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Hayek's Contribution to Economic Policy – RoyalCustomEssays

Hayek's Contribution to Economic Policy

Shale Gas Development
September 18, 2018
Thomas HardyTess of the d’Urbervilles
September 18, 2018

post has two assignments

Describe Hayek’s life and his contributions to economics and effect on politics.

2: Recreation agency

Order Description

Leadership plan containing all of the topics we cover in class and more. The outline is as follows. The italicized is a brief explanation of that part of the document. The bullet points are the subheadings you will use to cover everything you need to cover in that section. There is no minimum page number prescribed here, but anything short of at least a couple of pages per section would likely not have sufficiently covered what is needed.

Section I – Front Matter
This section explains just what this document is and how to use it.

? Cover page (Your name, the course name, the project title, semester, year).

? Table of contents (complete with page numbers linked to the bulleted headings)

? Introduction/summary. In a paragraph, explain what the entire document is about. If a banker or other funding agency was to read this, what would you want them to know in the first paragraph, in order to keep them interested (Hint: it is likely you will need to write this section last as the document tends to change over time).

? Special definitions or terms

? Agency mission – This is a formal summary of the aims and values of your organization.

Section II – Leadership
This section explains how leadership decisions are made within the agency, how the agency is organized, who the competition might be and who/what might be good organizations to collaborate with.

? Organizational structure-

An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. (Wikipedia, 2016, Dec.)

Is this organization a non-profit or for profit organization? Why?

If it is a for-profit organization, what form will it take? The most common forms of business are the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, S corporation, and LLC (Limited Liability Company). Legal and tax considerations enter into selecting a business structure. Explain which one you would pursue and why.

? Leadership and management practices-

Explain your leadership style and how that will inform your management of the organization.

? Expenses/inventory/maintenance/marketing-

Be as detailed as possible here. What will your start up costs be? On going?

? Marketing strategies-

How will you get the word out about your organization? Website? Social media? Print media? Others? How will you manage these costs?

? Communication strategies –

How do you intend to communicate within your organization? Will it be formal or less formal? How will you track policies and procedures and their respective effectiveness?

? Collaborations/Competition –

Are there organizations that you will reach out to partner with and collaborate? What about competitors? Who are they? How do you differ? What is your advantage over them?

? Innovation –

How will you lead the organization into being an innovative enterprise? What trade publications/organizations can you consult in order to stay on the “leading edge”? How will you foster a sense of innovation within your organization?

Section III – Financing
This section deals with how you would obtain the financing to launch this business, where you would locate the organization, and how long it would take until you expect to be making a profit (or if it is a non-profit how you would maintain the organization’s existence).

? Start up financing –

What finance sources will you pursue to get the organization off the ground? Be specific. Vagueness will ensure this goes nowhere. Even if you don’t actually plan to pursue this, you should pay close attention and detail this sub-section.

? Location –

Do some research. Find a specific address that this could actually work. Why does this location work better than others? Complementary businesses around? Traffic flow? Costs?

? Profitability projections –

Show your projected revenues and expenses for the first 18 months. Most businesses fail within the first 18 months. Here are some reasons why.

Reason #1: Not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue.

Reason #2: No real differentiation in the market (read: lack of unique value propositions)

Reason #3: Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion.

Reason #4: Leadership breakdown at the top (yes — founder dysfunction).

Reason #5: Inability to nail a profitable business model with proven revenue streams

(Eric T. Wagner, Forbes Sept 12, 2013)

Explain what you will do to ensure your organization makes it past this hurdle. In addition, a graph would be a great idea here.

Section IV – Appendices
This section is a reference section for the reader to better understand how you researched what you did, how you obtained the data that you used, and also is the section that can be where you put charts and diagrams to support what you are saying in the text of the document.

? Research that helped you formulate the plan

Name the websites, magazines, books or any other source that helped you get factual information to get the project from concept to paper. Use APA style https://www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/index.aspx for reference pages.

? Charts, diagrams, etc. that may be useful to the reader in better understanding the document

Pie charts, graphs, diagrams sometimes do a better job at explaining than text does. Include them, but make sure they add clarity to the subject matter. If they are just “fluff” they won’t help but rather may confuse the reader and you will earn less points.

? Any other support materials you wish to provide.

There will definitely be other materials that helped you get your project completed. Show these here. Give a short explanation of how they helped.

You will be graded on the completeness of the project as well as how well you did in these areas…

Staying topical. >>>>> Tell the reader what is needed, explaining when needed, and not at other times.

Engaging the reader. >>>> If someone gets bored reading this, you may lose the funding.

Grammar, Spelling, Neatness. >>> Run a spell check, grammar check, and keep the document professional looking.

Explanation of information.>>> Adequately explain, don’t over explain, nor under explain.


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