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History of Higher Education – RoyalCustomEssays

History of Higher Education

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History of Higher Education



Historical Reading and Response Paper


WEIGHT:                              40%

APPROX. LENGTH:           5 pages as minimum (Not including cover page, reference page, etc.)


Essentially, you will review an historical article of note (you can select among the assigned, or better yet, recommended readings, for this paper) and present your response to it.


Discuss the article and offer a thoughtful analysis of the most salient points that have been made; comment on the overall significance of the reading: To whom was it written? What purpose did it serve? What is the central message and why is it important? – that type of thing)


The following components should guide your paper:


  1. Conceptual Map: Tell me what you are going to be addressing in the paper (very briefly).
  2. Type of Reading: Discuss the article as a historical piece of writing.
  3. Purpose of Article: Why was the article written? To persuade someone or some organization to do something? To simply inform and enlighten about historical moments in higher education? To prove a theory or make the strong case for the reason behind why a certain structure/policy exists in higher education?
  4. Key Statements and Issues: What are the most important issues discussed in the readings, and why do you consider them important? Contextually speaking, how were these issues relevant for the population in that particular time period? Can you provide evidence for how the issues have relevance for higher education today?
  5. Usefulness and Effectiveness: In what way is the article relevant to the study of the history of higher education? How is it useful to prospective administrators/leaders in higher education?
  6. Conclusion



Some selected readings:


1915 Declaration of Principles by the AAUP

1940 Statement of Principles the AAUP

Chaplin, J.  (2005). Life of Henry Dunster, first president of Harvard College.  Ann Arbor: Scholarly Publishing Office University of Michigan Library.

For the Children of the Infidels by Bobby Wright, ASHE Reader

Hofstader, R. & Metzger, W.P. (1969). The development of academic freedom in the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.

Horowitz, H. L. (1988). Campus life: Undergraduate cultures from the end of the eighteenth century to the present. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Horowitz, H. L. (1993). Alma mater: Design and experience in Women’s Colleges from the nineteenth-century beginnings to the 1930s. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press.

Humphrey, D.C. (1976). From Kings College to Columbia. New York: Columbia University Press.

Huxley, T. A Liberal Education, and Where to Find It.

Jefferson, The Rockfish Gap Report (1818)

Jencks, C. & Riesman, D. (1968/ 2001). The Academic Revolution. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Kerr, C. (2001). The uses of the university. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lehman, N. (2000). The big test: The secret of the American meritocracy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Lewis, H. (2006). Excellence without soul: How a great university forgot education.  New York: Public Affairs.

Mill, Inaugural Address at the University of St. Andrews (1867)

Morison, S.E. (1988). The founding of Harvard College. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Navarette, Jr., R. (1994). A darker shade of crimson: Odyssey of a Harvard Chicano.  New York: Bantam.

Report of the Committee of Ten

Rodriguez, R. (2004). Hunger of memory: The education of Richard Rodriguez. New York: Dial Press Trade Paperback.

Taylor, J. M. (1914). Before Vassar opened. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

The Atlanta Compromise by Booker T. Washington

The Morrill Acts

The Talented Tenth by W.E.B. DuBois

The Yale Report of 1828, ASHE Reader Supplement

Veysey, L. (1965). The Emergence of the American University

Woodson, C. G. (1919/2004). The Education of the Negro prior to 1861. Salt Lake City, UT: Project Gutenberg EBooks.


Notes to consider:


  1. I need to approve the article you will select before you start writing.
  2. I study Master but I want the words to be written in a high-school level.
  3. I am studying Administration of higher education master program if you need to know.
  4. Please consider every word written by the professor instruction above, please it’s important.
  5. This paper is important; a lot of grades will be counted on it, so I am expecting the best work you can do.




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