Concert Response Paper
In the University at Buffalo, music is occurring in Baird Hall and Slee Hall all the time. Many of the sounds you hear are ones that will eventually become part of semi-professional concerts.
You MUST attend one music department-sponsored concert during the course of the semester. A full listing of all such events taking place, along with the specific venue and time, is included at the following link: (any concert listed as “Rental” or “Brown Bag” will not count). All other recitals or concerts on or before 7 December are therefore available to you.
Though some concerts issue tickets, others do not (e.g. student recitals). You must prove your attendance at these concerts in one of two ways:
Complimentary tickets are given out to all UB students who present their ID card at the Slee Hall ticket office during the hour prior to the concert’s start. In order to receive credit for attending, you must sign in with your student ID before the concert starts as well as sign out with your student ID when the concert is over.
You must photograph all the pages of your program and include them with your concert response paper. Bear in mind these pages do not not count toward your required number of pages.
Taking notes during the course of the concert is allowed, but please try to be non-disruptive during the performance. Making noise or using your phone to take notes is discourteous both to the performer and to the audience members sitting around you. For a quick resource on what constitutes proper concert etiquette and manners, click here:
After the concert, write one three to four (3-4) page paper on the experience, commenting upon various aspects such as the venue, performer(s), the audience, and, of course, the music itself. Please write a coherent, clear essay with paragraphs and organized thoughts. You are permitted to use the first-person in writing if you feel that will help you. Take care to answer all of the prompting questions (see next page). It would be wise to begin writing almost as soon as the concert is over so that the experience is still fresh in your mind.
When finished, submit your paper via UBLearns within one (1) week of the concert date. Plan ahead! Any paper you submit after that time has elapsed will be marked late and therefore only receive a maximum of half-credit.
No concert response papers will be accepted after 7 December @11:59PM!
Please use the following header for your concert response paper:
Your Name
Concert Response Paper
Concert Date: <insert date here>
Due Date: <insert date here>
Paper Prompts
Extra Credit Option
You may write a second concert response paper about another concert you attend at UB. Whichever concert response paper is better will be the one used in the “Concert Response Paper” section of the grading scale. The other will count, as extra credit, up to 5% on your final average depending on the grade that paper received. That scale is as follows:
0 points = 0% | 1-4 points = 1% | 5-9 points = 2% |
10-14 points = 3% | 15-19 points = 4% | 20 points = 5% |