Imagine that Dr. Maxime Tremblay, the lead researcher in developing the Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Motivation Scale (WEIM) (Tremblay, et al., 2009) is a professional colleague of yours, and that she has asked for your candid opinion on the rigor of the procedures that the researchers used to validate the WEIM measure. You would like to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Tremblay in the future, therefore you are eager to point out the many strengths of the procedures that she and her colleagues used. However, you would also like to establish yourself as a credible expert who can provide critical input to further strengthen their work in the future. With these goals in mind, please:
• Assess and critique the adequacy of the procedures used to test the validity of the WEIM.
Describe the meaning of internal, external, and construct validity, and indicate whether and how each is related to other types of validity.
1. Identify and assess the strengths of the procedures that Tremblay, et al. used to test the validity of the WEIM. Consider, for example, how their article would be coded according to the 11 attributes that Boudreau, et al. (2001) employed and/or the 13 codes that Scandura and Williams (2001) used, and why.
1. Constructively critique the procedures that Tremblay, et al. used to test the validity of the WEIM by noting any major gaps, omissions, or lack of clarity, and recommending ways to address those issues in the future.