Analytical Essay 1: Text Analysis (7 points)
For this assignment, you are asked to write a critical analysis essay that analyzes and makes a claim about ONE of the Moodle readings. The essay should develop and prove a point about the text you’ve chosen to analyze. No outside research is required (nor is it permitted) for this assignment. The purpose of the text analysis is to focus on analyzing a specific work and developing critical thinking skills.
Purpose and Focus
A good critical analysis for this assignment
Critical Analysis Methods
There are many approaches you could take to this assignment. Here are possible approaches, as examples:
Length: at least 3 pages (minimum=approximately 750+ words).
Format: typed or computer-generated, double-spaced, reasonable font, APA or MLA style.
Due Date: 9:00 a.m. on the day of Session 2
Submitting the Essay: Do both of the following:
(1) Submit a copy via the Essay 1 link in the Assignment menu on the course website by 9:00 a.m. on the day of Session 2
(2) Print out a copy and bring it to class (for workshops)