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Management – RoyalCustomEssays


Predatory Violence and Drug
September 27, 2018
Did the Company Violate the Agreement When It Did Not Pay Holiday Pay?
September 27, 2018

post has two assignments

Write a progress report to CEO regarding 3 month pilot

2: Skill and Career Search

Skill and Career Search Assignment with Onetcenter
I-Assignment objectives
1-Familiarize student with employment management position opportunities
2-Connect skill and knowledge training in course work with management position requirements
3-Develop skills in quantitative data analysis and interpretation
4-Practice math calculations used for data stratification and decision making
5-Practice construction visual outputs (graphs, charts, etc-) in presentation format
1- Access onetcenter database a www-onetcenter-org
2- Access link ONet online
3- Access 3 data bases and Onet SOC code data base to familiarize yourself with search capabilities
a- Find occupations 5
b- Advanced search
c- Cross walks
4- Identify 5 marketing positions (i-e- marketing analyst, marketing manager, social media analyst, market researcher, advertising manager, etc-)
5- When searching for marketing positions search for industry sectors that Applied Management majors are qualified for when completing BS degree
(retail, logistics, distribution, manufacturing, health care, bank/finance, food service, etc-)-
6- Review each position description- Review 7 areas (tasks, tools and technology, knowledge, skills, abilities, work activities, work context, works styles, and
work values) pay rate, projected job openings in the future- Each position has a large amount of information-review all the information that pertains to the
positions you selected-
1-Using Excel to set up a spread sheet file that you will use to analysis data on the 5 positions you selected-
a-Set up one spreadsheet file with 7 tabs/worksheetslsheets-
b-Each tab will represent the areas of tasks, tools and technology, knowledge, skills, abilities, work activities, work context, work styles, and work values-
2- For each tablworksheetslsheets
a-Put the 5 positions in the columns/vertical axis
b-List the top 5 important tasks for each of the 5 positions (then tools and technology sheet, then knowledge sheet, etc-) in the rows! horizontal axis
c-Note that as you list the tasks (then tools and tech, knowledge, etc-) you will have more than 5 tasks (then tools, etc-) on your horizontal access because
each position will likely have different tasks (tools, knowledge, etc-)-
d-As you input the data…use 25 points for a skill (then tools, etc) that is ranked highest, 15 points for a skill ranked second, 10 points for third ranked, 5
points for 4th ranked, and 1point for 5th ranked- This means that you only record the top 5 skills (then tools, etc-) for each position that you review. The
ranking on Onet is obvious by the order and the % of respondents ranking it first, second, third, etc-
3-Analyze data for each position and for all 5 positions-
a-Your spreadsheet (each worksheet) should be set up using formulas that calculate the ranking points (so if active listening received 25 . . ints for one
marketing position, 10 for another, and then 5 for another (with 2 not having them in the top 5 at all) then the column total for active

Career Search

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