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Migration, Membership and Identity – RoyalCustomEssays

Migration, Membership and Identity

Communication Skills: Communication Plan
November 14, 2018
Statistics, Data Analysis and Decision Modeling
November 14, 2018


Critical Issues in Politics: Migration, Membership and Identity



The writing assignment for this course is a 1250-word essay (typed and double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font). The word count excludes text in the paper’s footnotes and bibliography.


Please use this format for your l assignment:



Your name (student number)

Teacher’s name


The date you submitted your assignment


Essay Topic: State your topic here


Introductory Paragraph with Thesis:


Your paragraph should include a statement of why you selected your topic, a tentative/working thesis that answers the question you have chosen, and a breakdown of how you plan to develop and defend your argument. You must do some research on your topic in order to develop a thesis statement!


Working Bibliography:


Your bibliography should include eight sources. At least four of these sources must be academic/scholarly – i.e. articles from academic journals and scholarly books that deal with your topic. The remainder may be articles from high quality media sources – i.e. articles from English-language publications such as The Globe and Mail, The New York Times, The Guardian, Maclean’s, etc.; sources from reputable websites – e.g. www.migrationpolicy.org, http://www.unhcr.org/, https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/start, (additional online sources are listed in your syllabus); and relevant course readings.


Be sure to follow Chicago Manual of Style formatting guidelines in your bibliography


(http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html) like the examples below:




Hahamovitch, Cindy. “Creating Perfect Immigrants: Guestworkers of the World in Historical

Perspective.” Labour History 44, no. 1 (2003): 69-94.


Some articles only include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).  List such articles like this:


Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 405–50. Accessed February 28, 2010. doi:10.1086/599247.




Moses. Jonathan W. International Migration: Globalization’s Last Frontier. London and New

York: Zed Books, 2006.


Instructions for citing other sources, such as websites, are available in the online version of the Chicago Manual of Style. Follow the instructions in the style guide meticulously – do not lose marks because of improper citations!



Criteria for Grading:


The following questions will be used to assess your proposal:


  • Is it correctly formatted, clearly written, easy to read and free of spelling and grammatical errors?


  • Does it present a clear argument in response to the question you have chosen, based on the research you have conducted so far?


  • Does your working bibliography include eight sources, of which at least four are scholarly/academic?


  • Is the bibliography correctly formatted?






































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