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Principles of Catholics – RoyalCustomEssays

Principles of Catholics

Portrayal of Women
September 21, 2018
Water and Life
September 21, 2018

post contains three assignments

Create a feature article about the topics of ‘self’ and ‘community’. Demonstrate your understanding of the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in relation to ‘self’ and ‘community’.
You are to
Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and through a
Personal written commentary, explain that the concepts of ‘self’ and ‘community’ are interrelated.
General Instructions:
• Construct a feature article describing in writing, the 9 principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST)
, and draw upon these principles to demonstrate the interrelationship between the concepts of ‘self’ and ‘community’.
• The 9 principles you are to write about are: Dignity of the Human Person; Common Good;
Preferential Option for the Poor; Subsidiarity; Universal Purpose of Goods; Stewardship of
Creation; Promotion of Peace; Participation; Global solidarity.
• The feature article may have illustrations/artwork that relate to the content of your article, and which must be referenced correctly. Try and make your page interesting and engaging for readers.

2:Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

What are the components of the following systems? Explain the configuration of each.

car wash


small grocery store

3:Goal Setting and Contracting

Order Description

Social Work
Engagement, Assessment Goal Setting and Contracting
Select a client system from your active caseload (this can be an individual, a family, a group, or a community).

1. Provide a concise description of your agency and the specific function your serve in client’s life. (For example, “I work at The Safe House, which is a non-profit program that provides short-term counseling to people affected by domestic violence. We also provide free, short-term counseling to people affected by domestic violence. We also provide free, short term shelter and food. ..”)
2. Prove a full description of the client system (disguise name). Include in this description relevant behavioral, cognitive, social, and environmental factors. Talk also about the client’s environment and social support system.
3. Who referred the client? What was the reason for the referral?
4. Describe in detail your initial process of engagement with your client. What specific engagement strategies have you used with your client? What do your readings tell you specifically about the engagement process? (Be creative: for example, add some snippets from process recordings to illustrate the engagement process). (Integrate Practice Theory) (Focus on engagement skills)
5. Talk about the specific differences and similarities between you and your client in terms of age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and religion). How do these differences and similarities affect the engagement process?
6. According to your client, what are the presenting problems? (Be specific).
7. Describe the strengths and challenges/obstacles of the client. (Refer to literature, including that on Strength Perspective).
8. Provide a succinct description of how you assessed this client. For example: client’s physical and psychological health, level of functioning, social supports, spiritual life, strength, etc. Incorporate relevant theory of the process of assessment.
9. What goals did you and your client identify? Relate your process of goals setting with the client to the relevant literature on goal setting. (You can also include snippets of a process recording illustrate you work).
10. Talk about the contract (formal or informal) you and the client made and include relevant literature that informed your contracting process.
11. Talk about any barriers/difficulties you have encountered in your work with this client. (For example: countertransference, transference, resistance, non-verbal clients, client not willing, etc.) How did you handle this difficulty? (Remember to define your terms and pinpoint specific interventions from the relevant literature)
12. Describe any ethical dilemmas encountered in the course of the work to date.
13. To summarize, provide a brief self-assessment of your work with this client. What specific social work skills do you feel good about? Where have you seen personal growth? What do you see as potential areas for continued growth?
Detail: 10 pages
• A minimum of 8 citations and 5 sources (including text books and articles)
• APA Style

4. Below are reading materials

• Hepworth, D.H., Rooney, R.H., Rooney, D.R., Strom-Gottfried, K. & Larsen, J.A. (2013). Direct social work practice: Theory and skills 9th edition. Cengage Learning/Brooks Cole.

• Shulman, L. (2016). The skills of helping individuals, families, groups and communities, 8th edition. Cengage Learning/Brooks Cole
• NASW Code of Ethics
• Compton & Galaway: Chapter 8, Engaging potential clients, 197-232.
• Compton & Galaway: Chapter 10, Data collection and assessment, 346-394.
• Bent-Godrey, T. (2016). Social work’s grand challenges: Mobilizing the profession. Social Work 61(3), 197-198.
• Steen, J.A. (2006). The roots of human rights advocacy and a call to action. Social Work, 51(2), 101-105.

As far as the client, this can be about a client first encounter with a social work intern and coming to the agency because he has been referred from parole for using cocaine or cannabis and other substance. Please include from the reading material social practice skills. Below is my last paper which you can use to help and I will also include an example of a process recoding I did you can use that or make up a really good substance abuse client.
Example my last process recording:

This writer met with Michael to continue to work on treatment goals and objectives. Michael was friendly with Writer and presents as motivated towards recovery. Goal of session was to meet with writer for an additional session weekly to explore issues with retry, mental health issues and other functions associated with his substance use.

Michael reports he is still working on addressing his treatment goals, he shared that he has been having some frustration with “my emotions, I am going from high to lows”. Writer explored with him his needs re: his inconsistent report to psych, not following up with medication management protocols. He shared that “I am scared to use meds” he shared that his trauma was due to his history of incarceration and multiple issues that occurred when he was locked up. He shared that “I once took something and was out for over 2 hrs.”.

Writer asked Michael to complete a goal setting exercise where he verbalized the top 5 goals he would like to accomplish within the next 12 months. Michael wrote “Stay positive, save money again, get a better job, get stronger again and get control of my emotions and thoughts”. Writer asked Michael to choose one goal that if he accomplished it would have the greatest positive impact on his life. Michael identified “stay positive” & “get control of my emotions and thoughts”. Writer and Michael began identifying obstacles he will have to overcome in order to achieve goal. Michael reports “anxiety”, however denies low self-confidence or fear of people to be a barrier. Michael states “I don’t care what other people think about me, I know who I am”, however writer reflected how he is preoccupied with other people and their actions “workers at RWA his supervisor etc.”. Writer discussed the benefits of psychotropic medication in treating social anxiety and explored barriers to noncompliance; he shared the above trauma and fear over “using Prozac bc I don’t know how I am going to react”. Writer explore if he meets with a psych and discuss medication in details and he makes an informed choice on meds he would be willing to try…writer coordinated care with Amy Cohen and scheduled Michael to meet with her next Monday as writer will be in on vacation and will explore different medications with less side effects.

Writer suggested Michael complete thought record next time he has a negative emotion. Writer explained how this would work, by having Michael give an example of a situation that would lead to a negative emotion. Writer explained the power of thoughts and how we become whatever we think about all the time. Michael will explored ways that he can address his thoughts and work on having “control” he identified that he has moments when “I am trying to do something and I forget, I feel like I am losing my mind”. Writer discussed ways that he can practice mindfulness as a tool to “control these distracted thoughts” and be able to address “incidents” of distraction that cause him struggles.

Michael continues to verbalize reduction in past pattern of use and continues to be in contemplation moving to action stage of change. Michael agreed to complete the goal setting activity for next session and goal of meeting with psych and making a decision and medication management. Michael reports “I will try”, however Writer helped Michael to see the value in making commitments and sticking to them, cultivating self-discipline instead of making excuses. He contracted to meet with psych on 9/25 continue treatment schedule and prescribed and will meet with writer on Oct 2 for next schedule session.

Catholic Socialism

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