantee a satisfactory execution of these tasks.
3. Describe four ways in which accounts receivable can be recorded.
4. Provide a normative internal control description with respect to the accounts receivable administration for the two organizations described below. Besides the position of accounts receivable, the creation and settlement of receivables deserve specific attention.
3:Is it good for Schools to use a year round or a traditional schedule?
Ethnic Myth