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Marketing Fundamentals – RoyalCustomEssays

Marketing Fundamentals

“Romantic Facts”
March 17, 2019
Principles of macroeconomics
March 29, 2019


Marketing Fundamentals

Assessment Marketing Plan – Stage 2: Segmentation, Targeting,
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes Addressed

a) Describe the marketing concept
b) Outline and apply the elements of the marketing
c) Identify and explain the macro and micro
environmental factors impacting the marketing of a
business or industry.
d) Demonstrate an ability to incorporate new trends to
solve marketing problems and apply communication

Congratulations! You are now in Stage 2 of your marketing planning process.
It is time to show Mary, your marketing manager, that you know how to identify
appropriate target audience(s). Based on the same client from Stage 1, you are now
required to analyse the market using suitable and relevant segmentation variables in order
to describe the ideal target market(s) for your client.
As part of the marketing process, you need to research different types of data using a
variety of sources to understand the consumer behaviour of your client’s target market.
What are its consumers’ needs and motivations and what influences them in their
purchasing decisions.
In this stage, you also need to identify or suggest a positioning statement to the client,
which considers all the values and competitive advantages that need to be promoted to
consumers, as well as setting up its positioning map using competitors’ information already
collected in Stage 1.
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Instructions- Stage 2
In Stage 2 of your marketing plan, the focus is on applying segmentation techniques to
establish the target audience profile(s) for your selected business and how the business
‘positions’ itself in the minds of those consumers.
Make sure you use the same client from Stage 1.
At this point, Stage 2, you must submit a word/text document which includes:
a) Cover page including:
i. Business name
ii. Student Identifier (name and number)
iii. Subject code and name
b) Identification of the current consumer buyer characteristics including:
i. Level of involvement of consumers that purchase the product/service
and identify the stages of the buyer decision making process.
ii. A summary of key situational, psychological and social influences on
the buying decision process.
Stage 4 (Assessment 4)
Metrics Proposal and Reflection
Stage 3 (Assessment 3)
Marketing Mix
Stage 2 (Assessment 2)
Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
Stage 1 (Assessment 1)
Situational Analysis
MKT101A Assessment 2 Brief Page 3 of 6
c) Develop a target market profile (s) applying two (2) variables for each of the
following segmentation elements: demographics, geographics,
psychographics and behavioural elements. Hint: Your business may target
more than one market and if so, focus on what you think is the largest target
d) Inclusion of a positioning statement for the client highlighting the values and
benefits offered by the brand to consumers. This may be derived from
evaluating the client’s website and marketing communications.
e) Creation of a positioning map using the two main competitors identified in
Stage 1, together with a brief reasoning for your choice of axis.
f) Reference list using APA 6th ed. style.
Submission guidelines
 The presentation recommended for this Assessment is REPORT FORMAT.
 An executive summary is NOT required.
 Use suitable headings and subheadings for the information presented, and page
numbers should appear on each page of the document – ideally in either the
header or footer.
 All assessments are to be submitted to Blackboard. All work must be word-processed,
spell-checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance.
 The assessment submission should include the Similarity Report from Turnitin.
 Assessments should not be written from a 1st person context, but rather from the 3rd
person perspective. That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable.
 All claims and recommendations are to be supported by suitable and relevant
marketing and/or theoretical principles and their relevant references.
 The report should include a correctly constructed Reference List and accompanying intext
citations as per University guidelines (APA 6th ed. referencing style). Please see the
Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th ed.:
 The use of any combination of narrative, point form, diagrams, graphs or charts
including presenting the information in table form is permitted – particularly if these
devices reduce the wordiness and increase the “readability” of the submission.
MKT101A Assessment 2 Brief Page 4 of 6
Learning Rubrics- Assessment 2: Marketing Plan- Stage 2: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
Fail (Unacceptable)
High Distinction
Consumer Buyer
Identified key
A summary of key
psychological and
social influences
Limited understanding
and analysis of the level
of involvement of the
purchasing decision.
Stages of the decision
process and influences on
the purchase decision not
clearly identified.
Few references used to
support the discussion.
Some understanding and
analysis of the level of
involvement of the
purchasing decision.
Stages of the decision
process and influences on
the purchase decision
Limited relevant and
reliable sources used.
Good understanding and
analysis of the level of
involvement of the
purchasing decision, s
Stages of the decision
process and influences on
the purchase decision
identified and supported
with good discussion
Relevant and reliable
sources used.
Very good
understanding and
analysis of the level of
involvement of the
purchasing decision,
stages of the decision
process and influences
on the purchase decision.
The information
discriminates between
assertion of personal
substantiated by robust
evidence from research
materials and extended
Excellent understanding
and sophisticated
analysis of the level of
involvement of the
purchasing decision,
stages of the decision
process and influences on
the purchase decision.
The information
systematically and
critically distinguishes
between assertion of
personal opinion and
information obtained
from robust evidence
from research and
extended reading.
Segmentation and
Target market
consumer buyer
Segmentation variables
are unclear and
psychographics and
characteristics not
Some segmentation
variables identified.
psychographics and
segmentation variables
At least eight (8)
segmentation variables
identified. Good
selection of
psychographics and
Very good selection of
psychographics and
behavioural variables.
Excellent selection of
psychographics and
behavioural variables.
MKT101A Assessment 2 Brief Page 5 of 6
and behavioural
included with some
adjustments required.
Limited relevant and
reliable sources used to
support the
identification of
behavioural variables.
Relevant and reliable
sources used to support
the identification of
Relevant and reliable
sources used to support
the identification of
Very good target
market profile identified
for the business.
Relevant and reliable
sources used to support
the identification of
Excellent target market
profile identified for the
Identification of a
statement and
development of a
positioning map.
Positioning statement
not clearly identified.
Positioning map not
included or did not
include main competitors
from stage 1.
Positioning statement
included some relevant
values and benefits.
Positioning map
included main
competitors from stage
1 but some minor
adjustments required.
Good positioning
statement including
relevant values and
Good and clear
positioning map
including main
competitors from stage
1 and relevant factors
Axis choice explained.
Very good positioning
statement including
relevant values and
Very good and clear
positioning map
including competitors
from stage 1 and
relevant factors
utilised and
substantiated by
Very good justification
of axis choice.
Excellent positioning
statement including
relevant values and
Excellent positioning
map including
competitors from stage
1 and thorough
research provided.
Excellent justification
of axis choice.
Quality and accuracy
of referencing and
communication skills
Few credible and
research sources used.
Some mistakes with intext
citations and the
reference list.
Limited quality and
credible research sources
Some mistakes with intext
citations and the
reference list.
Good number of quality
and credible research
sources used.
Limited mistakes with
in-text citations and the
reference list.
Wide variety of high
quality and credible
research sources used.
Very few mistakes with
in-text citations and the
reference list.
Excellent engagement of
a wide variety of quality
and credible research
No mistakes with intext
citations and the
MKT101A Assessment 2 Brief Page 6 of 6
Information is difficult
to understand for the
No logical/clear
structure and spelling
and grammatical
errors throughout.
No headings,
subheadings, and
other submission
guidelines not
Information is not always
clear and logical to
understand for the
audience and lacks clear
Some spelling and
grammatical errors
Limited headings,
subheadings, and/or
some submission
guidelines require
Information is mostly
clear and logical to
understand for the
A clear structure and
few spelling and
grammatical errors
Headings and
subheadings and other
requirements are
consistent with
submission guidelines.
Information is clear and
logical to understand
for the audience and
well supported by
Very minor spelling
and grammatical errors
Headings, subheadings
and other submission
guidelines are
consistent with
submission guidelines.
reference list.
Information is logical
and persuasive.
Relevant concepts and
theories applied.
Very strongly supported
by evidence.
Free of spelling and
grammatical errors
Headings, subheadings
and other submission
guidelines are
consistent with
submission guidelines.

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