City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp by Ben Rawlence
This is not a book report, but rather requires you to engage with the content, meaning, and implications of the book. Think about the argument the author is making in light of the material of this course. What is s/he offering to the discussion? How does the author’s argument fit into a human security framework? If it does not, why not?
Please analyze the book to the context mentioned above.
Please note that this is a migration course. Use appropriate sources. Max 4-5 sources. You should analyze the book properly. It’s all about the book and not about other readings
2. VISION 2030 of Saudi Arabia
Solve the following questions taking into consideration the "VISION 2030" of Saudi Arabia.
Q1) Prepare a presentation on one of the provided topics – MS PowerPoint
Q2) What are the different components of a research report?
Q3) Write briefly about oral presentations and its parts.