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The professional Culture of Schools – RoyalCustomEssays

The professional Culture of Schools

The LBGT Community
September 11, 2018
The Australian Educational Context
September 11, 2018


The post has three assignments

1:Intellectual Property

Order Description

submit an individual advice letter addressed to an engineering student based on interviews conducted with the engineering student concerning their project work. This letter must be written in a clear, easy to understand style with no ‘legalese’ .The maximum length of the advice letter will be 800 words. this letter must include ways to protect the engineering student on their project on IP rights such as copyright, design rights,and patents and the name of the project is quality in flexible introduction lines. my engineer is aware that flexible production lines have been used for over 15 years now but he hopes increasing its effectiveness and using his own developed formula for the production line.


2: Contemporary Issues In Education

Order Description

Essay question (950 words): The ?process of adapting to the professional culture of schools is prevalent in ITE, but for BME students, it may be that proving that they ‘fit in? to an overwhelmingly White profession is particularly challenging? (Wilkins and Lall, 2011, p. 381). – DISCUSS.

Task A) Choose three contrasting images of primary school teachers (fact or fiction). Include the source for each image. Annotate each image to show how it reinforces or challenges stereotypes of primary school teachers.

Task B) Find a short quotation from a relevant academic source and write a 50 word analytical comment in response.

* depth of understanding of current issues in schools and in education,
* awareness of the context of specific contemporary issues,
* use of the following perspectives, as appropriate: historical, psychological, sociological, philosophical.

3: Analytical Report

Order Description

Write a response of 650-750 words on each question.
In each answer, you must draw upon (a) the set textbook (Lightbown & Spada) and (b) at least 2 readings from the required weekly readings of the subject. You may use further references as well, but close and critical reading of (a) and (b) is essential.
1. Which develops first in a child’s L1: content words or function words? Why might this be so?
2. To what extent can linguistic similarities and differences between a person’s L1 and L2 alone explain the ease and difficulty with which they develop the L2?

Assessment criteria:


work will be assessed according to the following criteria:
– Clear explanations of key concepts related to language development, drawing on theories from required subject readings.
– Detailed analysis of linguistic, psychological and social dimensions of learning, using ideas from required subject readings.
– Accurate and cohesive written English, with correct citation and referencing.


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