Wireshark PCAP
Use the pcap provided and analyze it using NetworkMiner and Wireshark.
Write an analysis report indicating what you have found for potential evidence – images, usernames, passwords, Web sites, files. Include which browser was used. You can get this information out of an HTTP request packet. In addition, compare the results from the two programs and provide an analysis as to which you prefer and why.
Problem 4: Fama-French Three-Factor Model.
Download the Excel spreadsheet Portfolio_Returns.xlsx from Blackboard. The file contains the monthly excess returns in percent of a wide range of stocks and of QQQ (Nasdaq ETF), IWM (Russell ETF), and MCHI (China ETF).
Since some companies have not been publicly listed for the entire time period from January 2014 to December 2018, we cannot use them for our analysis. Please research the QQQ, IWM, and MCHI ETFs to see if you can use them as a replacement for missing stocks. For example, Alibaba (BABA) has not been listed for the entire time period, however, MCHI can serve as a decent albeit not perfect replacement in your analysis.
Additionally, the file contains the time series ExcMkt, SMB,and HML, representing the excess market return, the small-minus-big return, and the high-minus-low return.
For the following part, consider only your three largest holdings by market value.
For the following part, consider your entire portfolio.
Remember: is a proxy to how much market risk your portfolio carries; is your exposure to small over big firms; is your exposure to firms with a high book value compared to their market capitalization. These three betas are assumed to be non-diversifiable risk factors, and in the long run investors should be rewarded for their risk of having greater betas.