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Construction Management Coursework – RoyalCustomEssays

Construction Management Coursework

Explain a policy of any recent
November 20, 2018
Conspiracy Theories: From Politics to Paranoia
November 20, 2018

1. Page 3.- Coursework submission year changed to 2018
2. Page 22 – Section 11 &12 description, corrected reference
to Gantt chart in Section 10
3. Page 22 – Section 14 description corrected reference to
record keeping system in Section 13
Andrew Fox and Dan Fox
Version: 2

Module Handout i
Welcome to MGMT222
In this document you will find material essential for the successful completion of MGMT222.
There is no single core text for the module, instead the module will require you to engage
with a range of texts and academic journal articles. Three books (Brook 2017, Cartlidge
2015 and Lester 2014) serve as good reference texts for the whole module. Other reference
material has been specially selected to help you develop an understanding of specific topics
covered by the module. A full list of the core reference texts, as well as some recommended
additional reading, is included at the end of this document. Full text versions of all the
references are available online, via the University Library website.
There is only one coursework assignment on this module, worth 50% of the module mark.
The coursework aims to help you develop your understanding of the project planning
process and allow you to demonstrate your skills in the use of project planning software. The
coursework assignment will run during most of the semester and requires you to create a
detailed project plan reflecting content of the weekly lectures. Details of the coursework
assignment are included in this handout.
The end of module exam is worth 50% of the module mark and will last 2hrs. To help you
prepare for the exam, lectures towards the end of the semester will focus on exam skills and
review support material that will be of use to you when drafting answers to exam questions.
New to the module this year and in response to requests by students in previous years, we
have included an opportunity for you to participate in a visit to a company engaged in the
management of construction projects. Every student will have the opportunity to undertake
one of the planned company visits. The aim of the company visits is to raise awareness of
how construction projects are managed and to give you an opportunity to see how theory
covered on the module is applied in practice. The School is also hopeful that the visits may
be of assistance when you consider the merits of undertaking a placement at the end of this
year of study. As the company visits are a new programme initiative, they will be run as a
formative exercise and will not be assessed, so attendance is voluntary. Based on your
feedback about the visits this year, we will assess how they are planned and run in future
We hope you enjoy the module and are able to take from it a number of useful lessons that
will assist you in your future careers as practicing engineers.

Extracts from the Definitive Module Record (DMR)………………………………………….1
Timetable 2
Coursework Brief………………………………………………………………………………………..3
End of Module Exam…………………………………………………………………………………..4
Week 1 – Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………5
Week 2 – Commercial aspects of construction 1 – Projects, Parties and
Week 3 – Commercial aspects of construction 2 – Contracts and
Contract Law ………………………………………………………………………………7
Week 4 – Codes of conduct and professional practice……………………………………..8
Week 5 – Project Planning 1 – Project management systems and
Microsoft Project software (MSP) …………………………………………………..9
Week 6 – Project Planning 2 – Gantt charts ………………………………………………….10
Week 7 – Project Planning 3 – Allocating resources………………………………………11
Week 8 – Project Planning 4 – Tracking progress …………………………………………12
Week 9 – Construction management skills and practice…………………………………13
Week 10 – Exam Preparation 1 – Exam questions ………………………………………..14
Week 11 – Exam Preparation 2 – Exam skills and reference material………………15
Week 12 – Module recap …………………………………………………………………………..16
Week 13 – Exam Q&A ………………………………………………………………………………17
Appendix I: Module References ………………………………………………………………….18
Appendix II: Coursework brief – Project Plan:……………………………………………….21

Module Handout 1
Extracts from the Definitive Module Record (DMR)
Module Aim
To deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of systems used to
analyse and solve engineering problems by focussing on commercial
aspects of construction management and project planning.
To build practical skills in the use of project planning software and the
practical use of codes of conduct that guide appropriate personal
behaviour in professional engineering practice
Module Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of commercial aspects of construction
management and project planning
2. Practically utilise project planning software
3. Comprehend the practical use of codes of conduct that guide appropriate
personal behaviour in professional engineering practice

Module Handout 2
Lectures: Wednesday, 11:00-13:00, PSQ Plymouth LT
Tutorials: Thursday, 14:00-16:00, Rolle 304

Week Lecture
Site Visits
1 Introduction
2 Commercial aspects of construction 1 –
Projects, Parties and Procurement
3 Commercial aspects of construction 2 –
Contracts and Contract Law
Company visit 1
4 Codes of conduct and professional practice Company visit 2
5 Project Planning 1 – Project Management
Systems and Microsoft Project Software (MSP)
MSP 1 Company visit 3
6 Project Planning 2 – Gantt Charts MSP 2 Company visit 4
7 Project Planning 3 – Allocating Resources MSP 3 Company visit 5
8 Project Planning 4 – Tracking progress MSP 4 Company visit 6
9 Construction management skills and practice Company visit 7
10 Exam Preparation 1 – Example questions Company visit 8
11 Exam Preparation 2 – Exam skills and reference
12 Module recap
13 Exam Q&A
14 Exams
15 Exams

Summative module assessments

Item Type of activity % of module mark & indicative
hours of student effort
C1 Coursework –
Individual project
50%, 80hrs of Directed Study
E1 Exam – 2hr End of
module exam
50%, 80hrs of Self-Directed Study

Module Handout 3
Coursework Brief
Project Planning Portfolio
Individual submission
50% of module mark, 80hrs of Directed Study
Assignment brief
For this assignment you are required to demonstrate work you have undertaken
to develop a project plan using knowledge you have gained about the planning
process from module lectures.
The project plan must comply to a very specific structure, with 14 sections. Each
section is designed to demonstrate your understanding of material covered by
lectures delivered throughout the semester. The overall length of the plan is
restricted to a limit of 2,500 words and each section has its own word limit, to
which you must adhere (see Appendix II for details of each section).
You should use the “Project plan template” to compile your submission, which
can be found on the module DLE website.
Submission details:
Online submission in PDF format, at:
16:00 hrs on Thursday 22nd November 2018
Marking Criteria
All sections are complete and provide evidence of
compliance with each section’s word limit constraints. 14 marks
Each section is professionally presented, with clear
headings, clearly labelled figures and tables, correctly
formatted references, good grammar and correct
spelling. 56 marks
Overall the report effectively demonstrates a good
understanding of the project planning process and the
practical use of project planning software. 30 marks

Module Handout 4
End of Module Exam
The end of module exam will last TWO hours and consist of TWO compulsory
questions. The two questions will require essay-type answers and to help you
prepare for the exam the questions will be revealed to you in advance, during the
lecture in Week 10 of the module.

Module Handout 5
Week 1 – Introduction
The aim of this week is to introduce you to the module tutors, the module
requirements and the timetable of work associated with the module.
Specific learning outcomes
At the end of this week you will be able to:
Identify the module tutors and their role in the module – one tutor is
University-based and one tutor is Industry-based.
Locate relevant module learning material
Understand how you will be assessed on the module
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. The lecture will introduce
you to the module tutors, the module requirements and the timetable of work
associated with the module.
There is no tutorial scheduled for this week
Directed Study (Coursework)
You will learn this week what is in the coursework brief, so you should spend
some time becoming familiar with the brief.
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week on:
Reviewing material on the DLE website
Reading the module handout
Reviewing the module reading list
Locating and downloading module reading material
Module Handout 6
Week 2 – Commercial aspects of construction 1 –
Projects, Parties and Procurement
The aim of this week is to provide you with a practical and theoretical
understanding of commercial aspects of construction by introducing you to the
concept of a construction “project”, describing the roles played by different parties
in the construction industry and building your understanding of how construction
services are procured.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Describe a typical construction project lifecycle
Define the roles and responsibilities of different parties involved in
construction projects
Develop a procurement process for securing construction services
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the lecture the tutors
will aim to provide you with a practical and theoretical understanding of
commercial aspects of construction by introducing you to the concept of a
construction “project”, describing the roles played by different parties in the
construction industry and building your understanding of how construction
services are procured.
There is no tutorial scheduled for this week
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What is the project’s lifecycle?
Who will be the main parties and what will their roles be?
How will the project procure the construction services needed to ensure its
successful completion?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Cousins M (2016) Architect’s Legal Pocket Book, 2nd Edition, London,
Lester A (2014) Project Management, Planning and Control, 6th Edition,
Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
O’Connor L (2017) ASUC Guidelines on Contracts and Procurement, Bordon,
Association of Specialist Underpinning Contractors

Module Handout 7
Week 3 – Commercial aspects of construction 2 –
Contracts and Contract Law
The aim of this week is to deepen your practical and theoretical understanding of
commercial aspects of construction by introducing you to a range of contractual
arrangements and contracts forms used to manage construction projects. This
week will also introduce you to some essential elements of contract law that you
need to be aware of if you want to work as a professional engineer.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Evaluate a range of different contractual arrangements used to manage
construction projects
Identify the range of different contract forms commonly used in the
construction industry
Describe the essential elements of a legally binding contract
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the lecture the
module tutors will review a range of different contractual arrangements used to
manage construction projects, identify the range of different contract forms
commonly used in the construction industry and describe the essential elements
of a legally binding contract.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What contractual arrangement would suit your project?
What forms of contracts might be used on the project?
Who would be the signatories to the main contracts?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Cousins M (2016) Architect’s Legal Pocket Book, 2nd Edition, London,
GAI (2004) Technical Manual – Commercial & Contract Law, London, The
Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
O’Connor L (2017) ASUC Guidelines on Contracts and Procurement, Bordon,
Association of Specialist Underpinning Contractors

Module Handout 8
Week 4 – Codes of conduct and professional practice
This week will see the commencement of student visits to construction
companies. In support of that activity, this week will aim to provide you with a
deeper understanding of the codes of ethics and professional practice that govern
the behaviours of engineers working the companies that will be visited.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Identify the codes of conduct and ethical practice relevant to the civil
engineering industry.
Evaluate your own ethical and professional behaviour in relation to the
industry standards.
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
review a range of codes of ethics and professional practice that govern the
behaviours of engineers working the companies that will be visited.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What standards of ethical and professional do I expect to be applied on my
How will I monitor compliance with the ethical and professional standards?
How will I demonstrate my own commitment to uphold ethical and
professional standards?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
EC and RAEng (2017) Statement of Ethical Principles, Engineering Council.
Available at:
ICE (2012) Advice on Ethical Conduct, Institution of Civil Engineers. Available
ICE (2014) ICE Code of Professional Conduct, Institution of Civil Engineers.
Available at:
Module Handout 9
Week 5 – Project Planning 1 – Project management
systems and Microsoft Project software (MSP)
This week the module will turn its attention to project planning, introducing
students to a range of different project management systems that they may
encounter in industry and software that is commonly used for project planning
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Describe range of project management systems used for the management
of construction projects.
Access the Microsoft Project software package on the University computer
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
introduce you to a range of different project management system that you may
encounter in industry and to software tools that are commonly used for project
planning purposes.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
All students will be timetabled to spend time in a computer equipped room where
the module tutor will help you to work through a tutorial that will help you to
develop your skills in the use of Microsoft Project software.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What project management system is most appropriate for my project?
How can I translate my project into a form suitable for inputting into
Microsoft Project software?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Biafore B (2015) Microsoft Project 2016: Essential Training, Video Tutorial.
Available at:
Daley S (2011) Microsoft Project 2010 in depth, Indianapolis, Pearson

Microsoft (2014) Project help centre. Available at:

Module Handout 10
Week 6 – Project Planning 2 – Gantt charts
This week the module will develop your understanding of project planning by
explaining how critical path analysis is used to develop Gantt charts for projects.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Undertake a critical path analysis for a simple project using a precedence
network technique.
Create a Gantt chart showing a critical path and float on non-critical tasks.
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
explain how critical path analysis is used to develop Gantt Charts for projects and
you will engage in a practical activity to undertake a critical path analysis for a
simple project and create a Gantt chart.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
All students will be timetable to spend time in a computer equipped room where
the module tutor will help you to work through a tutorial that will help you to
develop your skills in the use of Microsoft Project software.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What is the critical path in my project?
What does the Gantt chart for my project look like?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Biafore B (2015) Microsoft Project 2016: Essential Training, Video Tutorial.
Available at:
Daley S (2011) Microsoft Project 2010 in depth, Indianapolis, Pearson

Microsoft (2014) Project help centre. Available at:

Module Handout 11
Week 7 – Project Planning 3 – Allocating resources
This week the module will further develop your understanding of project planning
by explaining how resources are allocated to task in order to determine the
overall project budget and expenditure forecast.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Identify the nature of resources commonly used on construction projects.
Allocate resources to a simple project in order to determine the overall
project budget and to reveal how the budget will be spent during the
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
explain the nature of resources commonly used on construction projects and help
you to allocate resources to a simple project in order to determine the overall
project budget and to reveal how the budget will be spent during the project.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
All students will be timetabled to spend time in a computer equipped room where
the module tutor will help you to work through a tutorial that will help you to
develop your skills in the use of Microsoft Project software.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What resources are needed for my project?
What is my overall project budget and how will it be spent during the
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Biafore B (2015) Microsoft Project 2016: Essential Training, Video Tutorial.
Available at:
Daley S (2011) Microsoft Project 2010 in depth, Indianapolis, Pearson

Microsoft (2014) Project help centre. Available at:

Module Handout 12
Week 8 – Project Planning 4 – Tracking progress
This week the module will consolidate your understanding of project planning by
explaining how Gantt charts, resource records and expenditure reports are used
to track progress on construction projects.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Describe common record keeping systems used to monitor progress on
construction projects.
Use resource records to evaluate progress on a simple construction
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
describe common record keeping systems used to monitor progress on
construction projects and teach you how to use resource records to evaluate
progress on a simple construction project.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
All students will be timetabled to spend time in a computer equipped room where
the module tutor will help you to work through a tutorial that will help you to
develop your skills in the use of Microsoft Project software.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week thinking about the project that you will use
as a focus for your coursework:
What record keeping system will I use to monitor progress on my project?
How will I use resource records to monitor progress on the project?
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Biafore B (2015) Microsoft Project 2016: Essential Training, Video Tutorial.
Available at:
Daley S (2011) Microsoft Project 2010 in depth, Indianapolis, Pearson

Microsoft (2014) Project help centre. Available at:

Module Handout 13
Week 9 – Construction management skills and practice
The aim of this week is to consolidate your understanding of the practical and
theoretical management of construction projects by reflecting on how the first
eight weeks of the module have informed your knowledge the skills needed to be
a successful construction project manager.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Identify the range of skills needed to successfully manage a construction
Evaluate your own construction management skills and map out a plan to
ensure you develop the skills needed to be a successful construction
project manager.
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
engage students in a review of material covered during the first eight weeks of the
module, identifying criteria against which you can evaluate you skills development
needs and help you to create a long-term professional development plan.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
You should spend some time this week completing your project plan and submit
your coursework online, via the DLE system.
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to find and read the recommended literature
associated with this week’s topic:
Recommended reading:
Brook M (2017) Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, 5th Edition.
London. Routledge
Cartlidge D (2015) Construction Project Manager’s Pocket Book, London,
Lester A (2014) Project Management, Planning and Control, 6th Edition,
Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann

Module Handout 14
Week 10 – Exam Preparation 1 – Exam questions
This week the tutors will review questions that will appear in the end of module
exam and explain what is expected in the answers for the exam questions.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Identify questions that will appear in the end of module exam.
Begin preparing answers to the questions in the exam paper.
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the lecture, module
tutors will review questions that will appear in the end of module exam and
explain what is expected in the answers for the exam questions.
A small group of students will be able to attend a company visit this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
There is no directed study planned for this week
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to revision and preparation for the end of
module exam.
Recommended reading:
UoP (2010a) Critical Thinking, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2010b) Reflection, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2011a) Exams and Revision, Learning Development, University of
Plymouth. Available at:
UoP (2011b) Writing Essays, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
Module Handout 15
Week 11 – Exam Preparation 2 – Exam skills and
reference material
This week the module will review a number of guides available to students to help
with exam preparation and writing skills.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Identify learning resources available to help with exam preparation and
writing skills.
Use resource learning resources to help with exam preparation and to
improve your academic writing skills.
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the module tutors will
review guides available to students to help with exam preparation and writing
There is no tutorial planned for this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
There is no directed study planned for this week.
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to revision and preparation for the end of
module exam.
Recommended reading:
UoP (2010a) Critical Thinking, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2010b) Reflection, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2011a) Exams and Revision, Learning Development, University of
Plymouth. Available at:
UoP (2011b) Writing Essays, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
Module Handout 16
Week 12 – Module recap
The aim of this week is to review learning that you are expected to have achieved
by undertaking the module
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Review learning that you are expected to have achieved by undertaking
the module
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the lecture the
module tutors will review learning that you are expected to have achieved by
undertaking the module
There is no tutorial planned for this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
There is no directed study planned for this week.
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to revision and preparation for the end of
module exam.
Recommended reading:
UoP (2010a) Critical Thinking, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2010b) Reflection, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2011a) Exams and Revision, Learning Development, University of
Plymouth. Available at:
UoP (2011b) Writing Essays, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
Module Handout 17
Week 13 – Exam Q&A
The aim of this week is to answer questions about the end of module exam and
any questions about the marks awarded for the coursework.
Specific Learning Outcomes
On completion of this week you will be able to:
Have questions about the end of module exam and the marking of the
coursework answered by the module tutors
Prepare for the exam
There is one 2 hour lecture timetabled for this week. During the lecture the
module tutors will answer any questions that students may have about the exam
and about the marking of the coursework.
There is no tutorial planned for this week.
Directed Study (Coursework)
There is no directed study planned for this week.
Self- Directed Study (Exam preparation)
You should dedicate time this week to revision and preparation for the end of
module exam.
Recommended reading:
UoP (2010a) Critical Thinking, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2010b) Reflection, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
UoP (2011a) Exams and Revision, Learning Development, University of
Plymouth. Available at:
UoP (2011b) Writing Essays, Learning Development, University of Plymouth.
Available at:
Module Handout 18
Appendix I: Module References

Core Text
Parties and
and law
Codes of
skills and
and cost
Brook 2017 X X X X X X X X
Lester 2014 X X X X X X X X
Cartlidge 2015 X X X X X X X X
O’Connor 2017 X X
Cousins 2016 X X
GAI 2004 X X
ICE 2012 X
ICE 2014 X
EC & RAEng
Biafore 2015 X X X X
Daley 2011 X X X X
MSP 2016 X X X X
UoP 2010a X
UoP 2010b X
UoP 2011a X
UoP 2011b X

Module Handout 19
Core Texts
1. Biafore B (2015) Microsoft Project 2016: Essential Training, Video Tutorial. Available at: https://www.lynda.com
2. Brook M (2017) Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, 5th Edition. London. Routledge
3. Cartlidge D (2015) Construction Project Manager’s Pocket Book, London, Routledge
4. Cousins M (2016) Architect’s Legal Pocket Book, 2
nd Edition, London, Routledge
5. Daley S (2011) Microsoft Project 2010 in depth, Indianapolis, Pearson Education
6. EC & RAEng (2017) Statement of Ethical Principles, Engineering Council. Available at:
7. GAI (2004) Technical Manual – Commercial & Contract Law, London, The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
8. ICE (2012) Advice on Ethical Conduct, Institution of Civil Engineers. Available at:
9. ICE (2014) ICE Code of Professional Conduct, Institution of Civil Engineers. Available at: https://www.ice.org.uk
10.UoP (2010a) Critical Thinking, Learning Development, University of Plymouth. Available at: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk
11.UoP (2010b) Reflection, Learning Development, University of Plymouth. Available at: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk
12.UoP (2011a) Exams and Revision, Learning Development, University of Plymouth. Available at: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk
13.UoP (2011b) Writing Essays, Learning Development, University of Plymouth. Available at: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk
14.Lester A (2014) Project Management, Planning and Control, 6th Edition, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
15.Microsoft (2014) Project help centre. Available at:
16.O’Connor L (2017) ASUC Guidelines on Contracts and Procurement, Bordon, Association of Specialist Underpinning

Module Handout 20
Additional recommended reading
Bredillet C, Tywoniak S and Dwivedula (2015) what is a good project manager? An Aristotelian perspective, International
Journal of Project Management, Vol.33, pp.254-266
Chou JS and Yang JG (2012) Project Management Knowledge and Effects on Construction Project Outcomes: An Empirical
Study, Project Management Journal, Vol.43, No.5, pp.47-67
Maqbool R, Sudong Y and Rashid Y (2017) The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Project Managers’ Competencies, and
Transformational Leadership on Project Success: An Empirical Perspective, Project Management Journal, Vol.48, No.3, pp.58-
Meng X and Boyd P (2017) The role of the project manager in relationship management, International Journal of Project
Management, Vol. 35, pp 717-728
Muller R, Turner R, Andersen ES and Kvalnes O (2014) Ethics, trust and governance in temporary organisations, Project
Management Journal, Vol.45, No.4, pp.39-54
Shehu Z and Akintoye A (2009) Construction programme management theory and practice: Contextual and pragmatic
approach, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 27, pp 703-716
Smyth H (2008) The credibility gap in stakeholder management: ethics and evidence of relationship management, Construction
Management and Economics, Vol. 26, pp. 633-643
Smyth H (2010) Construction industry performance improvement programmes: the UK case of demonstration projects in the
‘Continuous Improvement’ programme, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 28, pp. 255-270
Zou Y and Lee SH (2008) The impacts of change management practices on project change cost performance, Construction
Management and Economics, Vol. 26, pp. 387-393

Module Handout 21
Appendix II: Coursework brief – Project Plan:

Section Title Description Word
1 Project title, aim and
Clearly describing the title for the project, the overall aim of the project and what
outputs the project will deliver.
2 Project lifecycle On one side of A4 paper, provide a table showing details of the project lifecycle,
including; conceptual development stage, detail design stage, construction stage,
operation stage and decommissioning stage. Show the start and finish dates for
the project, the duration of each stage and the cumulative project duration in an
appropriate timescale (days/weeks/months/years).
3 Parties to the project List FIVE of the main project parties, describing their role on the project and the
stages of the project lifecycle in which they will be engaged.
4 Procurement system Describe the systems to be used for the procurement of TWO of the main parties,
one for design services and one for construction services. Include evidence of
research to support your choice of approach.
5 Contractual arrangements Describe the contractual arrangement between the Client, Lead Designer and Lead
Contractor and explain why this option was chosen. Include evidence of research
to support your choice of approach.
6 Contracts forms Describe the main suite of contract forms that this project is expected to utilise and
the reasons for this choice of forms. Include evidence of research to support your
choice of form.
7 Main contracts Identify TWO specific contract forms that will be used to bind the Client, Lead
Designer and Lead Contractor. Briefly explain the reason for your choice of form
and who the parties to each contract will be.
8 Ethical and professional
Describe the standards of ethical and professional practice that will be enforced on
the project. Include evidence of research to support your description.
9 Monitoring compliance
Explain how you will monitor and encourage compliance with the ethical and
professional standards on the project. Include evidence of research to support your

Module Handout 22
Appendix II: Coursework brief – Project Plan (continued):

Section Title Description Word
10 Project Gantt chart Using Microsoft Project software, produce a Gantt chart for part of the project in
ONE stage of the lifecycle. The part should include 15 tasks and have a duration of
exactly 30 weeks. The chart must be formatted to fit onto ONE side of A3 paper
and clearly show the critical path. Task names, task durations and the timescale
must be clearly visible on the chart.
11 Task Resources Provide a detailed breakdown of resources allocated to THREE different tasks from
the Gantt chart in Section 10 (1 side of A4 for each task). For each task detail the
Labour, Plant and Material resources needed to complete the task and the total
cost of the task. For each task describe what contingency allowances have been
made for any risks associated with the task.
12 Project budget and cash flow Using Microsoft Project software, produce a Cash Flow report for the Gantt chart
presented in Section 10. The chart must be formatted to fit onto ONE side of A4
paper and clearly show the WEEKLY cash flow for the project. The total project
expenditure should be exactly £50,000.
13 Monitoring progress Describe the main system of record keeping for use during the Detail Design Stage
and the Construction Stage of the project. Include evidence of research to support
your choice of system.
14 Reporting progress Explain how you will use the record keeping system described in Section 13 to
evaluate and report on the project. Include evidence of research to support your
choice of system.
Overall word limit 2,500


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