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Risk Management – RoyalCustomEssays

Risk Management

Science and Engineering
September 18, 2018
Quran and Hadith in the development of Islamic
September 18, 2018


post has three assignments

1:Liability of Accountants

Select a YouTube video, a 2015 article from the Wall Street Journal or a 2015 article from a business journal listed on CEOEXPRESS.COM dealing with a business law subject covered in Chapter 33 of( Business Law Today, Standard Edition, Authors: Roger LeRoy Miller, Edition: 11th Edition, Copyright: 2017, 2014, 2011, Publisher: South-Western Cengage Learning) and write a 350 word summary of the same. Mention in your summary the CHAPTER, the PAGE and TITLE of the Section in the TEXTBOOK where this subject is covered.

2:Children of Heaven

1. If the assignment poses a question, have you answered that question – and not some other question, or no question in particular?
2. Have you organized your argument in the most effective way you can, or does it meander all over the place?
3. Have you backed up the arguments you make with concrete examples, or do you leave your claims floating in the air?
4. Does your opening paragraph give the reader a clear sense of the way you see the issue and how you are going to set about dealing with it?
5. Does your concluding paragraph effectively sum up what you have done to resolve the issue?
6. Do you begin your paragraphs with topic sentences? If I read the first couple sentences of each paragraph would I get a clear sense of your argument? Does the last sentence of each paragraph convey a sense of what your paragraph has achieved?
7. Have you limited direct quotations from the readings to short excerpts or does your essay feel like a collection of hadith?
8. Did you make sure to include short quotations from assigned readings that were relevant to your arguments? Otherwise an uncharitable instructor might think that you haven’t been doing the reading.
9. Please make sure your work is formatted to include: your name, date, course, title of assignment,12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins.
10. Citations can either be parenthetical in short form (e.g. T. Ramadan, Radical Reform, p. 301) or in footnote format.

3:Risk Management

Managing Risk in Organizations, J. Davidson Frame, Jossey-Bass © 2003

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) (5th Edition), Project Management Institute © 2013

Assignment 2

Events Plus Inc.

Events Plus Inc. is a company that organizes seminars. Each year, it holds some 120 seminars dealing with business management and public sector management themes.

In order to encourage early enrollments to its seminars, Events Plus offers 20 percent discounts to participants who register for a class up to six weeks in advance of the date of the seminar offering. Because this is an attractive discount, popular classes usually experience heavy levels of sign-ups before the six-week pre-seminar cut-off point. Less popular courses experience weaker levels of sign-ups.

Table 1 shows data collected on 110 seminar offerings that were tracked by Events Plus over the past year and a half. Looking at the data, Events Plus finds that in 22 cases, enrollments were so strong at the six-week marker that they covered all anticipated seminar costs. Typically, these classes resulted in decent profits, although in two cases the class had to be cancelled owing to instructor illness. In 33 cases, enrollments were reasonably good at the six-week marker and covered 70-95 percent of the seminar costs. The seminars usually experience some profit, although on ten occasions classes could not be held owing to insufficient enrollments. In 55 cases, enrollments were weak at the six-week marker, covering less than 70 percent of anticipated seminar costs. Often, these classes did not break even and in a number of cases resulted in substantial losses. On 22 instances, they were cancelled owing to poor enrollments.

Table 1
Events Plus uses the information contained in this table to track enrollment strength course-by-course. That is, decision-makers use this historical data to determine the viability of current seminar offerings. At the six-week pre-course marker, managers review enrollments and classify a seminar according one of three categories: Break even as of today; almost break even as of today; and not-near-to-breaking-even as of today.


1. Create a decision-tree that will help guide us in determining what action to take when we review student enrollments at the six-week, pre-course marker.

2. Senior management is reviewing past attendance at seminars. They want to have an overall understanding of how their seminar marketing efforts are doing. So they ask the following questions, which you should answer:
a. What is the probability that Events Plus will reach the break-even point at the six week marker and ultimately hold the seminar?
b. What is the probability that Events Plus will nearly reach the break-even point at the six-week marker and ultimately hold the seminar?
c. What is the probability that Events Plus will not reach the break-even point at the six-week marker, but winds up holding the seminar nonetheless?

3. Assume the cost of preparing for a typical seminar (including advertising cost) is $32,000 and revenue after preparation cost have been netted out is $20,000. When seminars are cancelled, the preparation costs are lost entirely.
a. If at the six-week marker we find that we have reached a break-even point, what is the expected monetary value associated with deciding to hold the seminar? Does it make good business sense to go ahead and hold the seminar?
b. If at the six week marker we find that we are near to reaching a break-even point, what is the expected monetary value associated with deciding to hold the seminar? Does it make good business sense to go ahead and hold the seminar?
c. If at the six week marker, we find that we clearly have not reached the break-even point, what is the expected monetary value associated with deciding to hold the seminar? Does it make good business sense to go ahead and hold the seminar?

4. When Events Plus begins preparing to offer a seminar, what is the probability that the seminar will actually be held?


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