Persepolis and Fun
Discuss your personal experience reading both Persepolis and March#3, as well as the essay you chose fromJournalism. How was it learning about war through a graphic novel and short form comics? Also, reflect on thediscussions you had in class this week on the two books. Respond to the articles Columbia Journalism Review “How Comics Journalism Brings Stories to Life”, “ Comic Journalism, Comic Activism”, and to “Comics Studies: Persepolis
and Fun Home”(Under Required Readings under /Graphic Memoir/Comics Journalism section on D2L). Discuss theidea of “hot” vs “cool” mediums in terms of comics and film. Discuss the ways in which the essay you focused on inJournalism was similar or different to the news article you found on the same subject. What are your thoughts onusing a comics or graphic novel format to bring awareness to war, trauma, immigration, violence, class inequities,
race etc…? What are your thoughts about the Madaya Mom, and ABC News International’s collaboration withMarvel Comics to report on war?