Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780132556385
Read “Case 2-3: Performance Management at the University of Ghana” from the textbook. Answer the questions that are located at the end of the case study.
Use University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Your findings in a 4-5 page document, not including the cover and reference pages.
2. sourcing plan
You’ve been tasked with making a sourcing plan to make 100 gift bags for Portland State University (particularly the school of business) to share with guests/visitors/lecturers/job applicants. The goal of the gift bag is to serve as a positive reminder of a visit here, and to highlight the competitive advantage and unique attributes of Portland State University. It should represent Portland State University/Portland/Oregon with a mix of products and be small enough to include in travel luggage.
Assume a total budget for the project of $2,500. This should include the cost of assembly as well (assume $15/hour for assembly). You are not required to purchase anything for this project and no purchases will be reimbursed.
The assignment includes providing the full product information, purchasing information, and assembly information. That is, I should be able to give your assignment to someone as is who isn’t familiar with this assignment and they should be able to know exactly what is included, where/how to purchase an of the products, and to assemble the product. In addition, they should know the prices, where to buy, and any bulk purchasing discounts.
I will share the best assignment(s) with administration and ask that they purchase the gift bags to give to visitors (dependent on administrative approval of the final product).
Follow the following structure for the assignment:
Part 1: Executive summary. A short description introducing the project and gift bag contents, and a table listing the products and their costs.
Part 2: Detailed Purchasing Information by product. Description of products, why each product was included, and how to source the products. For each product, identify contact information for purchasing the product, price, lead times, and any other details necessary for someone to purchase each product.
Part 3: Operational Information. Assembly process/time, disposal of packaging waste, shelf life of any products, inventory storage requirements, lead times, hazards, etc. As these will vary by the types of products you select, this is largely up to you to determine what would be important information.
Part 4: Budget. A budget describing the total costs of the project including purchasing and assembly times.
Part 5: Sourcing Biography. A brief biography of each of the team members and their contribution to the project.