Creation of Concepts About Print book with pictures including a written rationale.
The assignment includes the following:
Book and Related Documentation
- Students will create a “Concepts about Print” book following the guidelines of the Marie Clay Model.
- Students will provide written instructions for the teacher to accompany each page of their book following the guidelines of the Marie Clay Model.
1000 words
Students will write a rationale justifying the importance of Concepts of Print for literacy development with beginning readers.
300-400 words
Reference List
Students will provide a reference list of sources cited in the rationale.
Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from the attached rubric.
- Content: analyze one book. Make a persuasive presentation of your ideas. Overall content is original, sophisticated and insightful. The paper analyzes the topic thoroughly; no grammatical errors, no inaccurate citations or inaccurate paraphrasing from the readings.
- Organization: paper develops an argument or thesis statement rather than merely listing evidence; body paragraphs of the essay are clearly linked to the thesis and follow logically from it; conclusion considers the ramifications of the thesis (or answer the question, “so what?”).
- Evidence: argument is convincingly supported by evidence such as quotations from the assigned reading texts; quotes are integrated into the paper using parenthetical citation (identify author’s last name, and cite page of the text); quotes are followed by a thorough analysis that shows how they are evidence.