Overview: Project XYZ is a one-year project within your organization. When this project began 9 months ago (May 2015), another person was the project manager. After six months, as the project fell behind schedule and ran over budget, it was apparent that this project manager was unable to lead the project to a successful completion. You replaced this project manager after the six month point of the project. Since then, for the past three months, you have completed tasks on or slightly below budget, and increased efficiency of the work completed.
Now, your manager would like a report on the project status. He is especially interested in how actual cost and earned value are tracking planned value, and how the estimated cost at completion and the estimated time of completion have changed since you took over as project manager. All data on monthly planned value, monthly actual cost, and task completion are included for the life of the project in the spreadsheet provided here:Assignment #3.xlsxPreview the document
The Task: Complete an earned value analysis for the data provided. Your calculations should include:
PV, Cumulative PV, AC, Cumulative AC, EV, and Cumulative EV for each month of the project. These have been started in the Excel file provided.
CV, CPI, SV, and SPI for the first six months of the project (the point up to where you took over the project) and the last nine months of the project (through April 2014).
Budget at completion (BAC), budget estimate at completion (EAC) and the budget variance at complete (VAC) given the data for the first six months of the project and after the first nine months of the project.
Estimated revised project duration given the data for the first six months of the project and after the first nine months of the project.
Write a short but detailed report explaining your earned value analysis of this project. The report should include a graph that illustrates how actual cost (AC) and earned value (EV) track to planned value (PV) (the first set of required calculations), and an explanation of the interpretation of the graph. It should also include the other calculated results with an explanation of the importance of the values with respect to the improvement in the project since you have taken over the project manager role. You report should be written such that the person reading it does not need to understand earned value analysis