Assignment #1
Consumer Evaluation Analysis
Purpose of Assignment
- Individual writing assignment to evaluate advertising and marketing for:
- Food
- Specific Exercises / Exercise Programs / Exercise Equipment oDiet Claims, for example: Keto Diet, Atkins Diet, Paleo, South Beach, etc… oEnergy Drinks / Nutritional Supplements
- The purpose is to achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes:
- To explain the basics of exercise prescription and wellness AND/OR oTo interpret individual nutritional needs and explain results AND/OR oTo differentiate types of exercises and benefits of each
Assignment Format
- Written in paragraph format (no bullet points)
- Calibri Font, size 11
- Double Spaced
- Left Justified
- “Normal” Margins
- Page numbers on bottom right
- Page 1:Title Page oPaper TitleoFull NameoStudent IDoCRN
oInstructor NameoDue Date
- Page 2: Advertisement oEither a copy & pasted version of your advertisement OR a scanned copy (pdf)oIF FROM A PRINTED SOURCE (a magazine, etc…):
- Source and title of advertisement (ex: Women’s Fitness)
- Page number
- ENTIRE website address and inserted hyperlink
- Page 3 & 4: Written Analysis (Evaluation & Analysis) 1-2 pages in length. NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES!!!
- Introduction
- Thesis Statement
- Outline the body of topics
- Body of Topics:
- Discuss and analyze the product by answering the following questions:
- What are the general claims this advertisement is making? They can be obvious (statement of fact) or inferred (subtle use of imagery, and association)
- Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence?
- Are there conflicting studies or opinions?
- Does the “product” match the target audience?
- Are there any hazards associated with the use of this product?
- Are their cheaper, more effective, or healthier methods of achieving the intended results?
- Discuss the positives and negatives of the advertisement
- Be sure to “think critically”
- Who is the target audience?
- What techniques are used to capture their attention?
- Is the advertisement straightforward and factual?
- Is there important information missing?
oWhy might the company not include all information?
- Why might the company deceive, or manipulate?
- Restate the Thesis
- Summary of Key Points from the Body of Topics
- State how key points answer the Body of Topics questions
Page 5: References oList the source of the advertisement
- Alphabetically list the references used to support your evaluationoAPA format (see web link on Blackboard)
- Use reputable journals (NOT health magazines, blogs or popular books), your course textbook, or other high quality sources (Encyclopedia Britannica – High Quality, Wikipedia – Low
Assessment Rubric for Individual Written Report |
Paper Title, Student’s full name, ID #, CRN, Instructor’s name, and Due Date |
1 |
If a magazine based advertisement: includes source of the advertisement and its title, page, and date of publication.
IF a website based advertisement: includes the entire web page address including a link. |
1 |
Introduction |
Contains a thesis statement, stating why assignment is important, a reference to justify the assignment, and outlines the body of topics. |
3 |
Evaluation |
The section properly discusses and analyzes the product by answering the following questions:
-What are the general claims this advertisement is making? They can be obvious (statement of fact) or inferred (subtle use of imagery, and association)
-Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence?
-Are there conflicting studies or opinions?
-Does the “product” match the target audience?
-Are there any hazards associated with the use of this product?
-Are there cheaper, more effective, or healthier methods of achieving the intended results?
There is evidence of critical thinking. |
10 |
Analysis |
Positive and Negative aspects of the advertisement are discussed |
3 |
Word Count |
1-2 pages. Calibri font, sized 11. Double spaced, with “normal” margins. Pages are to be numbered. |
3 |
Conclusion |
Restating thesis statement, include a summary of key points from the body paragraphs. State how these key points answer the assignment questions. |
1 |
Reference |
All references should be in APA format.
References are listed in alphabetical order. |
1 |
Mechanics |
Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are correct. Words are well chosen. Sentences are clearly written. There is a use of headings and the content is written in an organized fashion. |
2 |
25 |