After you have gained a clearer understanding of the conversation around the chosen issue, take, develop, and support a specific position on it. Follow the guidelines in They Say/I Say as you plan and write. A possible response to the “they say” may involve solving a problem or improving a situation through a particular course of action.
(10% of course grade)
Objective | Description | Point Breakdown |
Focus & Organization | Organization The essay remains focused throughout; organizational components (e.g. introduction, thesis statement, transitions, topic sentences, etc.) are used effectively. * Focus: 10 pts | Focus: 10 pts. Organization: 10 pts.
(20 pts.) |
Thesis | Thesis is clear & concise; reflects thought, insight, and originality and challenges the reader to see the topic in a new way | Clarity: 10 pts. Originality: 10 pts. (20 pts.) |
Idea Development | Ideas are thoroughly developed using “they say” and “I say”; each paragraph effectively develops one distinct idea; summary, paraphrase, and quotation are introduced and explained. | Idea development: 10 pts. Integration of “they say”: 10 pts.
(20 pts.) |
Research & MLA | At least 3 reliable sources are used; MLA format is used correctly, including in-text citations; Works Cited formatted correctly. | Sources: 5 pts. MLA format: 5 pts. (10 pts.) |
Usage | Language used within the essay is appropriate for academic writing; grammar errors do not disrupt communication; spacing, punctuation, and spelling conform to standard rules. | Academic Writing: 5 pts. Grammar: 5 pts. Spacing: 3 pts. Punctuation: 5 pts. Spelling: 2 pts. (20 pts.) |
Writing Process | Writing process includes submission of rough draft and participation in individual conference; rough draft is thorough and at least 50% of final draft in terms of idea development | Rough draft: 5 pts. Conference attendance: 5 pts.
(10 pts.) |
Total possible points: 100 pts. (10% of final grade)