Information Systems Concept
Computer Science Practice
After completing this assignment, the student should be able to
1. participate effectively in a team.
2. demonstrate skills in systems design and implementation issues.
The case study for this assignment is the same as that of Assignment 1.
Ideally, you should stay with the same team you were in for Assignment 1. However, you can
reform/move to a new team. A team cannot have more than three members. Please inform
your lecturer and old team members of the change.
There are five parts in this assignment.
Part 1: In-class/Team Participation (20 marks – individual assessment)
During the semester tutorials/labs, there will be a number of worksheets. The worksheets can
be completed in class in teams. The team members’ names need to be clearly stated on the
worksheet. The completed worksheet needs to be uploaded to Moodle only once by one
member of the team. You will receive individual marks for participating in the worksheet
completion. If you are absent, you will need to complete the worksheet by yourself and then
upload it to Moodle. Each worksheet needs to be uploaded before the start of the next tutorial
Note: Marks are not for attending class but in-class participation and work done in each class
as judged by your lecturer.ISCG5424 Information Systems Concept – Assignment 2-2018 2
Case Study.
The case study is the same as that for assignment 1. You are supplied with three design use
case descriptions from that case study.
There may be errors or ambiguities in this information – please seek clarification if necessary.
Use Case ID: 1
Use Case
Create a catalogue
Type Design
Actors: Catalogue administrator
Description: This use case allows the catalogue administrator to create a
Trigger: The catalogue administrator selects the “Create new
catalogue” option
Normal Course of
Step 1. The system displays the “Create new catalogue” page
Step 2. The system displays each product in the product
records showing the manufacturer, product name, description,
picture and price with up to 6 products per screen with a
check box for selection
Step 3. The administrator chooses the product or products
required by clicking the check box(es) next to the products
Step 4. The administrator clicks the “add to catalogue” button
Step 5. The system stores that product(s) in the catalogue
Step 6. The administrator selects “Arrange catalogue” button
Step 7. The system displays all the selected products.
Step 8. The administrator can move these around and arrange
them on various pages of the catalogue, create indexes and
table of contents.
Step 9. The administrator clicks the “Save button”
Step 10. The system saves the catalogue to the catalogue
record as a pdf file
Step 11. The system terminates the use case.
Alternative Courses: Step 6A1 The administrator selects the “next page” button
Step 6A2 The system returns to step 2ISCG5424 Information Systems Concept – Assignment 2-2018 3
Use Case ID: 4
Use Case
Change a subscription
Actors: Subscriber
Description: This allows the subscriber to make changes to their details
Trigger: The subscriber selects the change details option
Normal Course of
Step 1. The system displays the Login webpage.
Step 2. The subscriber enters their email address and
password and presses the “Submit” button
Step 3. The system searches for that email address in the
subscriber records
Step 4. The system checks if the password is correct
Step 5. The system retrieves the subscribers name and
physical address from the subscriber’s record
Step 6. The system displays the “Change subscription details”
webpage with email address, password (as dots), name and
physical address fields completed.
Step 7. The subscriber changes the details that they wish and
clicks the “Submit” button
Step 8. The system displays the message “Are you sure you
wish to change your details?”
Step 9. The subscriber clicks the “Yes” button
Step 10. The system updates the subscriber record
Step 11. The system displays a success message
Step 12. The subscriber clicks the OK button on the message
Step 13. The system terminates the use case.
Alternative Courses: Step 4A1 If the email address is not found, the system
displays the message “Username not found. Please click on
OK button to try again or Cancel button to exit”.
Step 4A2A If the OK button is clicked, the system returns to
step 1
Step 4A2B If the Cancel button is clicked, the system
terminates the use case.
Step 5A1 If the password is incorrect, the system displays the
message “The email address and password do not match.
Please click on OK button to try again or Cancel button to
Step 5A2A If the OK button is clicked, the system returns to
step 1
Step 5A2B If the Cancel button is clicked, the system
terminates the use case
Step 9A1 The subscriber clicks the “Cancel” button
Step 9A2 The system terminates the use caseISCG5424 Information Systems Concept – Assignment 2-2018 4
Use Case ID: 6
Use Case
Send a catalogue to subscribers
Actors: System Timer, Subscriber
Description: This use case sends the catalogue to the subscribers
Trigger: The third of the month
Normal Course of
Step 1. The system retrieves the subscriber’s email address
and first name if available from the subscriber record
Step 2. The system creates a new email placing the email
address in the correct box
Step 3. The system inserts the necessary words for the email
including the first name if available and the date of the
Step 4. The system retrieves the monthly catalogue from the
catalogue record
Step 5. The system attaches the catalogue to the email
Step 6. The system sends the email to the subscriber
Step 7. The system terminates the use case.
Alternative Courses: Step 7A If there are more subscribers the system returns to
step 1 to get the new subscriberISCG5424 Information Systems Concept – Assignment 2-2018 5
Part 2: Collaboration Diagrams (30 marks)
Draw three collaboration diagrams – one for each of the three use case descriptions above.
Part 3: User Interfaces Design (30 marks)
Draw the user interface designs for each of the first two use case descriptions (numbers 1 &
4). Note there could be multiple interfaces for each use case.
Part 4: Data conversion and Training (16 marks)
Write the answer to each of the requirements given below on separate pages. You should
write between 250 and 300 words for each.
1. Initially there is no data in the subscriber’s records. However, the company has
information on its customers. This includes the customer’s email address, their name
and physical address. It does not include a username and a password. Write a data
conversion plan so that a customer can become a subscriber without re-entering the
data. Your plan needs to include any security concerns.
2. The end users for this case study are the catalogue administrator and the subscriber.
Select a different training method for each end user. Develop a training plan for each
explaining how you think it will work. Also explain why you think the method you have
chosen is appropriate.
Part 5: Report presentation (4 marks)
Your report needs to be well set out with a title page (including names of submitters), table
of contents, introduction, headers/footers, page numbers, number of pages. It should be
formatted well and conform to what you were taught in ISCG5430.
Only one of your team members is required to submit the work. You may gain feedback during
your tutorials and check-point for the improvement of your work. Marks will be given based on
your final submission only.
1. Final submission: You need to present a report with a title page, a table of contents and
parts 2, 3 and 4 of this assignment. This must be submitted on the Moodle before 8:30am,
Monday 5 November 2018. Marks will be deducted for poor presentation.
Late Submission of Assignments
Assignments which are submitted after the due date and time without having received an
extension through Special Assessment Circumstances (SAC) will be penalised according to
the following:
• 10% of final marks deducted if submitted within 24hrs of the deadline.
• 20% of final marks deducted if submitted after 24hrs and up to 48hrs of the deadline.
• 30% of final marks deducted if submitted after 48hrs and up to 72hrs of the deadline.
• No grade will be awarded if submitted later than 72hrs after the deadline.ISCG5424 Information Systems Concept – Assignment 2-2018 6
Special Assessment Circumstances
Students who, due to circumstances beyond their control, miss a test, exam or an assignment
deadline or consider their performance in a test, exam or assignment to have been adversely
affected, should complete the form available from Student Central. This can also apply where
a team member has not been able to contribute fully to their team effort.
When requesting an SAC for an assignment, the SAC application form must be submitted
(along with work completed to-date) within the time frame of the extension requested. For
example, if the Doctor’s Certificate is for one (1) day, then the SAC and work completed must
be submitted within one (1) day.
Students themselves can be an excellent resource to assist the learning of fellow students,
but there are issues that arise in assessments that relate to the type and amount of assistance
given by students to other students. It is important to recognise what types of assistance are
beneficial to another’s learning and also what types of assistance are unacceptable in an
Beneficial Assistance
• Study Groups (This is your team!) – make it work!
• Discussions (We can have class discussions, if requested.)
• Sharing Reading Material (see the Moodle site)
• Sharing information sources and ideas in your team forums.
Unacceptable Assistance
• Working together with another team and submitting it as your own team’s work.
• Giving another student or team your work.
• Copying someone else’s work. This includes work done by someone not on the course.
• Changing or correcting another student’s work.
• Copying from books, Internet, etc., and submitting it as your own work.
• Resubmitting work that you did in a previous semester for any course.