post carries two assignments
Discuss how the rise of nationalism radically changed the dynamics of Jewish-Muslim
relations in the world of Islam, using examples from Iraq, Egypt and Morocco- Topics
might include: the rise of Jewish political radicalism,Jewish migration and flight,mutual
demands for restitution, the transformation of Zionist ideology. There are some
scholarly documents attach that can be used to support the paper.
2: Netflix’s advertising strategy
Order Description
Answer these questions:
– What’s Netflix’s advertising strategy and how does Netflix’s advertising strategy support its business level strategy, compared to its main competitor? (To answer this question, you’ll need to identify Netflix’s ad strategy, its business level strategy, and those of one of its competitors.)
– How Netflix manages to pop up less watched series ?
– What’s their pricing strategy to boardcast series ? And how they share the profit of successful series
– Does Netflix care about each countries demand or its focused on hosting country’s demand ?
Jewish natinalism