Production and Operations Analysis
The goal of learning is not just head knowledge; it is the application. How you take what you have learned and use it to produce something of value to your organization is important. So now, let’s apply what you learned.
Your final case study is the following.
1. Select an existing organization to analyze. (i.e. a real company or organization)
2. Identify a gap in the organization’s business. This could be a problem to solve, a new market to enter, etc.
3. Present the problem and your solution.
Your presentation will encompass the following:
Slide 1: describe the organization using Chapter 1 as a guide. Explain the organization, the strategy and competition
Points = 20
Slide 2: state the problem Points = 25
Slide 3: any 1 of 3 chapters from the book that are relevant to the organization and apply those concepts to the problem statement. 1 to 2 items maximum. Please put the Chapter # in the title of the slide.
Points = 25
Slide 4: any 1 of 3 chapters from the book that are relevant to the organization and apply those concepts to the problem statement. 1 to 2 items maximum. Please put the Chapter # in the title of the slide.
Points = 25
Slide 5: any 1 of 3 chapters from the book that are relevant to the organization and apply those concepts to the problem statement. 1 to 2 items maximum. Please put the Chapter # in the title of the slide.
Points = 25
Example: if you have selected an organization that makes something, Chapter 11 Facility Layout may be applicable to helping solve your problem statement.
Slide 6: provide the answer to the problem statement based on the analysis from Slide 3, 4, & 5.
Points = 20
Time Limit: 5 – 7 minutes Points = 10
Total Project = 150 points
The slides will be presented in class on 27 and 29 Nov. You will have 5-7 minutes only. Your classmates are the stakeholders; please be respectful of their time.
The book:
Production and Operations Analysis, Nahmias, Steven, Irwin, Waveland Press, 7th edition 2015
you can find online (PDF)