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Consumer Evaluation Analysis – RoyalCustomEssays

Consumer Evaluation Analysis

Assignment #1

Consumer Evaluation Analysis

Purpose of Assignment

  • Individual writing assignment to evaluate advertising and marketing for:
    • Food
    • Specific Exercises / Exercise Programs / Exercise Equipment oDiet Claims, for example: Keto Diet, Atkins Diet, Paleo, South Beach, etc… oEnergy Drinks / Nutritional Supplements


  • The purpose is to achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes:


  • To explain the basics of exercise prescription and wellness AND/OR oTo interpret individual nutritional needs and explain results AND/OR oTo differentiate types of exercises and benefits of each


Assignment Format

  • Written in paragraph format (no bullet points)
  • Calibri Font, size 11
  • Double Spaced
  • Left Justified
  • “Normal” Margins
  • Page numbers on bottom right


  • Page 1:Title Page oPaper TitleoFull NameoStudent IDoCRN

oInstructor NameoDue Date


  • Page 2: Advertisement oEither a copy & pasted version of your advertisement OR a scanned copy (pdf)oIF FROM A PRINTED SOURCE (a magazine, etc…):
    • Source and title of advertisement (ex: Women’s Fitness)
    • Page number
    • Date of PublicationoIF FROM A WEBSITE or ELECTRONIC SOURCE:
    • ENTIRE website address and inserted hyperlink
  • Page 3 & 4: Written Analysis (Evaluation & Analysis) 1-2 pages in length.  NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES!!!
    • Introduction
      • Thesis Statement
      • Outline the body of topics


  • Body of Topics:
  • Discuss and analyze the product by answering the following questions:
  • What are the general claims this advertisement is making? They can be obvious (statement of fact) or inferred (subtle use of imagery, and association)
  • Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence?
  • Are there conflicting studies or opinions?
  • Does the “product” match the target audience?
  • Are there any hazards associated with the use of this product?
  • Are their cheaper, more effective, or healthier methods of achieving the intended results?
    • Discuss the positives and negatives of the advertisement
    • Be sure to “think critically”
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What techniques are used to capture their attention?
  • Is the advertisement straightforward and factual?
  • Is there important information missing?

oWhy might the company not include all information?

  • Why might the company deceive, or manipulate?



  • Restate the Thesis
  • Summary of Key Points from the Body of Topics
  • State how key points answer the Body of Topics questions


          Page 5: References oList the source of the advertisement

  • Alphabetically list the references used to support your evaluationoAPA format (see web link on Blackboard)
  • Use reputable journals (NOT health magazines, blogs or popular books), your course textbook, or other high quality sources (Encyclopedia Britannica – High Quality, Wikipedia – Low


CRITERIA Assessment Rubric for Individual Written Report SCORE
TITLE PAGE Paper Title, Student’s full name, ID #, CRN, Instructor’s name, and Due Date 1
ADVERTISEMENT If a magazine based advertisement: includes source of the advertisement and its title, page, and date of publication.

IF a website based advertisement: includes the entire web page address including a link.

Introduction Contains a thesis statement, stating why assignment is important, a reference to justify the assignment, and outlines the body of topics. 3
Evaluation The section properly discusses and analyzes the product by answering the following questions:

-What are the general claims this advertisement is making?  They can be obvious (statement of fact) or inferred (subtle use of imagery, and association)

-Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence?

-Are there conflicting studies or opinions?

-Does the “product” match the target audience?

-Are there any hazards associated with the use of this product?

-Are there cheaper, more effective, or healthier methods of achieving the intended results?

There is evidence of critical thinking.

Analysis Positive and Negative aspects of the advertisement are discussed 3
Word Count 1-2 pages.  Calibri font, sized 11.  Double spaced, with “normal” margins.  Pages are to be numbered. 3
Conclusion Restating thesis statement, include a summary of key points from the body paragraphs.  State how these key points answer the assignment questions. 1
Reference All references should be in APA format.

References are listed in alphabetical order.

Mechanics Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are correct.  Words are well chosen.  Sentences are clearly written.  There is a use of headings and the content is written in an organized fashion. 2
TOTAL   25



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