The grammatical roles (i.e. subject, object, etc.) of any verb can be semantically analyzed using argument roles (i.e. AGENT, PATIENT, etc.) in a logic that uses event variables.
Yourtask: Providealogicalanalysisofthefollowingsentences,specificallyincludingargumentroles, but also any other kinds of adverbial meanings ifneeded.
Answer:∃e [bake (e)∧ Agent (b, e) ∧ Location (oven, e)]
Answer: ∃e [ bake (e) ∧ PAT (pizza, e) ∧LOC (oven, e)]
Tense variables can be ‘re-introduced’ into a logical analysis that includes event variables. This is how it’s done.
Notice that last part of the formula: by using a special ‘AT ’ predicate we have a way of having the meowing event happen at the time t that is in the past, as specified higher up in the formula t < t0(alternatively tnow). That’s all there is to it!
Yourtask:Providealogicalanalysisofthefollowingsentences,includingbothtenseandeventslikein (1b)andtheotherconceptsthatwecreatepredicatesoutof(i.e.MANNER,INSTRUMENT,LOCATION, etc.)Note:therearenoindividualvariablesinanyofthesesentences.Assuch,inyourformulasyou can analyze definite descriptions like ‘the cupboard’ as in individual constant like the name ‘Camillo’ above. For example, ‘Camillo’ = camillo, and ‘the book’ = thebook.
Note: t= time
∃t∃e [t<t0∧ arrive (e) ∧ PAT (J, e) ∧ MANNER (late, e) ∧ INST (train, e) ∧ AT(e, t)]
∃t∃e [t<t0∧ take ( e ) ∧ AGENT (Francesca, e) ∧ PAT (book, t) ∧ LOC (Argo,e) ∧ AT (e, t)]
2Consult your notes from Lecture 2 for an analysis of ‘always’.
Your task: Provide a logical analysis of the following sentences, using all the logical vocabulary you’ve learned. These can be challenging, and there are different ways some of these sentences can be logically analyzed (i.e. the position of the quantifiers in the formula). Trust your skills and instincts forlogic!
Note:x= some tree
∃x ∃t ∃e [t0< t ∧ tree (x) ∧ fall ( e )∧ suddenly ( e ) ∧ PAT (x, e) ∧ AT (e, t) ]
Note: M = mail
∀x [ Mx →∃e∃t [ t0< t∧ arrive ( e ) ∧ PATIENT (x, e) ∧ INST (train, e)∧ MANNER (late,e) ∧ AT (t, e) ]]
( This is challenging but you can do it! – Think of how multiple events were ‘connected’ in lecture 2)